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Posts posted by Nanasombria

  1. It feels like the gear discrepency of a fresh 50 to a geared PvP 50 is far too steep.

    I don't see why anyone should get a fixed advantage in PvP over the skill they have gained from playing it regularly.


    Gear progression has always been a PvE based reward system, which some MMOs pasted into their PvP. It simply doesn't provide a healthy PvP environment, those who are there longer get significant advantages over those who already have far less experience.


    I think 50 bracket PvP would be greatly improved by simply ignoring gear-stats completely. People can wear what they want to PvP, nolonger have to look like a collection of clones and people just hitting 50 won't be completely put off from Warzones & PvP


    I made a seperate thread about it if anyone is interested in providing their opinion.




    PvP progression based on +Stats just doesn't favor a healthy PvP environment.


    That's Guild Wars (2) way. All with equal gear (maximized). The best skilled players win. Not the 24/7 farmers. Some people like this, some doesn't.

  2. Here Mogol, lvl 20 Assassin, Uthar Wynn server.


    I have a different point of view from OP when I play WZ and pvp in general. Top dmg have more sense if u are playing to win, helping your mates to reach the goal. Not chasing alone enemies only to farm KB and dps numbers.


    I dont care at all if I dont top dmg. It's a different way to feel realized. I enjoy guarding ALL THE TIME that teammate near me being focused, changing guard all the time, fighting for objectives, i sacrifice my life if necessary to hold 10 secs more the flag, etc. My dps at this lvl is about 75k-150k depending on the wz, placing 4-10, but usually toping medals and protection coz my playstile is more winning the wz focused.


    Dont take me wrong, I love to do dps too, but always to achive a global goal.


    At the beginning i was running a full dps build and hitting all the red spots in my screen, and yes, you can easily place 1-4 at dps. But I get more fun playing to win the wz's and helping others.


    Sry, but u dont impress me.

  3. Do you mean as a sorc you don't have control? Do you mean you don`t deal dmg enough coz u are kinetic-energy based? Omg.


    Wait for a nerf after Operatives and maybe BH.


    BTW.. i roll 4 chars of each class. Sorc is really really fine atm. Like Assassin for me.

  4. If we (players) choose PvP sever is for REAL and HARD pvp, open pvp, as unlimited as possible. Massive. Everywhere. With rewards. All day along.


    PLEASE, improve all the pvp issues exposed in the pvp forum... please!!!! There are lot of threads in the same direction, keyboard responsiveness, fix CC's inmunities, targetting and indicators, etc.

  5. 1) The WOWFARM (World of Warcraft Fluidity and Responsiveness Metric) is a 6/10 at best. It is incredibly frustrating to go through your spell rotation even in a PVE scenario only to find out that 1/2 of the spells didn't go off because of poor responsiveness. This will push pvper's away from this game fast if not addressed. You see it as the number one concern time and time again as was demonstrated in games like AOC & Warhammer Online that had particularly bad WOWFARM ratings.


    2) Status notifications are non-existant. Whether you're snared, rooted, stunned or otherwise impaired most spells don't have obvious status indicators. This would go a long way toward improving the WOWFARM score in and of itself.


    3) Targeting is made difficult by small selection collision boxes. You have to be extremely exacting in clicking on a target. This problem exists in PVE but is more of an issue in PVP. The indicators for your selected target are also pretty poor. In a group of people it's often hard to tell which one you've actually targeted.


    4) There is too much cc. No matter what class you are, if you've done any pvp, you know all about getting locked and rocked in this game. It's worse even than it was in AOC and that's saying something. A cc breaking skill with a long cooldown and no sustained cc immunity does not fix this problem.



    There seem to be recurring themes in the responses.


    1) Go back to wow.


    2) If you're fighting 14,000 versus 1 obviously your going to die.




    1) I haven't played wow for 5 years. I don't plan on going back. It had many of it's own problems. I appreciated it's fluidity and responsiveness. In the pursuit of having an intelligent conversation I made up the term WOWFARM (World of Warcraft Fluidity and Responsiveness Metric) so that people could continue having the conversation without have to say "Well this amorphous thing that I can't quite describe regarding the game not being responsive and fluid to play and sometimes when I use things it takes time but other times things happen that I pressed a while ago but I" and you get the point. It's meant to improve the dialogue not to detract from it. Stop focusing on the fact that the word world of warcraft appears in it.


    2) The cc 2v1 is enough for complete lock and rock. I'm not asking for no cc. I'm not asking to be a berserker demon who can take people 2v1. I'm asking to let me move my character and use my abilities so that I can die doing something 2v1.


    Perfect thread. I agree more than 100% and all my feedback during the beta (permanent access) was in that way all the time. I am full pvp player and the main issues i found were these you talk about.

  6. Sorry but pvp is awesome right now, CC isnt even a issue.


    I guess you are not a Marauder like me... XD. CC maybe is not an issue for such classes as BH, Inquisitors, etc. They have tones. I only have "unleash" with a hughe CD to free myself from CC's. I can really die having the 100% of my health bar, without having the control of my toon from CC to CC. That's an issue for me. The pvp is great (i come from WAR), but the DR system bar fills up too slow, i feel that way. Maybe 3-4 CC and you become with inmunity.


    BTW, I am not whinning, i love the system, but i would fix it a bit more ( at least as a Marauder lol )

  7. Baddies will be baddies. I've seen plenty of JGs who are already owning face.




    All of the vendors are pretty disorganized and all over the place. But so what? That's a carebear issue, not a PvP problem. It certainly isn't a gamebreaker.




    lolwut? Never noticed this...not once.




    No lag here. My JC skills are popping perfectly and the game has been seamlessly flowing for me without any hiccups. Check your rig. Check your con. Maybe your server? But I doubt it.




    I'm of the opposite opinion. I've been very impressed with the PvP so far and my toon has only seen WZ action. Classes seem pretty well balanced and the action is fast and furious. Really good times so far.


    Wednesday 14th Des at 16:00 h: no lag problem, all abilities work fine, no delays, etc. Great PVP.


    Thursday 15th Des at 23:00 h: all the pvp issues this guy comment are TRUE. The lag has increased hardly. 2 or 3 seconds delay on key response. Players teletransportating. When someon dies, two seconds of delay, true. The pvp experience decreases a lot.

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