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Posts posted by Headshot-Hector

  1. The real problem here is that it is just not "a gltich" it is happening over and over and over in this game and alot of the nasty bugs have been fixed, take that into account and then add all the frustrations of account problems, cartel coin issues, lack of content, lack of communication, bad customer service, the time tickets takes to get answered ( i still have a 1 year old ticket with no reply to it open )

    and many other things, a picture starts to emerge of how bad this mmo is being run.

    Then you will maybe start to understand why people have so little patience with the devs or the people working on this game and why they tend to just light up in flames when one more thing breaks/bugs/chrashes.


    This is why I keep suggesting that they're purposely neglecting the game, or making comical content additions or mistakes or oversights, for their own amusement.


    There's way too much wrong with the way this game is ran for it to be a mere mistake. There's no way a company can accidentally fail on such a large scale over and over and over again. They're all sitting at their desks laughing at us, probably.

  2. I remember on time I made a character on a pvp server, and then found out why pvp servers are dead.


    This. The PvP servers need to be destroyed and PvE servers need to have a better OWPvP system introduced, with rewards, similar to what SWG had. You can already flag up for PvP voluntarily on PvE servers. You'd be surprised how many people actually do, too.


    In fact, PvE servers have a very high number of PvPers on them that won't play on PvP servers simply because they're so dead. No other reason.

  3. I heard it repeated from a few others. I resubbed a few months ago to get my toons from 55-60 after being gone since last fall or so. Constantly lagging and now crashing servers does not instill confidence into subscribers.


    Don't forget the bugs, imbalanced team matcher, mismatched VO, population imbalance, badly executed content releases (yanking all our interactive and class-unique companions for a bunch of shallow characters that everyone has access to, can't speak with, and can't customize).....



    Don't get me wrong. SWTOR has been headed in the right direction. Very, very, very slowly. Very slowly. So slowly that by the time it gets there, it'll probably be too dead and have a reputation too bad for it to survive. You need to get your act together now, EA.

  4. Seems like it was down for a couple hours a few months ago. Even so, that's not bad.


    I've seen it go down alone, before. As in, just The Shadowlands, no other servers. Maybe I haven't noticed this happening to other servers because I never check, but if this crashing issue is exclusive to Shadowloands, regardless of how infrequent, then it needs to be dealt with. I'm disappointed to see that it hasn't been.


    But, then again, this is EA we're talking about.

  5. Au contraire - a PvE player can play whatever they like without worrying about what's best in battle. So, any class, any alignment, any spec can be fun, provided that a PvE player is more interested in "fun" then "competition".

    Yeah, yeah, we all know about the group-nazis who complain about this or that class or this or that build when you (unfortunately) get into a GF FP with them, but they can safely be ignored.


    You'll find that most hardcore ops groups are those group nazis.


    PvP is about who's best, not what's best.

    PvE is about what's best, not who's best.


    PvP = knowing your class, knowing your build, being intuitive, adapting to an ever-changing environment of thinking opponents and allies.

    PvE = knowing your rotations, knowing your locations, having the mathematically best damage output possible while you stand in the same spot, fight the same enemies, with the same abilities and the same stats and the same builds and the just-right class over and over and over.


    There are tons of disciplines that are considered sub-par or even useless for PvE, yet no discipline is quite useless in PvP, and the different gear combinations and stat adjustments you can use and still be both viable and competitive is innumerable.

  6. If a class is over-played, it's probably also over-noobed.


    Don't let an excess of sorcs/sages or assassins/shadows stop you from playing one. I, personally, have 3 shadows and an assassin. I'm simply in love with the class and play it very well.


    It's one of the most versatile classes; extremely self-sufficient, very sturdy and has the potential to put out tons of damage. Don't limit yourself to only the tank spec, either. Of my three shadows, Infiltration is my favorite. I smother it in tank gear and it wrecks everything. I was doing a Taral V the other night and, when the entire rest of my group wiped, I killed what was left of both of the vine cat bosses alone and managed to get away with 4% health. As a DPS! Moral of the story: I probably wouldn't have been able to do that on a tank spec. It just doesn't have enough damage-to-survivability balance until much higher levels, and even then, I find it highly questionable.


    Mind, though, that if you're a PvE player, you're severely limiting your choices, just by being that. Don't even bother with anything other than jugg/guardian, sniper/slinger, ataru-form marauder/sentinel, or sorc/sage. And make sure you learn your accursed PvE rotations.

  7. Thank you both for replying.


    You mentioned earlier about gambling packs, what are they?


    Some people in game said to get someone to craft female armor?




    Cartel Market packs are consummable items for sale in the Cartel Market that come and go throughout the year. They're listed in the "Packs" section.


    They usually come in a single-purchase version or a discounted 24-pack version. Each pack, when opened, has a chance to grant a number of different items and, sometimes, some very rare and profitable items.


    They're a gamble because you never know for certain what you'll get in them. The named packs all contain pieces to an outfit or few.

  8. Thank you for replying.


    So a male armor set can be put on a female and it will change to look like a female set?


    Sorry if I sound stupid.





    The general appearance of the outfit will remain the same or change slightly to cover up more sensitive areas (or show a little more skin, in the case of the Sensuous Dress top), but otherwise, each unisex outfit will mold to the body of the wearer.

  9. What's top-end group PvP like in this game?


    Last time I experienced group PvP in a tippytop PvP guild was in STO, and it was basically everyone on the same class in the same ship in the same species for the absolute best stats, and then the whole group coordinates a ridiculously OP debuff/buff wipe combo that leaves each target completely defenseless, then wipes that target in under 10 seconds, cloaks up, waits, repeats.


    Was honestly extremely dull and restrictive. STO was/is a horribly designed game, though, with zero balance and an awful community. So what's it like here?

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