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Posts posted by TrailorParkKid

  1. It's actually called bait and switch and in that case, then yes it is Bioware's fault.


    It's not bait and switch. They posted it would not be in the Patch BEFORE the serves went down, and before the patch was available, and BEFORE the patch notes were released, which I believe the still have not been published.


    It is only the subscribers fault for jumping the gun on an obvious feature they were watching like a hawk. Had they exerted a little patience they would have seen the notice prior to logging on to re-sub. I stand by my argument, not BW's fault. Patience is a virtue.

  2. Edit: Btw I mean a proper one like how WoW does it, not what is in the game currently.


    I love how WoW is always the so-called standard, yet so many people are leaving it for so many reasons including lack of community, which was destroyed by the so-called tool you are so desperately requesting.


    Again, in another thread about the stupid LFG tool I will say, join a guild and problem solved.

  3. Awful solution is awful.


    1) There will be times when guild members are not online and / or do not want to do a flashpoint when you do. The rebuttal may be "oh join a large guild." Well, a lot of us don't like that for a plethora of reasons. So endure the idiocy of a large guild or...?


    2) Due to the fact that this is a new game, guilds are not established yet. I joined one guild shortly after launch and left after a couple days. It was a bad fit. Mostly because the guild leader recruited everyone and their dog. That wasn't my thing. Since then, no guild worth consideration is in need of a tank at present. So I should re-roll or not do flashpoints, then?


    Terrible, terrible solution bro.


    I run a guild with ~25 people in it. Not too big or small, and we all help each other when we need to run a FP or Heroics regardless of the level gap. We are well established, and have been for about 7 years, but we also have new people. Granted, finding the "right fit" can be a challenge sometimes, but a FP finder is a step away from community and socializing imo.

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