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Posts posted by Xelestial_Dragon

  1. My Twi'lek Jedi cannot wear hoods, but with most headgear the lekku clip through no problem. However, I have one orange headpiece that I use for raiding (modded with lots of end game purples) that removes my lekku entirely, making me look like any old human in a bondage mask. Er, yeah. That's what my guild calls it. No zipper fortunately. No mouth unfortunately.


    Its the only one that does that and I have NFI why


    Probably because it goes all the way around your head if it's that freaky mask you're talking about that I got on my Shadow.

  2. I can't really recommend the Consular's companions or story over any other classes'. And that has to do with both the content and the writing in it.


    But I can say I have a lot of fun playing Shadow.

  3. I am not trying to be rude or offensive, i was simply wondering, if i am the only one who noticed that he might be gay...?


    Since he immediately started coming on to my character and engaged in such relations with her, I came to the conclusion he is


    1. Metrosexual (what I really believe he is supposed to be)

    2. Trying really hard to seem NOT gay by being a playboy.


    Conclusion? Maybe the writers wanted him to be a gay character but when they decided not to have any openly gay characters at that time, they simply made him into #2. But I never, never, never, no matter how hard he flirted or even after he supposedly had relations with my Jedi felt like he was really interested in women in my heart.


    Imo, Tharan is my Jedi's "sassy gay friend" that she screwed one time for the entertainment of both him and her.

  4. I didn't even have internet in '94 :)

    The official stable release accodring to the wiki for heroengine was september 2011 by the by ;)


    The majority of people didn't even have a computer in 94. And yeah I know, but I'm wondering if they only leased it privately to BW or if they were using unstable builds cuz clearly BW didn't make the game in 3 months.

  5. Come again?

    WoW as announced in 2001 and came out three years after that in 2004.

    Warcraft: Orcs & Humans came out in 1994.


    Which still leaves us with seven years and a month beteen WoW release and SWTOR release.


    I seriously lol'd. Not to sound elitist or anything but...really? The Internet wasn't even suitable for MMO play in '94. Also...I don't know when the HeroEngine was finished, but it was earlier than 2010, of course.

  6. I just legitimately want to know, if it already hasn't been answered, did you have anything else to do during this time? Are you a lonely guy in his mom's basement? A rich contractor taking a break? I mean, did you have any other responsibilities during this time or what? Did you ever get sick of the game? How do you make money o_o


    Also why didn't you do four classes on opposite side and level different specs...

  7. I was wondering where the kit was for the tattoo/tribal markings...Never did anything but knight in the beta's. All I remember of Korso during the beta's was him naked...I stayed away from korsos then. Anywho he's a cool dude and like Bowdaar they are good wing men. When those damsals are grateful and rewarding they know what to do.


    My favorite was with Beryl on taris. Korso's like i'll just go count rakghouls. Good man.


    Nekkid "korsos" huh? Amusingly enough, he's even a decent wingman for a female. Well, OK, I guess he's pretty bad. He ALWAYS ruins the mood, but at least he leaves the room as well (while storming off or awkwardly backing out)

  8. This is one of the most frustrating UI designs & has been repeatedly reported & ignored.


    It's like the old WoW mailbox where you could write a very long & detailed letter to someone only to lose the whole thing when some player opened a Trade Window begging for Gold.


    Right now the ONLY work-around is to wait until all your Crew are back from missions BEFORE writing a Ticket. :mad:


    For some reason the thought of this made me literally lol.


    Anyway, I would say that this is frustrating as hell in combat. Especially when I'm doing some epic fight and a companion runs in telling me about how they got some mundane item or worse, failed. Or making me mess up and die or otherwise screw up or at the very least ruining the "epic-feel of the fight. This seems to always happen on an important fight too, like on the final bosses of class chapters or in instances. This doesn't happen in space missions, so why everywhere else?


    A pet peeve that really brings you out of a immersion and occasionally screws things up.

  9. They are literally adding a BUTTLOAD of orange items in 1.2


    Don't like the look of the tier gear (that you probably won't even get) pop out all the mods and put them in orange gear you actually enjoy the look of.


    But wait a minute, you say, the armor I actually like doesn't have THAT great of colors going for it. Guess what, you can change that too!


    This too. Basically, yeah, it's horrendous to the majority of us, but no one's going to actually wear it anyway with so many other choices, so who cares? It's not like how it was when I played WoW and if your tier set was godawful you were stuck with it for months anyway.

  10. That trailer was amazing. I am beyond stoked.


    Also, I'm wondering about your helmet... it looks like those party hats guys wear where there's a beer on either side of their head so they can keep drinking without using their hands.


    If that's the case with the new Smuggler headgear, my respect for you guys has just risen dramatically!


    LOL it does. My thoughts when I saw that part was "Ok so all my characters and my husband's characters get pretty awesome gear except for my Smuggler. Good thing gear is customizable." I just basically ignored it because it was so ugly and accepted the fact I would never, ever wear it.


    So who designed the capes and ugly flashyness we all despise?


    2 words


    Lando Calrissian



    XD Truth.

  11. I loved the story I really felt like my character was doing good and affecting not just the galaxy but my fellow Jedi's with my decisions.





    I was able to stop people from quitting their duties and saving some from having to do things that would get them killed. I helped a sentient race break out of a unfair imprisonment. And I got to save Jedi Masters from an evil plague.




    All that stuff under spoilers made this class fun for me so much so that once I am ready to make another character IM going to make another consular its a fun class.


    The only complaint I have is our lack of romantic options. I am not into Felix hope they will give us Zenith in the future or maybe even another option. Especially after dealing with Doc what is with these Balmorean men? They just have personalities that speak to my characters lol.


    OT, but that reminds me, on the Smuggler you can flirt with like 8 guys as a female and become intimate with like 5 or 6 of them. So far I have turned down at least 3 out of some sense of loyalty to Corso but there's a Balmorran that looks much like Zenith (nothing like him in personality, but that wasn't necessarily bad) you can become intimate with that I couldn't resist XD I'm beginning to think I have some secret, unresolved feelings for Zenith and I can see that my Shadow will be dumping poor Felix ASAP...

  12. To each their own, I guess. I found the end of the Jedi Consular arc a lot more satisfying, and very appropriate for the class.



    The difference to me was that you get to save a person -- and one that you care about --rather than killing one (important or not). It may not give you bragging rights, but it had a much stronger emotional effect on me.


    Just as the important part about the ending of "Return of the Jedi" was not the death of the Emperor, but the redemption of Darth Vader.



    The story arc that is frustrating me at the moment is the Sith Inquisitor arc, which I'm fairly disappointed with (as opposed to the Sith Warrior story, which is shaping up nicely).


    I don't think either one seemed all that satisfying as it could have been. I guess I'm a sucker for big epic finishes.

    I'm all about saving people but I feel like the way it was handled could have been done better. It's more a writing issue than a story issue I think. I mean before Luke saves Vader, he has this big epic fight right? And a lot of build up. I felt like I was missing that build up of tension then release.


  13. Why the hell did they move this here? It's a very general question.


    Life after 50 is what you want it to be. You can focus on finding datacrons, doing dailies for daily commendations to get gear/money, doing PvP or if more interested in PvE, doing late level instances and then moving to heroic instances. Then if your guild was interested and big enough, normal raids and all the different versions that come with it. It really depends on what you intend to do and what your guild intends to do- which doesn't sound like raiding.


    To answer your other question, I'd say it's pretty PvP focused except for a few guilds which have usually already cleared the content- at least on my server, which is very small and Imperial side is bigger.


    Since you don't want to start again at level 1, you're probably going to be pretty bored depending on how often you play as I think this game was made to be experienced as different classes.

  14. Am I like the only person who enjoyed the story?


    I went in expecting to be a diplomat and got exactly that.


    No, I think plenty of people enjoyed it to varying degrees, just not as much as some other class stories and felt it had a lot of flaws. I was cool with being a diplomat but you don't actually spend a lot of time being a real diplomat except in Chapter 2 which a lot of people seemed to enjoy. You spend Chapter 3 a lot of time running diplomatic-related missions which, imo, seemed a bit like wild goose chases that coincidentally had some good parts. I felt like the Council in Chapter 3 went like:


    Council: Well, the Jedi Knight is off saving the universe, but we gotta do something with this damn pain in the *** Consular...I know, let's keep her/him chasing old rumors and wild ideas! That'll keep her/him busy for awhile...

    JC: *Succeeds at all impossible tasks and comes back with a diverse army*

    Council: O_O; Well, er...good job! Er, why don't you go about trying to figure out who the First Son is, even though we've known about the Children for years and never really bothered with it before?!

    JC: *Completes mission*

    Council: Wow, well, you're back? Uh...Want a seat on the Council to keep you busy?

    JC: Well I don't know...

    Council: Would you leave us alone for awhile?

    JC: Well, I guess I'd be pretty busy...

    Council: TAKE IT!


    One other thing. I've seen at least twice where my husband has had the opportunity on I think Ilum to refer to the end of his class story about

    killing the Emperor

    where I'm just like ;_; I did stuff too...


    Consular turned out to be such a popular class but I feel like they thought everyone would rather be a Knight.

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