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Posts posted by Limbobway

  1. ya, it is my fault for not upgrading my computer 100% but still, the game should be designed to run flawlessly on low end computers and you shouldnt have to have a super computer to play a game.




    o and to the person who said i didnt uninstall.....i did, its gone, patoot!



    i would rather play world of warcraft till d3 comes out or pandalands comes out than endure this game another day!

  2. just uninstalled the game!


    no game lags on my computer at all! this is the only game that does and it pisses me off that i cant do 16 man raids because my frame rate drops too low to have enough response time to the mechanics.




    anyways i think more ppl should be uninstalling this game, it is a nightmare on multiple levels.

  3. the thing is though, its not an idea. if bioware would see how other mmo's run and use that as a structure instead of bringing their game 7 years back to how mmo's used to be then it wouldnt be that bad. que times arent an issue on my server, premades constantly wipping out solo quers is the big problem. what if nobody in my guild wants to pvp? what if the pvp guild i get in has their set people that they pvp with? i was in a guild that did alot of pvp and i left because i wasnt in the cool kids grp. its rediculous and if you solo que for pvp you would agree. you cant really voice a good opinion if you are rollin around in your guilds premades.


    the majority of people that pvp are not in premades so why make a system that is more centered around premades to win? that is bad business in my opinion.



    honestly i dont understand how you guys dont see my point and that it is a valid point.

  4. i know what you're saying and i agree to a point. when servers are this small, my point becomes more valid. i've been hearing about mergers for months with nothing happening.


    as far as ranked wz's i am betting that premades will get tired of not winning all the time and go back to recking solo quer's. could be wrong but that is what i think will happen.


    as far as cross server pvp, they can do what rift did and make it just with a couple other servers, not to the extent wow did.

  5. Bioware,


    Why, why, why would you not put cross server pvp in the game when it started? I mean seriously....sooooo stupid. The servers are so small that the premades are literally destroying the pvp in this game. I am probablly not going to re-sub for next month because of this. You guys just wont listen to your customers at all and its getting really annoying.




    Pissed off customer.

  6. so i read a bunch of comments about people qq'ing that people jet if they enter a losing wz match. and its funny how none of them ever lose for these reason i am about to post.



    Premades make ppl leave. Nobody likes to just get rick rolled into the ground, get 1-2 metals, and hardly any coms and valor. make it so people cant do premades and i'm sure ppl will run into the problem of ppl leaving early much less.



    premades are a joke and not worth staying to play against because they are on a voice speak program which is giving them the advantage that the other team may not have. a way to fix this would be to either make it so people cant do premades OR que premade groups up against other premade groups.



    you see thinking isnt hard bioware....just stop and use your brain a little and stop giving jobs to idiots.

  7. can you guys take this incredibly annoying feature out of the game already!?


    who cares about the stupid voting...it doesnt do anything! its so incredibly annoying to wait ESPECIALLY if you lost.


    there is ZERO point to it being in the game, it serves no purpose at all.

  8. cancelled my sub today thank god.


    i'd rather play wow any day over this. seriously....more changest to the stupid ui cd appearance? this is just such a terrible game and every patch they make makes it that much more frustrating to play. latency issues are stupid, loading screens are rediculous, class balance is way out of wack, if you want to make another toon....its ****in annoying as **** to spam spacebar all the time! Maybe next time you should try listening to your customers instead of ignoring them and doin whatever the **** you want.

  9. Ohhh OP... why u haz no clue? :p


    Obviously your points are in reference to "WoW".

    Blizzard was successfull lllloooonnnnggggg before that horrid game came out! lol


    silly human :rolleyes:


    sorry i thought it was obvious i was talking about an mmo so didnt feel the need to state that....i guess i should have for people like you.

  10. No, they didn't.


    It took them two years just to make certain classes as viable as others, and even small bugs like the initial looting lag went on for months without a fix.




    False again. Blizzard's ticket response times at launch were 1 week minimum for the majority of cases, with many individuals waiting 2 or 3 weeks even for responses.


    Did you even play at launch? You seem grossly misinformed.




    SWTOR and RIFT being bad is your own personal opinion. There is no factual evidence to support your claim, especially where SWTOR is concerned. If you take the time to do some research you might realize how absurd your statements truly are.



    dont know what game you played but i started playing wow 6 months after it came out and everything you are saying contradicts the experience i had. i still stand by my post.

  11. If you are going to make us go out and do ilum world pvp for our bags at least have a server that can handle that many people on ilum.



    due to your track record so far in the game i am expecting you to ignore this and just make pointless changes like you have been instead of fixing the real problems in the game.


    enjoy the subs while you have them, if you do not address issues like this soon and fast you will be making far less money than you could be making.

  12. Dear Bioware,


    I am going to tell you what made Blizzard so sucessful and what many companies are failing at with mmo's. When Blizzard first came out they had a ton of issues with the game, much like you guys are having now. The difference between them and you though is they actually listened to their customers and fixed problems that were huge problems. The second thing is Blizzards customer service was awsome, they replied within 30 minutes of a ticket and resolved the issue you had.


    This is not the case with Blizzard now of course, they have become so big that they dont really care about that stuff anymore because they arent going to lose alot if the small percentage of players quit due to bad service. I think they have set a bad example for people to follow and this is why games like Rift and Swtor are ending up so bad.

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