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Posts posted by Bluelily

  1. I was always sad that Koth never had an opinion, I know what it would be and he'd probably be packing, but I'd still want to see it!


    Yeah, Thexan's for ghost would be great too, anything to make the situation more life like to be honest!


    Path through different layers of redemption. Like Xena: Warrior Princess, or something.


    It looks like the new Star Trek series is mirroring Arcann somewhat, in saving a ruthless emperor, to do good.


    At least, this is fresh, new uncharted territory, with a much more complicated dynamic than a cookie-cutter goody goody companion. Arcann has staying power, big time; I want to see him evolve, as much as possible - bring on more Arcann storylines!!

  2. She really would, if resources allow it, it would be interesting to see her reply of what she thinks of Arcann and what he did in his past. I'm sure she could fall for DS Arcann and approve of him joining you/you being in a relationship with someone like him. I never thought of that! Sounds like something I'd like to see being brought up!


    I hope they make the Arcann romance as in depth, dynamic, and interactive as possible. Especially, when it comes to interacting with Senya through different choices we make.

  3. I mentioned the Consular which is, in fact, one of my least favorite classes and the only JC I have, doesn't have Iresso romanced. The reason I pointed out the Consular was mostly as an example and picked at random, to highlight they, along with the Jedi Knight btw, don't have *any* of their LI's returned. I just feel the focus should first go to the original LI's before this new romance is thrown into the mix.


    Not sure how that makes me a "disgruntled complainer" but there are plenty players who've been waiting for their loved one to return for far longer than an "Arcann romance" has been a thing and while I accept some folks are truly keen on this guy, that romance shouldn't be a priority over fulfilling a promise made to us when KOTFE was first announced. Which was a meaningful return of all our companions, and they're yet to do so. So do that first and then introduce the new guy.


    I'm not a majority either. I am but one person and my opinions are my own. If people agree, great. If they don't, no skin off my back really.


    Some of the old companions have just~ returned. I disagree that BW should lose focus/ sacrifice on doing something with KOTFE/ET characters. It's fairer to do something with both companion groups: old and new. BW said old companions will come back and they have/ still are. Perhaps, push for the consular companions IN ADDITION to Arcann, of the newer companion group. Fair enough compromise.

  4. I also mentioned i like Jaesa ( NOT consular companion), Kira ( NOT consular companion) , Vector ( NOT consular companion), Mako ( not consular companion).

    What's wrong with liking Jaesa and Zenith more than other companions? I am not forcing anyone to use,recruit or like them.

    Please refrain from comments about my age. Thank you.


    PS: how did you knew about my message to Customers Support? If you are a game developer, then tell everyone in this topic why you consider them " A few disgruntled complainers". If you are not, please stop reporting me for no reason and please stop insulting the others just because they do not want the Arcann romance.


    I never said you didn't want those other companions, although you've been very adamant about the consular. I'd like to see all the old love interests return for each specific class; however, another plus Arcann has going for him is that he can be enjoyed on ANY character. That, and he's awesome (to some).


    PS - GJ with your paranoia and finger-pointing/ blatant projecting: if you don't abide by the rules, don't expect other people to respect you. Sounds like karma, compliments of the forum in general. Not that you'll take ANY responsibility for anything.

  5. I agree with you. My purpose was not to offend anyone,not at all. If they felt insulted by my opinions, it is strictly their problem, i asked them numerous times to be reasonable and stop, but they ignored me. My anger is not directed to other players but to the developers, they seem to always prioritize what a small vocal minority requests and ignore what 97% of players want. I'm really tired of seeing my guild jumping off the band wagon because they waited and waited and waited for ..let's say Kira Carsen to be re-introduced but it never happened. The last two years were a complete disaster, they look more and more like the endless political controversies from my country, full of promises and lacking of satisfying content or results.


    "what 97% of players want" aka, you mean YOU. Some of the old companions just~ came back and you're whining about that because you're not getting the ones YOU want, with pseudo-stats. Not really objective.

  6. He was pushed back in every expansion and this makes me really sad. I see the others getting everything they requested ( including awkward new romance) but nothing whatsoever for my class. Do you like to be treated like an omega citizen?

    What's the point of a boycott? First off all, respect their promises to the majority of players, then introduce a new romance. We don't get new flashpoints or new OPS, no new stories, this is not normal.


    Where was [anything] "promised"?! Just because YOU aren't not getting what YOU want, as opposed to the alleged "majority" of players, you're just being bitter and nasty about it. As far as new content, it has been released, although not at the rate you want or demand, and 6.0 has recently been teased.

  7. you don't seem to understand that when you're in a certain environment, people are not interested in hearing your opinion, you don't go to a football match and talk about how lame football is and how you don't support it.

    Just like i'm not going into your thread to say how we should all love arcann and romance him and how he's the best character ever. As you can see nobody is really arguing with the opinions of others and how their view on arcann is wrong, i certainly am not.


    But as we're in this thread, arcann is totally all of those things i just said.:rak_03:



  8. Signed, +1. PVP'ers shouldn't be special, and PVE'ers shouldn't be the only ones having everything re-releleased and compromised. It needs to be fair. <Put these up for Direct Sale.> These PVP weapons (and armor) look better than most platinum weapons: for shame...



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