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Posts posted by Kernunno

  1. 3. No open world. I dont like exhaustion or boundaries.


    > Its a big galaxy, did you expect to be able to ride a speeder from one planet to another? Exhaustion and boundaries are part of every MMORPG including WoW. No game world goes on forever.


    Most of your statements I agree with (especially the bug part; there is a good reason compnies even hire external experts for a few months to get rid of a single bug) but this one is bogus imo.


    When you walk on Tatooine and you go from A to B (both legitimate destinations on the map) and suddenly you find yourself in an exhaustion zone, out of nowhere, it just blows major donkey balls. Especially when the same zone is so filled with mountain and canyons that you have about as much freedom of movement as in the average 8-bit super mario game. Honestly; this was quite the let down. While I think it's a bit dissappointing that I can't take a group of friends and sack Coruscant or even Anchorage (why the huge exhaust zone in between the quest area and the city??) I can live with that part but there realy was no reason to limit the rest of the maps like that.

  2. Next time: ask your tank what spec he uses. Since only 3 specs are actual tank specs that should give a fair hint. Most tanks use a dps spec and then suffer from bigger hits and aggro issues. It's not a problem at the lower levels but as you get higher it becomes a real issue.


    Also: don't judge people on their skills before they made max level. Leveling in a learning curve. Give people a chance to learn to play.

  3. I recognise some of the OP's frustrations. Retaliation (I ssume ripostye is the guardians counterpart) does sometimes need 4 to 5 button pushes before it will finally execute.


    I do think however the OP is trying to tank in a dps spec. I have had no issue keeping aggro on 4 mobs. Count in cc and you can take groups fo 6 without issue.


    Edit: also on that particular boss group in madalorian raiders you do need dps with at least 2 brain cells each so they have the ability to rub them together and figure out that charging in before the tank has had a chance to hit them is a bad idea.

    Also as a tank: don't charge in... run in... let the knockback hit you and then charge, smash, phun thymes...


    The first few instances are realy forgiving but as you level they become more demanding. As it should be. Use your brains. Solve the puzzle.


    Granted; quite a few abilities suffer from bugs and the servers have the odd habit of not processing incomming commands in the order they were sent by the client but realy it's just an annoying inconvenience. It makes tanking harder but not impossible.

  4. Well I will be testing this. If any it would make it a lot easier to decide to stay here or go back to WoW. Not gonna bother if thy ban people for running around in an unusual but otherwise open zone. No matter what you are doing there. Even if people are deliberately going there at low levels slicing their lower backsides of and trying to flip the planet to the other side it shoudl be fine. They made pvp so that lvl 1 vs lvl 50 would be a balanced fight so they should not be complaning when low levels are taking over high level zones. Thats how pvp works in games. If they don't want lowbies there then level lock the planet. If it's possible then it's fair game.
  5. I have healed in WoW thought ICC (at 80) and even BWD and BoT (pre nerf) and the only addon I wouldn't want to miss is decursive (I can even do without DBM). Anything else I can do without (well since the new raid UI that is... before that I used Grid a LOT; on all my characters but even that I can miss realy). I just want to know what the boss is doing (focus target helps a lot there) and what people's health bars look like.

    I am very picky on my UI in general though. I don't want my vision obscured by anything which means I don't want to look at buttons I have keybound anyway (I tend to memorise finger movements instead of little pictures anyway) and i want the rest as small as possible and concentrated on one place. Currently though the UI is just to damn big.

  6. Just put people who obviosuly spawned from the shallow end of the gene pool on your ignore list. Such people will always be around. Just keep in mind that eventually they end up on so many ignore lists they quit anyway.


    I haven't had these kind of problems luckily but I have had some weird wipes. Especially when leveling you have to sometimes get creative. If you have a dedicated tank (not all powertechs are tanks mind you... most have a dps spec and just don't have the damage reduction as a result) it's doable with a dps as healer but if your tank isn't actually a tank it can get ugly realy fast. If the whole group understands that it shouldn't be an issue. If even one does not... well... you get your example realy. Just make it clear that you are dps spec and thus not build for healing. If they can't accept just find a group that can. If you even have 1 heal ability you rule this game anyway (well; at least untill they come up with dual spec).

  7. In Europe, even Portuguese is more spoken than German or French.


    Brazil is located in South America; not Europe. Portugese is a small language in Europe.


    Anyway I never did get why they didn't release the game in Spanish from the start concidering more people speak it as a primary language then English and a significant percentage of US population speak it as their primary language. Odd choise.

  8. Are you sure you are not one of those players who expect the tank to have instant aggro on every mob he looks at? Becouse I had a very good run yesterday, didn't lose aggro even once and the secret? Well... they gave me a whopping 2 seconds before they charged in after me and all hit the same mob. (I know, it's a crazy concept.)


    Anyway: there are a lot of people who are very new to MMORPG's. Have some patience with them. Especially when they pick healers or tanks. It's a lot harder to screw up as a dps then as a tank or healer.

  9. 1) Dungeon finder.

    Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


    OH HELL NO!!

    That blasted thing is the main reason the whole WoW community went downhill. No repercussion for being an arse is a bad thing. Let people actually learn to network themselves, make online friends, learn to be polite... if you have a nice list op friendly helpful people you won't be spending a lot of time finding groups.


    (On some of the others you have a point though; the UI is to large and not enough bars. I want macros and mods...)

  10. Dual spec would make it a lot more ineteresting to roll a healer. Even tank characters have the advantage that they can soak a lot of damage so they can still speed up their play by just pulling larger groups but since you can't heal mobs to death your solo play as a healer is just annoying.

    You don't need to be able to switch at the push of a button (the WoW version is to easy imo) but having the option available in some way would definately encourage people to heal. There is a reason healers have a rep for being rare in any MMO. Good thing I actually like to do it but I won't be leveling one untill I have another character which I can use to make life a bit easier on a healer. A cap on respeccing costs would be nice as well. Especially for people who like to explore both PVE and PVP with their main toon.

    Remember: people exploring different talent specs are not gamebreaking for you... they can only use one spec at a time anyway.

  11. So... you are complaining that on a day where you don't have to go to work you also don't have to worry about getting up early to get in line to enter your favorite server? Shut down the alarm clock, get some major sleep, get up slow, long into SWtOR, take a relaxed breakfast, take massive dump, get a long shower and you should almost be ready to start playing...
  12. I get that long wait times happen at launch. Everyone and their mothers are trying to get on and see the game and over time (especially after the holydays) that will probably get less but I still wonder how a server can have a 20 min wait time before breakfast. Even during a holyday that is just unlikely activity as people who don't go to work tend to get up later (I just checked out of curiousity before going to work). Are many US players logging into EU servers now? (I would understand tbh; 6 hour wait times is too long even for a launch.)


    Anyway; once people have leveled to a certain point I doubt they want to have to go through the same storyline yet again (it gets tedious after a few time and I for one didn't pick my class for the story but for the role and I have RL friend on my current server so I realy don't want to move and they don't want to leave their pre-launch guilds whic is also understandable) so many probably stick. Especially when they have friends on that server. I realy think that free migrations would help but only once enough server capacity is available (and people stop advertising to people to claim a server as a specific language server even when it's already full; come on, socialise outside the world you know and expand your horizons)

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