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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by korvas_vile

  1. Hey everyone! I just came back to the game and I'm here looking for some amazing Imperial side RP. I've got a mid-level Pureblood Sith Marauder and I want to find a heavy RP guild that offers quality RP!
  2. To your first question, I cannot answer with direct knowledge, but in my experience with MMO RP, find an RP heavy guild. Personally, I prefer tabletop RPGs to sate my RP urges (because of the face-to-face nature).


    To your second question, the short answer is why not? When it comes to RP I am a firm believer in saying yes as much as possible. An idea for how what you are suggesting could be pulled off is that there is precedent for force users using the force to conceal their sensitivity. With this in mind your character's parents could remain hidden. The rest I'll leave to your creativity.


    Thanks! I just didn't know if there was lore that would prevent such a thing.

  3. Hello everybody! I'm one of those people that pre-ordered the game and played for a few weeks before moving on. I recently started back and subscribed again on Beregen Colony. My first question goes out to my server in particular: Where's the RP? I play a Sith Juggernaut and I have seen little bits on Korriban and in the cantina in the fleet, is that it? If not, where can I find the other stuff and perhaps some guilds that offer good RP for a veteran like myself?


    Now here come the lore questions. Assuming that the galaxy is a very vast place and that hutt-controlled planets in particular are even more vast, would it be plausible for a pair of Sith who fell to the power of love to leave their life in the empire and have a force-sensitive child in the depths of Nar Shadaa? I was trying to think of a story for my pureblood and I thought maybe it would be cool to see him rise from the planet to become the apprentice of a sith he would later kill.

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