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Posts posted by Mahluus

  1. I'll keep this simple, i dont like gambling. I will not pay real world currency for virtual items if what i get is random. I will buy a black/black dye or revans mask for example but i will never buy a pack that offers a chance only of said item. Remove random number generator from cartel packs and items and i think you'll see an increase in purchases. My pennies worth.
  2. Some people are missing the point. Is it better to pull a feature rather than release something thats broken? Sure. But that isn't the issue here. Hyping ranked WZ as one of the main features for release with 1.2 and then pulling at the last minute is the issue. It's unprofessional full stop. And if any of the rest of us handled our day jobs the same way BW handle customer service, we'd be fired / out of business before long. Fact is some people play for PVE, others PVP and the rest for a bit of both in varying degrees. They promised so much to the PVP community just before launch and have delivered nothing. The PVP experience is mediocre, at best! 4 months into release and still no open PVP, no incentive to perform open world PVP (zerg vs zerg AOE fest outside one or other main camp aint open world PVP btw) and all the other issues that are covered in other PVP threads already. I am actually quite unimpressed with how BW handled the launch, release and first 4 months of the game.
  3. I'll keep the post simple, too much CC in the game, being stunlocked and killed before you get to do anything is never fun. Quite often the resolve bar doesnt get to fill up before you're dead. Reminds me of the early WAR days, combined with even a slight lag and WZ's quickly become annoying not fun.
  4. Whiners grow up. ANY access before Dec 15th (since that was the original early access promise) is an absolute bonus and I guarantee anyone who pre-ordered before Nov will be in before Dec 15th. Would love to be playing right now, but I'll wait my turn in line. Whiners behaving like a bunch of toddlers who should still be in nappies, unbelievable.:confused:
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