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Posts posted by Nerdcommando

  1. Not advancing these character story lines is foolish. The strength of this games foundation is the connection players have with their characters. That keeps dwindling as time moves forward and they never have the opportunity to reconnect. You have 3 new planets since 50 plus Oricon.


    Here let me explain how you can make more money than this entire 20 dollar expansion will yield. Release chapter 4 (5 if you count Makeb) for every class and charge 1000 cartel coins (or even 5.00) per unlock. Hell even making it character specific would be fine. Over the course of two/three years you will reap in more money this way.


    Quite frankly the only thing keeping me in this game is the 7 other people on my ops team, and with the super slow cadence of operation releases I don't know how much longer that will last.

  2. They have done a lot for this game recently. The new development strategy since Makeb released has been sound. The major killer for this game will be a lack of class story development. Having the character advance their personal goals via the world story arc is what made this game. Its the cornerstone - and to not develop it would be introducing foundation cracks in a skyscraper. Many old players will return just to see it again. Its a good way to get people back.
  3. It wold be super helpful to have the ability to friend all my toons in the legacy regardless of faction or have the mail auto-complete just know them. As you can tell by my second word I suck at spelling.
  4. The fix is not gonna happen in 2.4 though,


    Premades will still be in regs - because objective play funnier than deathmatch - so it's not likely to change. Deal with it. :-/


    I deal with it in the following manor.

    Do I res run in and die within 3 global cd's 2+ times in a row. If yes assume over geared premade in voice chat; because on my PVE server I have never seen a pug pvp group focus fire before in my life. Then I leave and reque so I wont be facing them again.


    This isn't a real solution this is how I avoid suffering the effects of poor game design. It isn't fun going up against this type of team. In fact it is the opposite of fun. They cant get rid of the group que'ing; that would be ridiculous. They could buff the other team to compensate for the lack of coordination. This would help balance. But until I see something in a patch note trying to fix this problem I will leave the match rather than stay; and that reduces the fun for everyone else.

  5. So either I suck at google or no one has posted what each of the 4 warlords gains after the 1rst, 2nd, 3rd one dies. Can anyone fill in the gaps here?


    Horric - 0 - Cone DMG

    - 1 - ????

    - 2 - ????

    - 3 - ????


    Garr - 0 - Stealth's out and hits people

    - 1 - Grapples someone to him when he stealth's out

    - 2 - ????

    - 3 - ????


    Sunder - 0 - Chases nearest person hit hard

    - 1 - Roots and chases someone

    - 2 - ????

    - 3 - Spawns adds


    Chuck - 0 - Cleaves

    - 1 - Knock Back Cleave

    - 2 - Knock Back Root and Cleave

    - 3 - Cleave and gnarly debuff


    Any and all info would be much appreciated.

  6. My last thought is that even though shadow dps is generally thought of as the lowest dps class, every fight up to styrak (to my knowledge hasn't been cleared by a shadow dps yet) is beatable as a shadow. I am a rather firm believer that if a player can play the class to potential there should be no reason not to bring


    My group uses a madness assassin and

    A) He does well and puts up enough dps for every encounter we have done.

    B) He has downed Stryak (in HM)

    C) People complain about potential output and would only have a leg to stand on if they kept coming across 2% wipes. Because after all being about 200 dps behind a mara isn't going to add up to that much.

  7. Sorry to have given the impression that I'm a little snobby about this. I run a unguilded op group (currently people from 3 different guilds in it). This is my consideration order


    Role Needed >= player not being a jerk > someone who knows whats up > specific utility/dmg profile.


    But since this forum is at its heart a theory crafting one I was just positing a question and a new idea/can to kick around. I think how dmg is applied, rate, debuff management, procs, etc is an important question when thinking about what spec you wish to bring or start looking for.


    I remember pre 2.0 it seemed that all the highest performers were dot specs and now it doesn't seem that way.


    I myself switched my main for 2.0 because I didn't want to run double assassin tank (and that was before I heard about how lousy they were becoming) solely on the basis of being able to switch out who's MT for a differing incoming dmg profile depending on fight. Now I know it currently doesn't matter (but that doesn't mean that it won't in the future)

  8. Hello DPS'ers,


    I am wondering for raid comp why no one talks about dmg profile when selecting class composition of raid groups.


    Some classes can bring a solid aoe, dots, on demand burst, execute, etc.


    Am I crazy for finding value in assembling classes with a differing dmg profile. Am I crazy for disliking bringing 2 of the same AC because of this and missed utility.




  9. Well I see that you have set it up already; but I will throw in my 3 1/4 cents anyways (that's right I'm loaded with cents).


    Teaching someone to tank is about teaching them a different philosophical approach to the game.


    Philosophical tenet:

    1) Your number one priority for an encounter is to provide control.

    You are the anchor of each encounter. How good you are at this translates into DPS/Healer up-time. So how does one provide control to a fight.


    1a) Every fight as a tank is a mechanics fight. You need to understand what is going to happen to everyone and the best way to balance long term positioning with the short term RNG. For example Stryak. Last night for my group he spawned by the entrance and not in the middle of the room on those stones like he normally does for us. Normally we aim him to the throne, but that wasn't possible. I had to look where my group was and choose the best place to position him so thundering blast didn't hit the group. A bad tank will try and force him by the throne because that was the plan ahead of time.


    1b) Communicate. You need to be in communication with your fellow tank, you need to be in communication with healers for CD usage. You need to be able to tell the DPS hey I'm tanking stryak by the door and not the throne so put your orbitals there.


    1c) Be wrong acting/reacting. When something happens off schedule or someone screws up - do something don't just wait for the group to wipe and say, "I did what you asked me to do." If you know the fight and the needs of all 4 roles (mdps,rdps,heals,tanks) you can react to RNG in an intelligent manor. Your choice may be the wrong one; but you made a split second call to save the situation and that's better than watching it fall apart. Every time you make those mistakes think about why it didn't work. You will then make better decisions in the future.


    2) Threat.

    Yes I know this is part of 1, but I think its important to separate it from 1 and think about it separately. This is the mechanic that allows 1 to happen.

    2a) Guard - 90% of the time on a melee. Their pulling threshold is lower than ranged I believe.

    2b) Opener - Each rotation for the classes is different and everyone has their own opinion, but in general its something like this. Heavy threat ability(s) 1 to 3 followed by a taunt (for guaranteeing boss attention for a few seconds while some abilities come off CD or a DPS gets a bunch of lucky crits in their opening rotation). AGain this is highly debatable - but the jist of this is pretty solid.

    2c) Adds. Be prepared to have an AOE taunt and or regular taunt for them. If you use your AOE taunt say so in case you pull the boss from the other tank. He can save his single target taunt for your AOE in case that happens.


    3) Gearing/numbers

    Our numbers game happens before the op begins. Its a stat shuffle and keyboardninja obviously knows it. So listen to him and no as a beginner you don't know more than him, but ask anyway so you can learn why.


    4) Don't be easily rattled.

    Constructive criticism and brainstorming by other roles is very useful. They have a different perspective to the encounter and will notice things you didn't with that giant boss covering your whole screen.


    Best of luck Keyboard Ninja. Please update the community on how it went.

  10. These are the only 2 AC's that are pure DPS; as in they cannot be tank/healer. So they need the utility in order to have a useful ability to bring to the group as a whole.


    The Assasin DPS in my group often taunts and runs while a tank gets a combat res (not to mention the stealth res). The Merc in my group knows where his heals are and helps in that regard when the situation dictates also he is the combat res'er.


    Do not discount the ability to switch roles when the stuff hits the fan. Many a wipe has been turned around due to the competence of player who knows all the abilities in his/her class and when to use them (not to mention thinks of ways to use them in a fight).

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