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Posts posted by Spanglish

  1. I REALLY LIKE THIS WZ. does anyone else?


    i like that fact that you or your team can channel the turrets! thats prob the best feature for me, i like the fact that it can be won quickly. i like that you can come back! i like it the battle field, i think its flawless.

  2. All this nerf talk and ****, its bothering me, I wonder. Will i still play this class? the answer is yea, sure, why not, yea they might be craaap, but i'll still play them! question is...will anyone else?
  3. Huttball is the epitome of good pvp. The reason why u hear soooooooo much QQ is because its probably from DPS classes. If you are playing huttball for damage and kills, then you are just another baddie, plain and simple.


    how does being good at hutball make you a good pvper? is it cause you can a) force run b) leap c)pull d) all of the above? i play for dmg and kills because i have none of those, as an op, i have my dmg, for now (1.2)...so i focus on killing for my teammates.

  4. More maps would be great. Currently there are only 3 soon 4 different warzone missions, however each warzone only has 1 map. I think it would be great if we can get 3-4 maps PER game type.


    I AGREE WITH THIS! of course it'd take time, but this would be awesome! this would make hutball very interesting, after all! soccer, football, tennis, etc. no sport has one field.

  5. Hello Bioware and Bioware Community!


    First i'd like to state that i play an operative.

    Second this is by no means a "cry me a river post" but lets get a few things straight.


    If you do follow through with these changes i humbly believe that every man and occasionally woman who plays the class will either quit the game--which i find unlikely or will reroll another class(best guess).


    I undestand that you are putting a Cool Down on Hidden strike which i find great because it is indeed too good to be true. I myself have never followed the tactic of re-entering stealth just to re-open but yes it is too good to be true.


    You are increasing the CD on Backstab(Down from 9" to 15")and boost its damage by approximately 5%. That is bad the 5% damage increase wont be compensating.


    Laccerate mhm this is an unknown factor as for if it will be buffed or boosted but my best guess would be that in the end, even with the skillpoints to increase the damage, it will still be a nerf, since its overal damage is being reduced by approximaely 10%. The Upside is that at least now it will cost 5 less energy.



    Ok so currently the only thing we have to keep us viable is our damage. Always speaking about Concealment because lethality is pretty much unplayable atm unless if you are a sniper. Meaning if we dont do some decent damage when we pop out of stealth and for the following 6-7 seconds we are pretty much dead meat.


    In out of stealth combat we cant possibly compete with Marauders/sentinels Juggs and Tanksins. Since all of the above classes have high armor and can nuke us till we cry mommy as long as they can see us first.



    Shield probe:

    Currently this ability is pretty much usless as it can dissappear with a single auto attack. If In the end you are reducing our overal damage you should at least 1. Either increase the absroption amounts of this ability or change this ability to something like energy shield.



    It just doesnt compare to Force shroud which makes you immune for the duration Again you should make it like Force shroud.


    Class mobility. Currently the only means Concealment has on closing on its targets is our sever tendon ability. The problem with that is that its range is only 10m and the root duration is only 2(and thats only if its skilled)" in my opinion what the specc needs most right now is either a skill like Force speed. Or something like a shadowstep like WoW's subtlety rogue. In addition to whats being said here you will notice considerable problems with the class in Huttball where nockbacks rnaged stuns leapes sprints and pulls(friendly or offensive) define the game.

    Operative has none of the above.


    So this were my two cents on the matter. Again i am stating that by no means this is a QQ post. Thanks for taking the time to read this and i hope the game will be proggresing instead of regressing in the future :)


    P.S. For any typos pls forgive me. My english isn't fluent.


    i like all of this, force speed sorta thing would be best for the scoundrel, more realistic then shadow step, and up the range for tendon blast, its our only "gap closer" besides using disappearing act and i agree with all the nerf crap, cooldowns are killer and the dmg is a small increase, but this is not to say i will stop playing scoundrel, i welcome challenges and i will figure my stuff out, good luck to fellow ops/scoundrels.

  6. Last time I played my scoundrel he had stealth as a form of gap closing and tendon blast as reliable snare...


    also from a talent tree skill, im pretty sure after using dissappearing act, it increases your movement speed :) i think

  7. Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


    lol i just lawled, cuase hard working can mean a poor child growing up getting a degree, getting the masters, and getting no job, because he/she doesn't know the right person.

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