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Posts posted by Scorpionokuma

  1. Because GSF is the most RELIABLE way to get gear.


    Ops and FPs literally can't get you there (unless you're doing NiM ops).

    Conquest gets you there much, much slower.

    Warzones require you to win.


    GSF you get gear for playing, win or lose.


    I have hear so much about GSF being the best way to gear, that i tried it out today - 5 matches - didnt understand much but tried to be helpful. All i got after some losses, some wins were minor fleet requisitions and 1 tech fragment from those boxes. I dont get it at all, what gear, where?? It's like there is another SWTOR game out there.

  2. Ah thats maybe why my sage/seer legendary does not work. I have added Sentinel to my 10-year old character (Sage) and Sentinel is listed as the primary class (on top in the new UI). The Sentinel legendary implant works fine, but nothing works with the sage implants... I have raised many tickets/bug reports but no real response...:( I am doubtful they will fix this any time soon if ever...
  3. I got my sage the Empowered Restorer Package legendary implant and tried it out during OPS and grouping activities.

    It... doesn't do anything??

    Tool tip says "Activating Force Barrier puts a barrier on nearby allies, absorbing damage for up to 8 seconds and granting them an additional 25% elemental damage reduction while active."

    I do not see ANY barrier on nearby allies, i do not see any absorb effects on group members or nearby allies (what does that even mean? like 1 meter?), i do not see any effect or buffs on group members/allies/target of the Force Barrier that indicates a reduction in (internal) damage. Even worse, the visual indication of the Force Barrier appears on myself instead of my target.. How broken is this? Am I just missing something? Anyone can confirm or enlighten me?

  4. Heya, anyone missing cauterize? I have added a secondary class Sentinel to my 75 Sage and when switching to Watchman the ability Cauterize is not granted. It is also not in the Abilities list (even when I search for the word in the UI - abilities pane).


    Nvm found it - please close and delete

  5. Although i see the efforts and do enjoy the some of the FE story lines, it feels to me as it is too disconnected from what happened previously, i mean your class or story does not matter at all nor do any of the choices made previously. It sometimes feels like a different game altogether. Anyhow was thinking myself of stopping my sub, mainly because of time constraints. I really just want to finish the class stories and the outlander story is just not that captivating (for me). Anyone know where i can find the FTP / Preferred status info?
  6. Pretty easy at 45, i used Iresso, disable his aoe attacks, shield up, lift the sith, run back (away from the droids), focus dps on the droid Iresso is tanking and heal when he gets below 40%. Kill the droids before the lift ends and continue to tank/heal/dps with Iresso. Oh and interrupt/stun etc.


    If you don't got insta lift, just die once and you'll have all the time to cast it the second time.

  7. "Flavor" already exists, nothing is stopping you from double striking or slashing your target as a Sage... other than the fact that you'll be bad at it.


    People don't seem to understand, this is meant to be the mage/wizard class. I know we all have preconceptions about what a jedi should be and do, but that doesn't seem to apply to any of the 4 Jedi AC's. BW wanted to fill a nitch, and they did. And it's also not like there's not a force-wielding AC that can melee either, it just can't heal. Similarly there's a melee capable healer out there in the Scoundrel, it just can't use the force.


    Remember though too, what you propose was close to the way it already was back when the shared trees weren't AC specific. They did away with them in part because they didn't fit their goals for class design.


    Like i said, BW knows best how to design their own game so they'll have their reasons for what they did/do. Apart from that, i don't understand how i could be "bad" at enjoying a game the way i want :). Anyway i'm going to play in a "not optimal, how i should be playing"-mode now, my queue is up.

  8. I understand the sages are not "meant" to melee, but giving the flavor to those that want to occasionally swing their LS instead of another spell could be implemented. Like willpower only counting up to 30% for LS dmg for sages, which you can buff to 50% or less through a talent in the balance tree. This could even work for shadows, since they share the tree. But the devs will have their reasons to do it or not, i'll enjoy my sage either way. Peace. :cool:
  9. Project hits harder too, but that doesn't mean you should be using it as TK spec either (though yes it's still great for leveling purposes). People don't seem to get the fact that disturbance isn't meant to deal crazy dmg. Its your gateway/gap filler ability that procs all of your major procs save one (psychic projection), and keeps your regen at +30%. Most of your dps should be coming from weaken mind, turbulence auto-crits, tidal force procs for instant TKwaves, and psychic projection procs for double speed TKthrows.


    Yeah, you're right, i just don't like the flow of battle atm with TK. I respecced into balance and have a blast with the class again. Still use double strike on opponents with 2% hp, just to finish them off. I got theran now in healing mode and it really complements the balance fighting style. Also the PoM version of disturbance is awesome :D.

    Thanks for your input.

  10. No, there is a difference, for instance higher lvl orange sabers will have higher base dmg (melee) and armor will have a higher armor rating. other than that it's a great feature, i'm playing as a sage and the end-game armors look like a barbie-princess parade, so i'll be sticking to my moddable jedi robes :)
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