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Posts posted by Skwark

  1. There is even a discussion still about the usefulness of LFG tool? Damn... everyone who thinks it's not needed should wash their brains - assuming they have any - As for now you have two choices, let me put numbers next to it so all of you LFG haters can actually see them:


    1. You sit still on the fleet station and occasionally spam the general channel with DPS LFG whatever. While doing this, you are pretty much limited to sit around and get your *** bored to oblivion, maybe jump to a warzone or two when no one is responding, no dailies, no nothing. For people with work, who need to "make money" themselves and not wait for their parents to give them some, it is a waste of their -already limited - free time.


    2. You flag yourself with the BWs current utterly useless LFG "tool", add a comment and wait. The problem is, that this isn't even a tool and I guarantee, that there are loads of people who doesn't even know about this "tool" being there.


    Now, how would it look with the LFG tool? Again, numbers so troglodytes can see what I mean:

    1. I open up a LFG window

    2. I choose a Flashpoint I want to do

    3. I choose my role

    4. I click "start"

    5. I continue playing and doing whatever I was - without wasting my godamn time!

    6. I found the group

    7. I can use a quick travel option to the Carrick station or I travel there myself

    8. ME = a happy subscriber



    People who think of some bizzare things to justify the lack of LFG tool are probably the ones, who do the flashpoints regularly with their RL friends who play this game aswell or guildies and they just dont want to make it easier for everyone, they want to be "elite". LFG tool destroying community? B.Please...


    Right now I'am not doing any flaspoints with my alt (lvl 20ish) because of the "waste time" factor and I bet they will keep on loosing subs because of it.

  2. I was wondering this myself... if we can get the mods out of the purple pieces, then it means that purple pieces work just as the orange ones (which would be awesome, since the more options for the look you have - the better)... not sure how BW wants to prceed here, maybe they will allow us to take the mods out of purple items but not to put any into them.


    Would love to get some clarification on this.

  3. okay, so this also happened to me lately... anyone knows whats going on? I can click the lore objects, my character does interact with it, but when the action is done, nothing happens. I can just keep clicking the lore object over and over again, but nothing happenes after the interaction is complete...


    Whats even worse, I wasn't getting any Lore updates for quite a time, this means, that I probablt missed some realted to the story and there is no way to get it back, since I've finished the story...

  4. I remember it from open Beta and sadly, this issue is still present, at least on my PC. It seems that when there is a lot of action going on, some of the sounds are being removed, like turrets shooting in the Alderaan warzone when you are fighting near them, or the hum of the lightsabers when the music on stations kick in etc etc. Is this affecting only me? Or is BW screwing around with pretty cooldown animations instead of getting their hands on something that matters?
  5. Guys, there is pretty much nothing else you (we) can do about it. We asked for response, we got it. They are not going to do anything about it in near future and we won't get more replies in this thread, it makes me sad aswell, but thats how it works. As the CM said, they will try to improve.. what was the word? Ahh, "fidelity" but do not count on the high ressolution textures hidden somewhere under that term. If they would have plans to add those textures, then they would simply say so and not try to use fancy words to cover up their failure.



    Right now the ball is on our side. Take a moment and think about this whole situation. If it's not a game breaker for you, keep on playing. If you do not approve of being screwed over then take appropriate action. There is only one way you can show your disapprovement to a mmo game developer... your subscription.


    Bless your faces

  6. BW will go silent after the post SR did and the reply we gave them ... no way they will ever talk about this issue again ... Best case scenario someone will find a way to cheat the game settings enabling us to manually override bioware terribad decision to turn million's of user computer into a xbox360.


    Well, "punch" them with your subscription if they plan to keep it that way. The Lack of these textures is not a gamebreaker for me, altho it does suck a bit of the yoy Im having with this game. The false advertising on the other hand and now the removal of medium settings is something I will not accept.

  7. On a personal note, I went back in game after this discussion yesterday and really peered at my character with scrutiny: I still don't see what the big deal is. And please, don't anyone post more screenshots as "proof". I just don't see the graphics in this game being that bad. Genre best graphics? No. But still very good, and definitely good enough to be considered playable.


    Well, the issue here is with "Character Textures", the world itself does look great, gear on characters- not. Maybe you just got used to crappy graphics if it doesn't bother you at all. It's just like Im not bothered with the so called "ability Lag" as I don't see it nor "feel it" while for some players it's a gamebreaker.

  8. Thats a damn nice example of false advertising. I've seen it on GTA IV for PC, where there was no AA, while on the screenshots it was clearly enabled and guess what? Rockstar ain't gonna see my money anytime soon. Same goes here.


    Why you can't enable the high ress textures for people that can handle them is just beyond me. Then you explain, that there are a lot of people who can't handle it - I don't care really, if their PCs can't handle high resolution, then they play in medium - problem solved! As seen in comparisons posted in this topic somewhere before, WoW is capable of serving better graphics.


    The idea to call the "medium" settings a "bug" just made me smile... lets just say that me buying this game from Bioware/EA and paying for a sub was a bug aswell and I've already fixed it, won't happen again.

  9. Ok, if this has not been clear to you: I do have high resolution textures in game since I changed this setting, so this has been a good workaround for me (and some others). No need to shout at me for providing a solution. I can post a screenshot for you, but I am currently at work, and it's not worth getting fired over.


    All right, I do not even know why I bothered to test those "fixes" you linked... While they do may help with the FPS issue -which this topic is not about- they definitely do not enable high ress textures of characters. Please see the first post of this topic if you want to understand what it is all about.

  10. The very fact that the ptr made the medium texture option disappear entirely without it being mentioned in the patch notes. Just like how features the game had disappeared from the game after the beta.


    Im probably just spoiled from coming from an MMO where the development team was far more technically competent than bioware is showing us to be, at least when it comes to handling bugs and adding things to their game. One month after its launch and we already had a world event to introduce a brand new raid. An engine that could handle hundreds of people on screen at the same time without blowing up and textures that actually looked good instead of looking like they were painted on with an airbrush.



    Exactly, I spent some years with AoC made by Funcom and I also was letting them know what I like and what I disapprove of, but back then you could at least count on a response from their GD. What about BW? A Community guy will hop in, close the thread and redirect you to some fake solution... One only starts to appreciate things once it gets worse...




    Oh my dear Lord...

  11. Maybe im here on visa? Or maybe im an exchange student? That just says my location, not my nationality or where I was born.


    As for me you can be a pink pony striding across the sky, couldn't care less. If you don't mind current textures then **** and stop trolling.






    The biggest problem I have with this hole situation is the lack of any kind of information about it from BW. Even a "Hey, we wont fix that, old medium is the new high from now on" would suffice.

  12. My 2cents. Both sets show the difference with the clicking on comm thingie... "a" is for standard screenshots with all settings high in game, "b" shows the high ress textures after clicking the intercom.



    1a - http://i39.tinypic.com/szvfqd.jpg

    1b - http://i42.tinypic.com/4s1h1h.jpg


    2a (standard) - http://i40.tinypic.com/2cx6yb4.jpg

    2b (with intercom) - http://i42.tinypic.com/qo6cz8.jpg


    It's just another shortcut, trick, scam made by Bioware. Like I wrote in other topic, everyone who played Jedi Knight must have noticed the same conversation lines of JK going over and over again in many quests on every planet, which feels out of place. Only the main storyline conversations have something fresh.

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