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Posts posted by Kylawog

  1. I am a founder, been playing off and on since December of 2011. All these bugs, crashes and now the patcher won't even launch after I hit play. I deleted everything and installed on a new SSD and still have issues. I am done paying $15 a month to constantly be frustrated, and SWTOR doesn't even seem to care to fix or resolve issues....peace
  2. does anyone have any suggestions to why my game clients frequently crashes to desktop...it happens everywhere, but more so i warzones...I've been a sub since dec 2011, but I am so frustrated that I might quit the game. It never did this before 3.1, but now.. it's awful. any help or tips would be very helpful.
  3. How are you gonna nerf the weakest PVP healing class? We have no "O~Sh*t " button like sages or scoundrels....our only real thing that was nice was hammer-shot, the ability to let us heal on the move, while charging up our support cells and saving our energy, this is BS...NERF NERF NERF!!! Only way to be fair is to nerf Sage/sorc bubble or Scoundrel/ops vanish.....bullsh*t!
  4. Here's a crazy thought, what's wrong with space missions that are difficult but reasonably achievable? I have all of the upgrades and am reasonably not fail at life, but I have not had any luck at any of the space missions. I despise the proton torpedo for hijacking my missile firing button and then also failing to fire after it's locked on. Hate the new missions, thanks for nothing BioWare.
    AMEN BROTHER! timing isn't the issue, fix proton torpedo
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