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Posts posted by Tenball

  1. Yea this is a great first step to getting us nerfed.


    You show highlights of you landing huge crits on sweeps, in solid gear, using buffs against crap players. People see this and think guards can do this whenever they want.


    Let's not forget good players CC, so it's a lot harder to get the full combination off to land that. While in that stance, you are super squishy.... not to mention you will get cc'ed by good players. Also, you have a pocket healer....most players do not have that at their beck and call so....keep in mind we are single most dependent class in the game. With no escapability and one break free, we are like sitting ducks unless we have a pocket healer. Also this is on a 1 minute cool down, not something we can do constantly (wish i could run around sweeping everyone). Did I mention you will get CC'ed by good players?


    Nice vid though :D

  2. This must be a tank trolling.


    Agreed with OP. If we're playing objectively and healing to our fullest we get the shaft on medals.


    When I play with guildies and make sure they don't die I seriously get the shaft on medals.


    When I Q solo and don't care much about people dying I get tons of medals.


    Broken system.


    Yea this is unfortunate. I've seen some healers heal over 400k with half the medals I receive (guardian here). not that this makes up for it but healers are ALWAYS my MVP. Especially since I'm significantly less effective without one... :D

  3. It's no use. Ranged classes need their hands held through things. They are more desirable to fill up raids with, more utility, more cc, and they want to demolish any melee they face.



    Isn't that why they picked ranged in the first place? Because they knew it was the shortest/easiest path to success?

  4. The problem with this argument is that tanks (especially Juggs/Guardians) are the only type of class that must have a pocket healer nearby in order for them to be really effective at PvP.





    To compound that problem, some of the healing classes at least to my understanding (Scoundrel/Operatives in particular) are the top DPS classes. Therefore the defensive classes don't have the healers around they need to truly be effective. Why would they roll as healers when they can take down any class in 5 seconds...?

  5. Starve yourself of focus? What are you lvl 20? Generating enough focus is a non-issue if you have the slightest clue what you are doing. As anyone who has tried the build could easily tell you.


    You are comparing guardian slash to singularity + force sweep? That's just a joke.


    You obviously have no idea what you are talking about which makes this discussion pointless.


    Svest, the same poster you are disagreeing with mentioned this same argument in another thread. Am I the only one not having force issues while running soresu with alot of points in the focus tree? We have so many force generating abilities I can't see how that is possible. It can only be a matter of poor situational skill usage.


    I run Soresu just for the survivability in itself, taunting obviously as much as possible, and guarding when an solid healer is in the wf. On that note, it's a fairly new game and just as we are figuring out how to run our specs best for PVP, so are the healers. Let's give them a little time to adjust IMO.



  6. Im battle master force spec jedi guardian have 483 expertise know the rotations im talking single target ill end a game around 300k dmg force sweep a little here and there in crowds but sentinals will end the games with 520k.


    I'm ignorant so this is purely for my knowledge, but do Sents have "guard" and more aoe skills?

  7. The main thing I want to stress in addition to what the previous poster said about interrupting, defensive stance and using your defensive cool downs, is Strength. I'm seeing a lot of Guardians stacking as much endurance defensive stats as possible. This is great for group settings when you are tanking, but you'll do absolutely no damage.


    I was having the same problem as you guys but I was interrupting, using cool downs, etc, but the fights were marathons and I always ended up dying. In my opinion, you want to try to get a nice balance of Strength heavy pieces in your gear to try to maintain a balance of the two. You can defend all day but if you can't take down the enemy, eventually you will die. You have to be able to put out some dps when you are leveling, as well as PVP. I have switched from stacking total endurance to having some pieces focus heavy on dps. If you notice, you'll get plenty of endurance with your pieces(relics, belts, etc..), no need to stack it even more (again, unless you are trying to tank flashpoints and raids and what not, in which case I'll just build a separate gear set). Plus soresu form should be plenty of defense for you.


    Again, try to keep a healthy balance of offensive and defensive pieces. Just because you're a "Guardian" doesn't mean you have to swing a whiffle ball bat... :D


    Hope this helps.



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