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Posts posted by DarthBagels

  1. I've been wondering the same thing. Lots of players are reporting the server loads are Light-Standard and that the starting areas as of yesterday were a ghost town. Not sure anyone at BW that is involved with these "waves" knows that there are thousands of players very unhappy with how this is all going down. For the record, I am not happy, but I am not QQ about it. I am just waiting waiting my turn like the rest of us.


    I've watched the live streams and even the starting areas were empty. This is really a mess, but BW could fix this by loosening their grip a bit and letting more on the servers.

  2. You released around and probably more than 750,000 people At once might i add on the november stress tests.....they went smooooooth we put in over a million hours with no kinks......this is rediculous.......i mean just look at the forums......people are angry......drop more people in........and no i mean a higher rate than even planned for today


    Prepare to be flamed, and rightfully so, about your spelling and grammar. But your point is a good one (once it can be determined).

  3. I have really enjoyed every Bioware game I have played. That being said I was skeptical of trying a MMO supported by EA. EA games has the absolute worst customer service and moderation of any gaming company I have seen. All they seem to care about is Money and Digital rights management. I was without internet and in Iraq in 2007 when i purchased Red Alert 3, and when I called them to ask if i could register it offline; they told me their products could not be activated offline or outside the United States, and that I was breaking the law by taking their software to Iraq on military orders...... That is pretty win customer service if you ask me. So to see some shenanigans like this is no surprise to me. I just hope they don't lock servers so I can play with my freinds when they get in and already are in.


    Yeah, I had the same experience. Another guy in my unit called them about a 360 game he was having issues with and got the legal threats thrown at him. Too bad the media never bothered to pick that up.

  4. OP please go back to school and learn English this time. The following keywords are important: "may" and "up to" and "5 days".


    Funny. It's ridiculous marketing speak like these examples that gets people all up in arms in the first place. Sure, people should read the small print but most do not, especially when its being sold at retail establishments as "Preorder now so you can play 5 days early!". Yes, it's on the consumer to double check, but pretty dang crappy to be practiced in the first place.

  5. There a certain pre-order time.... LOL the stagger effect is pointless. All people want to know is when there getting in. Sending out a email saying your in on this day would of been better.


    For people that are already in easy to fuel the fire. We all invested into this game and we've all payed money. For some of US 80-300 depending on who you got CE from. So people do have a right to complain. 80 bucks is not cheap. I've seen many adds that were misleading on google, 7 days early access today. If you preorder today your not getting 7 days. LOL


    I'm really starting to agree with this more and more. I'll probably get access today due to my redemption date, but the whole idea of the staggering is just a false security blanket. Maybe staggering over a period of a couple days would be ok, but to pretend that this will prevent all of the issues that are going to pop up on the 20th is just insanity at its finest.

  6. My favorite part of this entire debacle is that their front man Stephen Reid has been selling this as the best way to prevent issues and keep stability. Come the 20th, it's going to be a cluster anyway.


    That being said, I'll just wait it out like everyone else. Just think that the way it's being presented is a tad bit disingenuous.

  7. How much would you guess that "well beyond" equals out to?


    Single digits August would be my guess.


    While I understand the staggering rolling release, this "4 waves and we're done" thing is just annoying and mind boggling. A constant flow of access invites would be better. If they are dead set on limiting server load, they could even make sure that constant flow slows/shuts off if some issues do arise.

  8. Based only on when you redeemed your pre-order code.


    But there were still some folks yesterday who redeemed codes in July, and didn't get invited. So they've got a long way to go to cover everyone.


    I think they are just taking it slowly so as to escape the inevitable catastrophic launch breakdown most MMO's suffer.


    Sucks for us who pre-ordered rather late though. In my case ordering was almost an afterthought - was on the fence about playing SWTOR at all.


    I preordered on 8/1, but didn't get my code for almost a week afterwards from Gamestop. I completely understand the staggering, but all the live streams I've seen - even in starting zones - have been almost completely empty. Just an odd way to go about things, but I'll just wait it out.

  9. Well...they are claiming that they're going to hold some folks back until the last EGA day.



    Since I ordered very late, I don't expect to see the Galaxy until the 18th at the earliest. If I do manage to see daylight earlier, just a pleasant surprise I guess.


    What's the criteria for that? Is it solely based on pre-order redemption date? Or is there another metric that they are going to put into play?

  10. Keep in mind taris is a mid lvl zone though, so not unexpected that theres few people there...


    That said I still feel the pace of the invities is a joke.


    Absoloutely. I have no problem with a staggered invite system, but the small numbers invited so far and then the "welp, we did our invites see-ya!" from Bioware really is mind boggling.

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