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Posts posted by Behrit

  1. You will find at 50 there are 4 sets of gear choices. It all depends on what your role is and what you want to do and spec has to what choice you go.


    I use Survival gear has I am Kinetic(Tank) speced all the time. Although with the amount of extra gear that is dropping and or I am getting assigned I might be building a Stalker set too soon I have 2nd Columi Chest and Head tokens in my cargo hold right now just trying to see if they do a dual spec thing or not.


    I would not say I flew though levels. I did all the quests and things and went though the progress to get to 50. There was a ton more 50s than me when I made it. Never the less I found that with 4 to 5 hours of play you could gain a level easy from 40 to 50 and more lower.


    The point of it is that the game changes at 50 and what you are attempting is pretty well a waste of time and effort has below 50 your gear and things change all the time.


    You're missing the point. I'm level 37, and I really like this post. I am not burning to 50, and I want to be useful in FPs and WZs along the way, so this post is very useful. To disregard that is pretty silly. Just because you don't find it useful at 50 means nothing to me.

  2. Bugs. Happen.


    MC did similar things when WoW was in its infancy. Don't pretend that 7 years of having a LIVE game, not just beta, which introduces its own issues and bugs and what-not, and being able to see how their game operates LIVE and address the issues that it introduced...don't pretend that didn't happen. This crap about comparing BW's product to Blizz's product as they both stand now is tinfoil hat nonsense. WoW runs smooth instances for the most part now because it's had 7 years to address the very same kinds of bugs, which DID exist in WoW, that you're complaining about in SWTOR. I'm sorry you experienced one, but "What Blizzard do better" is release an MMO seven years earlier. Period.


    I'm not quite sure how you missed the point of his post entirely. But, you did. He is talking about customer support, not bugs.

  3. This pretty much encapsulates why people dislike "clickers". Additionally nobody is rounding up people who click their skills and sending them off to camps, get over it.


    Stereotyping is useful. It's unfair, but useful.


    Stereotyping is sometimes uncomfortable to talk about, but usually true. There are not too many huge conspiracies to make something arbitrary up about a large group of people.

  4. Not many people stuck around.


    Bioware won't give exact numbers, EA will have to at their next investors meeting.


    Bioware did say 3.3 millions characters have been created so far. Everyone I know makes 8 chars just to reserve names, so divide that by 8 is 412000, then knock off a bunch of those who unsubbed, probably 2/3 and you're at 272000 accounts probably active. I'd expect that number to keep plummeting. *The 272k is probably fairly accurate looking at numbers so far extrapolated by the community*


    It shows too with their scheduled changes. Least amount of work to make as many patch notes as possible to make it look like a lot of work. It's obvious theyre scaling back support for the game.


    No new races, just make the races we have available to all. No neutral gear just remove all the restrictions. No better engine to have more than 8 people in a warzone, just reskin a current warzone and call it new. On and on.


    Game is finito. TORtanic.


    LMAO. Are you serious dude? Yeah, we all created 8 characters. Bwahahahha.

  5. There's a handy resource guide in the New Player forums, but I'll paraphrase here.


    I'm a Republic player, so my information will be based upon that and the flashpoints there.


    Tier 1: Coruscant, Esseles

    Tier 2 Low: Late Coruscant, Taris, early Nar Shaddaa, Hammer Station

    Tier 2 High: Nar Shaddaa, early Tattooine, Athiss, Mando Raiders

    Tier 3 Low: Late Tatooine, Alderaan, Mando Raiders

    Tier 3 High: Late Alderaan, Balmorra, Cademimu

    Tier 4: Quesh, Hoth, Taral V

    Tier 5 Low: Belsavis, Late Hoth, Colicoid War Games

    Tier 5 High: Belsavis, Corellia, Hoth Bonus Area, Red Reaper, Maelstrom Prison

    Tier 6 Low: Corellia, Voss, Red Reaper

    Tier 6 High: Belsavis Bonus Area, Ilum, Operations/HM?


    By low and high I mean the differences between some of the items. For example, there are 2 types of power crystals at Level 2, one drops in the Works and Jedi Temple of Coruscant, all over Taris, and the first part of Nar Shaddaa, the other starts dropping in the last part of Nar Shaddaa and is all over Tatooine's early areas.


    I included the flashpoints because of scavenging materials from those flashpoints. They're on or about those levels.



    Hope this makes sense.



    Makes plenty of sense. Thanks SturmUndSterne.

  6. I didn't see any of that when I was looking.

    I am on Alderaan and just started crafting, could that be why?


    If you head back to fleet, you can head over to the Art. trainer. Just outside of his/her office, there is a guy that sells all the additional mats you need that you cannot harvest.


    Hope that helps.

  7. I do quite a bit of pvp and keep up on space dailies, so up until now my problem has been that I've been too rapidly outleveling all of my planetary quests. Then I stumbled into the giant gaping content hole in the Republic mid-30s.


    Not only is Quesh several levels higher than Balmorra, the all of the very first quests there require fighting Elites and groups of Strongs. It's as if the whole planet is a heroic area, just incorrectly labeled.


    So fine, I went back and did the entire Balmorra bonus series, I did a lot more pvp and space missions, leveled up a couple of times, upgraded all of my gear, came to give Quesh another go and... died in my first fight.


    What exactly is one expected to do here? About 40 hours of straight pvp until you outlevel the planet enough to actually complete it and move on?




    Yeah, I noticed the same thing. I am just hitting some PvP and other stuff to level up a bit. I thought it was kind of nice actually, to step away from just plain questing. I could see how it would be frustrating though if I weren't into anything but questing though.

  8. Coruscant for the L1 stuff. There are places you can just hang out and grab power crystals/color crystals and artifacts pretty quickly.


    But by L36 you should have enough companions to feed your artifice pretty well just running treasure hunting and archeology missions. You'll out level your harvesting WAY faster than you do other crafting professions because Artifice doesn't have the random upgrade factor, we just go from green to blue to purple no titles/names on most of the things we craft...Unless you really want to get into the offhand shield/generator/focus market. ...shrug


    Oh, good to know. So it is much like Biochem than. That makes it much easier. Thanks thanealpha.

  9. Quick question:


    My alt is lvl 36 right now, and I want to switch him over to Artifice. Instead of burning cash on strictly gathering missions, what planets are good for farming the level one and two ingredients? I would much rather run around and gather ingredients on lower planets with easy mobs until my Artifice can craft items I can use at current level. Thanks all!.



  10. Planet specific animal mounts would be cool. You could buy them and have them on the 'vehicle/animal' tab but you cannot use them on all planets.


    Hopefully people wouldnt be cruel and pull out their tauntaun on Tatooine.




    That is actually a great idea. I would be all for that. Maybe have a toggle in your preferences that turns your mount into a planet specific mount while you are there. Man, that would be awesome. Enter Hoth, call mount, ride Taun Taun into the tundra...


    BW, make it so!

  11. I have the same issue. It's not that the ability is not ready, the timer just is not resetting until you use the ability again. I worked in a QA lab for quite a while testing software, and this is ridiculous that this was released like this. Look, I love this game, and I am still having a blast. But, when something like this is actually released to the wild, it really makes me question this development team.
  12. Everyone knows whose taken a taxi in a place like NYC or Boston that you have to keep a close eye on the driver or he'll driev you all over creation to squeeze more fare out of you. Maybe BW just did a bang up job on realism??


    Seriously can't take this complaint seriously. Would you just like a flipbook map with all the planets and every single sub-area on each planet in it, showing you all the nodes and a use-as-much-as-you-want teleporter device to take you to any node you choose 100,000 light years across the galaxy at whim?


    No, Capt. Strawman, that is not what he is talking about. I can check my mail on my cell phone right now, but for some reason, in another galaxy far away, where people have spaceships, you have to go to a physical mailbox.

  13. I use the Microsoft - LiveChat LX-3000. They wrap all the way around your ear (cup) and are very comfy. I think you can find them for 35 - 50 dollars. I love em. Decent sound quality as well. Built-it mic as well that swivels out of the way if you don't need it.
  14. I cancelled because this game isn't worth 15 dollars a month. Actually if it was free to play there would be other titles which would be more fun.


    Only people sticking around are those who've never played an MMO, so they dont' know what they're missing and Star Wars fanatics. Who will defend this game till their last breath. Sadly for Bioware those alone won't pay the bills.




    I don't fit into either one of those categories. Pretty broad brush you have there, pal.

  15. if you are playing with stupid people its not fun because they can't do simple things like passing,moving around etc.


    ifd you are playing it with smart people its not fun because of unstoppable tactics


    it is too complex for the stupid and too exploitable for the smart



    what do you guys think about hutball


    It is totally fun. You just have to remember not to kick the ball, Hutts don't have feet.

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