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Posts posted by skadmatrix

  1. As a sniper I need almost 20 abilities instantly accessible (rotation, offs, defs, aoe, special abilities for certain situations), plus pve and pvp adrenals and medpacks, stun grenades, huttball throw, etc.

    Please show me a layout on a PS4 or XBOX ONE controller where I have 24 keybinds with no more than 3-4 buttons pressed at once.:


    u can easily have 32 buttons accessible with the ingenious setup that SE has created, so besides tab targeting which u can get used to, its possible, i dps as well


    And i never said it would be easy, it would probably be a real pain in the butt tbh, but im sure there is a market for it. What will really tell if a venture like this will ever be worth it will be after the xpac, if the sub numbers are good. But i highly doubt it. This game will probably die on PC and if mmos are even a thing in like 8 years the next sw mmo that is cannon (lol) will be on all platforms...or on VR haha

  2. I play FFXIV on ps4, half my static does, and ive seen people who can use a controller better than people who are using mouse and keyboard, also everyone seems to forget that ps4 has mouse and keyboard support, u can easily set up and play ffxiv with a mouse and keyboard. There is really no reason you couldn't port this game to ps4, besides money and time. Also there are no hacks on ffxiv as far as i know...and i can't speak for xbone since i dont own or play one.
  3. Thanks so much for the information...I just did a google search and found more information about the topic and it has cleared up the rest of my doubts and confusion. Thank you guys for clearing up some of the issues i was having trouble wrapping my head around. Looks like I will be paying 20 bones to transfer a toon to my friends server after all :) (twenty dollars is an affordable price to pay to not have to grind up another toon to 55)
  4. (Character = Toon) (Toon: Zivon Mercenary 50)

    Ok here is my problem, I have a friend on another server and I was thinking about sending one of my toons over to his server to join his guild and do operations with him. Now as you can see (in my signature) I have a large legacy and have hesitated in transferring a toon over for this reason. I have read that if you transfer a toon over to a different server the legacy attached to said toon will follow them to the new server. Now I understand that BUT I have a feeling that someday in the future I may want to transfer said toon back to my old server...What happens to my legacy? Dose it Merge? Does the old legacy just negate the legacy being transferred in? or Does the new legacy take over?


    The fact is there the same legacy, but in transferring the toon it will turn it into two legacys...This is kind of why i would LOVE if legacys where account wide not just on a single server :(


    If someone who has transferred toons before could shed some light on this, or i would LOVE to hear from a dev on the subject...I also am not sure if this is the right section to post this forum..

  5. Sounds interesting to say the least, i really am looking forward to what they come up with when new classes drop; yes i understand we need a lot of balancing of older classes before; but that still doesnt make me think about ideas. I agree with Helig on the Taras Kasi Class...OMG i've thought this would be awesome from the begging and they could maybe perform all three rolls (with which build on the talent tree they choose). I've also thought of a "squad leader" type class that could be a support that buffs the party (kinda like a bard for you EQ players) and could also have 2 comps at once out when they are solo...just a thought


    But im on the same page with the "already to many force users" theirs so much more depth in the Star Wars Universe that id hate to stay focused around the force users...i think 4 classes covers jedis and sith enough tbh...but thats my opinion :rod_grin_g:

  6. ok i get some of the "i don't want people changing there AC" complaining; but personally i have rolled 8 toons (4 pubs and 4 imps) all different forms of each class (mercenary, vanguard, juggernaut, sentinel). Saying that i have experienced and played them all to just about max level. Recently i was thinking "maybe i should have rolled the same classes on both sides" (powertech, vanguard, juggernaut, guardian) so i would know the classes better on each side. Now i don't see any reason for me to not be able to pay some fee to make this happen, the story is the same no matter which AC you pick, the companions are the same, your ship is the same. Not sure what would be the problem would be... (i get the gear change could be annoying but you could save comms and get decent gear to grind some FPS and catch up, more fun and faster than leveling new toons imo)


    So i really hope to see this option in the future...

  7. The <Five Oh First> is a PVE Guild Recruiting new members for operation groups

    Operation Groups will Form at 5:30 PST on Tuesday and Wednesday


    Make Raid Dates, Punctuality is key

    take criticism

    listen to raid leader

    stay out of bad stuff

    be in at least AR 140 gear

    and able to use Ventrilo.


    Please post here or contact either Lithka or Bastan in game for more information or check out our website at http://fiveohfirst.guildportal.com

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