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Posts posted by mypadinla

  1. It's amazing that there are so much of these threads and every single poster thinks that we care about their opinion of the game when really we are just laughing at you wasting your time and money on a game you dislike just to whine, I thought my wife was the biggest whiner - Then I met general discussion.


    You want a glass of wine Marrex?

    For someone who just commented on a post to complain and give us your 2 cents worth of an opinion you might as well just kept your mouth shut or I mean keep trolling posts and wasting your time you waste of a human being. :D

  2. And the award for the most incoherent ramble on the forums today goes to....mypadinla!


    I had to read that three times to make sense of that. Lots of very very confused attempts at aphorism there.


    I'm sticking around at least until 2 months after f2p (aka 1 time card). If we haven't gone p2win by then I'll buy another time card, so on and so forth.


    I had to Vandicus... otherwise the ban patrol will lock it and put it away forever... you know those damn droids think for themselves now... LOL!


    Enjoy the game while it lasts you sentient beings :rak_03:

  3. So as F2P is incoming who is staying and paying? Who is staying and doing F2P and who is just done and moving on to GW 2 or another game?


    I guess it really doesn't matter if they take the game down for maintenance during the week or if they take it down for maintenance right after a patch since it will be F2P but what about those paying subscriber customers guess they will just have to eat it and enjoy it...

    It's amazing how BW/EA let the test server die and people who tested this game are gone also the people who made videos and guides for this game seem to have quit doing them or quit the game or both.


    I leave you with this question if BW/EA let the test server die/fail with all of it's people who were helping them do their job.... What makes you think that as a paying subscriber they will not do the same to the game and let it die?


    They just keep milking the cow till it dies.... I see lots of cows still have milk but how much milk are you willing to give until you realize you are not eating grass you are eating genetically modified corn....

    Die in peace SWTOR fans, community, gamers and the like.


    This will come to pass as the greatest gaming failure in history but it's ok you were a part of something huge :)


    P.S. And no SWTOR is not Vader it will not come back with a vengeance.


    (puts hazard material suit on)

  4. That currently you get more entertainment and content than you will out of this game.


    I logged on for the first time in a week and a half today to have this fantastic experience:

    - Log-in to my lovely WH geared Sage on Ajunta Pall, 50 People on Fleet at 3 PM, not too bad in comparison to my other servers.

    -Solo-queue for PvP, wait ten minutes...read the general chat, which seemed to have turned into a complaint/trollfest. Which was semi-surprising for our RP/PvP server.... wait another ten minutes.

    - Twenty-Five minutes (total) pass and my queue pops, Voidstar.

    - I've played since Dec 13th, and seen a lot of players come and go, and know most of the good ones on the pub side. Only 1 in the game with me, the rest are undergeared alts or scrubbies *sigh*,

    -After getting ganked at a door 4 minutes into the match, I respawned in the defensive first area only to find my toon locked in place.

    -/stuck ... nothing happens, and no sages to rescue me

    - Alt - F4 as I get kicked from the game because of the auto-boot in the spawn area.



    Point of my story: I waited 30 minutes to play 4 minutes of content before this unpolished, buggy product even managed to ruin the little fun experience I could have. Reading other peoples horror stories and opinions on these boards, heck even the occasional trolls make these forums more entertaining than Ghost Fleets and content you cant even visit because you've got no one to play with.


    I know Im not alone in these feelings, but I know the Biodrones can't feel emotion and will prolly lock this thread.



  5. Good for you bro..........Im glad your voting with your wallet....


    Im going to be right behind you.



    Watching this company operate is like watching The Three Stooges work in an office atmosphere............COMEDY GOLD!


    Classic!! I think the 3 stooges would do a better job actually.... This MMO is comedy at it's best right now maybe in a year or so it will be worth $15 a month plus an overpriced game.... or maybe never.... :mad:

  6. The only blight to OPvP in this game is the fact that there is a massive faction imbalance that only got worse with the inauguration of Imp Wars in 1.2 and the total disincentivization of doing OPvP with the removal of Ilum dailies. For that reason, I actually advocate the elimination of Factions entirely, but you are still better off PvPing on a PvP Server, if that is your inclination.


    ROFL@Imp Wars you mad bro? :rak_02:

  7. PvP and RP servers are a joke from what I have heard. There is absolutely no interaction from oposing factions, rarely will you bump into a player from the oposite faction to have some PvP fun. RP servers from what I hear most people that tried it is that no one really RP's...


    So yeah I'm sure this game is working as intended. Thanks Hero engine or should I say devs? Just thank them all for doing such a great job at their first MMORPG............ :o

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