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Posts posted by Invoky

  1. Force Rush makes our BS/dispatch 100% crit but they are not all the abilities we do. Without 35%+ crit your OS/PB/MS/sunder/all 3 burning effect are going to be low dmg. Surge shouldnt be worry because its so easy to reach soft cap.


    Btw Aienir could you please post your consist 1900+ dps parser? I havent heard anyone able to pull 1900+ consist after 5-6 min not even pure dps class like sentinel/gunslinger. Could you please show us ur log?

  2. I changed my rotation now I am hitting constantly 1600+


    Learned from the guide, I thought MS is suppose to be top priority skill to use. Our talent "Zen Strike" also imply that we should use MS as much as we can than have OS/PB reset MS cooldown. But after few hours of testing I believe using MS for every CD is actually dps lose. Because I was not keeping up dots from BS/OS/PD full time.


    So my new priority rotation is:

    Sunder Strike/Saber throw(if focus is less than 6)

    Plasma brand

    Blade Storm(if Force Rush)

    Overhead Slash

    Sunder Strike/Saber throw(if focus more than 6)

    Master Strike

  3. This is not a solo, this is a team game. If 2-3 marauders ganked on u and kill you, that is perfectly normal. But if a healer is dying too often, that is because the tank is bad.


    I have a guardian tank and when I am around my healer, he almost never die even if 2-3 dps is on him. What I do for my healer are taunt, guard, choke, snare, fear, push back, and guardian leap. If some tank is doing all those things for u when you are being focus fire, and you are not stay in one place being dumb. I highly doubt you will die.


    There is no weak healer in this game. Sage/sorc healer are best in WZ if properly played with a tank. TBH your problem is that you dont play with a tank.

  4. I always thought Skill Barrel 26 does not exist in the game.


    Today I went to GTN and found someone was selling Skill Barrel 26 for 2 millions. I went back to vender to double check and I found no blasters have Skill barrel, all barrels from field tech/medic/enforcer were Patron 26. Than I did some digging and found out that Skill barrel only exist in Imperial side.


    So my question is, why does imperial gets skill barrel but Republic doesn't? Are we suppose to spend millions to buy from Imperial Armstech?

  5. Is Guardian tank fine?

    Yes, any Guardian tank should be able to MT/OT any PVE content right now. I have a 28K hp, 29% def, 47% shield, and 45% absorb Guardian so I know its doable in PVE.


    Are Shadow/Vanguard tanks better?

    Yes, they are better tank than Guardian. I have seem my guild tanks they are pretty much same gears as me but doing their job much easier.


    So should Guardian get buff? No we could can anything in this game. Should Shadow/Vanguard gets nerf? Maybe, they are easier/better than Guardian.

  6. Is it true that the first two encounter's bosses in EC(Zorn/Toth/SC/FB) do Elemental Dmg? Which can not be shield?


    A shadow friend of mine claim that because shadow tank has ability to put up shield buff, and when she tanked those bosses buff rarely gets consume. So those bosses do attack that ignore shield.


    Currently my tank setup is 25k hp, 26% def, 45% shield, 47% absorb. I was thinking to get the campaign absorb relic with 405 abs rating on. But after hearing what she said. Does that mean 2x campaign DPS relic are best? Because they are highest endurance relic in game and gives over 200 endurance if its augmented.


    What do you guys think?

    What relic do you guys use?

  7. That's just flat out wrong. Master Strike after 1.2 does more damage than that rotation easily, if you aren't using it everytime its up you're doing it wrong, ESPECIALLY in PvE.


    That's what I used to believe until I read that post about how much dps each skill does on dummy. MS was the lowest dps compare to OS/PB/BS.


    Well the post was from few weeks ago and its now bury, I couldn't find it anymore. You don't have to believe me that's fine.

  8. Yes it still procs even if master strike isnt on cd. But after 1.2 master strike does tons of damage so I try to use it whenever its off cd


    I almost never use MS in PVE. Multiple people have claim that MS is lower DPS compare to OS/PB/crit BS. So unless all 3 of those hard hitting skills are in CD and I have full focus, I don't use MS.


    That doesn't happen once in a blue moon.

  9. Supposedly this talent reset Master Strike CD and general 2 focus. Do you have to have Master Strike CD to be reset for this ability to generate 2 focus?


    Someone told me that Master Strike is lower DPS compare to use OD/PB/BS, so I try to not use Master Strike. I'd like to know that if my Master Strike is usually up, will Zen Strike still proc while Master Strike have CD and give me 2 focus?

  10. Add cross-server que or merge some server please. I am on a very low-pop server, after 12am server time pretty much there is no any WZ going on. I know it because I always use "search" to see how many WZ is happening while I wait.


    People who reject this idea are ppl who are either on high-pop server, or afraid to get stomp by better PVPer from other server. They are selfish and they have never experienced how painful it is just to pray for a WZ to pop after hours.

  11. If a GS lose 1v1 to a Marauder, that is normal. This game is not balanced on 1v1 and Sentinel/Marauder is better 1v1 class than GS/Sniper.


    Lets see what Watchman Sentinel/Marauder can do:

    Saber ward


    Force Camo

    Zenstrike heal

    Guard by the force

    -90% Accuracy for 6 sec(forgot the name)

    PVP and normal Medic pack(possibly even biochem version)

    Leg slash

    AOE Fear



    Do you honestly think a GS can kill a Marauder with all those CD? And don't kid yourself saying how skillful that you can kite them. If any Marauder is being kite, than hes a bad Marauder. We are talking about equal skill/gear here.


    My point is not that GS is weak. GS is a strong PVP class but complaining about not being able to 1v1 Marauder is just petty/pointless. GS/sniper can eat sage/sorc like a breakfast. Should they complain about not able to kill us 1v1?


    Do you die alot in WZ?

    If you die in WZ with any defensive cd/medpack cd still up, than its your fault.

    If you die in WZ next to a tank but without guard on you, than its tank's fault.

    If you die in WZ when healer still have ammo/force/energy, than its healer's fault.


    Stop being so hard on yourself, everyone dies even Shadow tank. Your job is to brust down enemy healer/squish dps. Next time if a Marauder is beating on you, yell at your tank/healer.

  12. Because range dps are godly in low level wz. I am not saying GS isnt great in 50's, but once all melee gets better skills at 50. It will become much harder to kill them. Its just like how sage 1k shield is untouchable in low level wz, but at 50 it gets shatter in 1 hit.


    The game is balancing base on 50 not low level.

  13. Has anyone spec into this new talent and done the testing? Does it...


    1) reduce the energy cost of next quickshot use within 6 sec


    2) reduce the energy cost of all quickshots use within 6 sec


    which one is it?

  14. lol do did you even read? I never mentioned anything about 50. I said 1-49. No where did I say the class is bad either. I just said that "stealthers kick my ***"


    What do you do when start getting them low, they restealth, restun (you get out of that) then they use their flash gernade on you, run away heal up and come back in.


    Than don't break out sap unless you are seeing them cast healing? You do konw you have knockback/nut kick/flashbang/root/inturrupt too right?


    And my previous post wasn't focusing on lv50 WZ, please read carefully. I only mention lv50 WZ to tell you that 1-49 are far easier for GS to play than 50's.

  15. You are kidding right?


    I have a full BM/Rakata GS I have no problem taking any class 1v1. But I was taking it for granted that I always feel our class needs some buff. Than I started leveling a Guardian alt, it was like turtore in 1-49 WZ. If you think GS is bad in low level WZ you are wrong, GS is godly in low level WZ.


    GS is currently on par with other class for pvp, in 1.2 we will be even more godly(except Sentinel). If anyone wants to complain about GS being weak, go play other class and see for yourself. Not being able to get leap/inturrupt/cc(hurkdown) is priceless, no other class can do this.


    As for OP, if Stealther jump u and knock u down. You have to break CC ASAP before they do any further dmg to you. Than knock back > flash bang > root(if he break cc) > pop relic/adr > burn him. After that its all about who has better gear to not die first. GS has 3 defensive cooldown + health pot, we shouldnt die that easy.

  16. So last night I was queing WZ on alt with a friend. I am lv43 Guardian mostly gold/blue and few piece green. My friend was lv13 Guardian full green no earring/implant/helm etc. It turned out that my lv13 friend has more STR/Endurance than me in the WZ. He was over 1k on both stats, I was only 938ish.


    I mean I understand theres a system to boost stats in WZ to make 1-49 player even. But I clearly have better gear than him, I also have been collecting datacron. So why does he a fresh lv13 Guardian has more STR/Endurance than a Lv40 Guardian?


    I am really curious how it works... because it doesnt make any sense. Is the game trying to balance out by giving low level more stats, because they lack the abilities/skills that high level have?

  17. the two talents at the bottom of the tank tree that give you free Blade Storms on leap and make your sundering strike generate extra focus respectively.


    Just to be clarify but the talent Victory Rush is still bugged? I spec'ed to it few days ago and it was not working.

  18. 1) Change burst volley to 10% Armor Reduction/ArP instead of the 9% Alacrity currently, also make it refreshable. Our entire tree is white damage(which is worst damage type) so why not give us some ArP.


    2) Change the 4% Alacrity at first tier DF tree to 4% Offhand damage. Sentential has something like that so why dont Gunslinger has?


    3) Lower Wound shot energy to 25, and 2 point extra talent to reduce 4 more energy cost.


    4) Remove Hot Pursuit.


    Those change are very reasonable. Some of the suggestion above are too much, would make GS OP.

  19. Your rotation is wrong. You are suppose to pop vital shot last so u can do 2x Wound shots.


    Hemorrhaging Blast > Sharp bomb > Vital Shot > Wound shot > whatever skill > Wound shot again before both dots wear off.


    Hemorhaging blast can be fire before or after sharp bomb. It dosent matter because if you have both dots up, it will consume 10 dots quickly anyway. The key is to have Vital shot "last".

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