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Posts posted by Zimlon

  1. I like the idea of no Top 3s for group ranked that makes perfect sence. What is good is also the idea of 40+ wins for rewards. I dont agree with the Tiers, I would keep the tiers as in Season 10 cause of how the leaderboards look like.


    I really agree with you! The tiers should just be where they were in S10!


    Let me point out why:


    1) The lowered tiers in S10 were the reason that more players actually have begun or restarted their solo ranked career, because they saw that gold elo is available for normal players who don't have the time to spend like 20 hours a day with queuing for solo ranked.


    2) Atm group ranked is dead af and no one is playing it. So it's obvious that more people have characters over 1500+ in solo ranked. Just maths, dudes.


    3) The fact that more people are having the gold elo so far is because that the season has been lasting too long yet like it is the same in every season. More time = more people getting gold elo.


    4) You should not forget, that many people were fighting and grinding so hard to get gold elo like 1500. I know many guys who played like 300 + games and working their way up step by step, getting A BIG HIT OF THOSE THROWERS AND TROLLERS every and every time.


    5) Setting those tiers up again like they always do would trigger the playerbase, which is not that big in ranked gameplay so far, in a bad way. They need every subscription and to point it out, setting those tiers up would cause a massive bye-bye-train for many players getting hits in the face by the developers every time.


    6) Having those people crying about that gold elo has to be "exclusive" for somehow cannot be the point to set it up. Those people are the players who have like 5 characters in gold elo in every season farming everyone. It does not seem too hard for them to get gold, but like i said before, many people don't have that amount of free time to grind and grind and grind. And, obviously, ranked cannot be that competitive atm having trollers, traders and throwers ruining the days of players who just wanna climb in a fair way. There are some other issues that have to be fixed for sure. And furthermore i know manye very good players who play in a fair way and don't get to 1500 so far, having like 100000000 games done yet.


    7) If you breakdown the numbers of people having gold atm to the amount of the last given servers wordlwide, it seems to be okay to have those numbers. To this you can see what classes are more played atm and don't trigger the playerbase like Sins or Powertechs (low number in gold elo).


    Please bioware, be clever!

  2. :D:D:D:D Was ist mit euch denn los? Anscheinend habt ihr überhaupt nichts zu tun, als nach Threads zu suchen und in euern Augen "scheinbar sinnlose" Kommentare zu flamen. :D


    1. Es stimmt zu sagen, dass ziemlich wenig 4er Teams listen. Potenzial ist auch vorhanden.

    --> Was ich nicht verstehe ist, dass ihr verkackten Hater losflamt von wegen Omas etc :D:D Man muss nicht genau so viele Spiele ranked-technisch haben, um so etwas sagen zu können. Hauptsache flamen, ne? ;) Riiiiiiiiiiichtig erwachsen.


    2. Nein lieber Vayyn, falsch korrigiert. Liste du erst einmal rated, anstatt loszukacken. Es ist doch von Vorteil, dass immer mehr Teams listen. Was ist mit dir nur los? Klar verlieren die Omas auch Spiele, gewinnen aber auch welche. Na und? Es geht ums listen, mein Freund :D Aber genau solch ein Verhalten ist der Grund, dass so wenige Teams listen. Kindergarten, bro :***


    3. Keiner von den Omas hat je behauptet, dass die Omas IMMER listen. Früher bekanntlich sehr unregelmäßig. Gründe dafür müssen hier nicht ausgeweitet werden. Aber okay, interpretieren ist ja bekanntlich nicht jedermanns Stärke ;) Doch mittlerweile listen sie auch, is doch in Ordnung?


    4. Wenn man sich den Text von Arroc mal genauer durchlesen würde, würde man den Inhalt vielleicht auch verstehen. Das war kein Trollversuch oder Ähnliches, sondern nur eine sachliche Anmerkung, die absolut von Richtigkeit war :D


    Aber okay, liebe Armutsgemeinde von Star Wars. Dreht weiterhin die Worte im Munde um und versucht euch bis aufs Blut darüber zu ergötzen kein inhaltliches Verständnis zu besitzen. Der Hammer :D


    *****torm in 3...



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