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Posts posted by Sai-Ular

  1. I appreciate the responses for the most part. Aside from the few posts focusing on the in-game gifts and the general "I'm smarter than you" type comments, I have found them to be understanding and thoughtful.


    It was never about the vanity items or the small CC allotment. It is about respecting the PLAYERS and doing what's right. Ill say it again, DOING WHAT'S RIGHT.


    I cannot say for 100% certainty that my friend followed the rules perfectly. I simply wasn't there to look over his shoulder and advise him. I forwarded the e-mail link as instructed and he said he followed the instructions he was presented with. With that being said BioWare/EA created a seemingly convoluted and easy to error system for this to work. MANY people have had this problem, not just my friend and I. Many have also had it work. And this is where the problem arises. I did as I was instructed and (as far as I know) he did what he was instructed. BioWare got another subscribing customer that was referred by an existing player. A referral by a friend goes a lot further than a suggestion by a salesman. We are doing the companies job for them. And I don't mind that. I do, however, expect a little understanding from the company/developers that I just endorsed.


    So what do I think the right thing to do is? In my humble and albeit, involved, view the right thing to do was to fix the error ASAP. If the error was in the instructions, then clarify them. If it was in the mechanics, then simplify them. Following that then they should have given those with a help ticket the items as promised. The problem would have been rectified. Hopefully assuring no more dissatisfied subscribers followed by the making right that which went wrong for those that had encouraged others to play.


    There was a comment about me being overly dramatic or throwing a temper tantrum. To that I will apologize. I have tried to write evenly and without emotion as best I can. The unfortunate truth is that sometimes peoples own visceral reactions influence their reading of someone else's words. And they take on a whole new meaning


    Finally... to the person who commented on why I decided to post here. Their contention was that I, "Wanted the attention". To that I say... YOUR RIGHT!!


    The attention I seek is that people will stand up when they see something is wrong. Not just sit back and take it and say, "Oh well there a big business, what choice do I have?" If more people take a stand when we are wronged maybe we'll be listened to a little more. and placated a little less.


    Just my humble point of view.

  2. First let me just say that this is not a negative rant about the game, F2P, nerfing or "lack of". It is about respecting the players.


    The story goes...

    Like many, I have been playing since beta and subscribed as soon as I could. I had an account set up long before the game went live. I began playing and enjoyed SWTOR immensely right from the start. It seemed to get better and better the more I played. Every new patch, every new race, every new planet and every new story quest I explored and immersed myself in. I found a great guild with terrific people and found a whole new level of gameplay. Life was great.

    I wanted my RL friends to enjoy what I found special about SWTOR so during the last "Refer A Friend" campaign I convinced a friend to join us in the battle for the fate of the galaxy. I followed the rules as instructed and sent him the RAF link. He clicked, connected, downloaded, subscribed and played. I expected the modest rewards that I was promised. A few in game items and a small Cartel Coin monthly allotment.

    Alas, it didn't happen...

    After a month of waiting on a help ticket I was unceremoniously kicked to the curb, so to speak. The ticket was closed without an explanation. I called customer support and spoke to someone who advised me that the developers in Austin, etc. had ordered them to close the tickets of this outstanding fiasco. Obviously I wasn't the only one to have problems with this RAF venture. He said that all the tickets that were going to be fixed already were and all others would be dropped. In essence, they were washing their hands of the issue and damned be the ones who didn't get resolved.

    So as a result...

    I am canceling my subscription. So why say it here in forums? Why not just go quietly into that goodnight? It's because I can't stand around after being a devoted SWTOR member and be discarded like trash by the developers and corporations. They were already getting my money and after all, it is a business. I understand that but it went beyond money. Many people had this problem and instead of doing what's right they chose to ignore and belittle their actions.

    So finally...

    With sadness, I am leaving. Good luck to all. Enjoy SWTOR, I hope to return someday when things have changed. I know they probably wont but I am an optimist despite these events.

  3. I recently healed for a 55 HM and joined in a group that was already in progress. They were at the first boss and the original healer quit after a few wipes. I eagerly jumped in to help as I was a well geared, experienced healer and I had done this particular FP MANY times before. In short I was very confident that we would be fine.


    A long story short... we wiped... HARD. I just couldn't keep the tank up despite all my effort. I thought I failed until I checked the tanks armor and discovered he was in DPS gear but had Q'd as a tank. He had NO damage mitigation what-so-ever.


    I brought this up as gently as posible (really, I said it very kindly) and got insta-flamed. I was told that if I was a better healer he wouldn't have died and we wouldn't have wiped. I very quickly figured out why the last healer quit. I attempted to see if the tank had some TANK'y' gear to put on but again was insta-flamed for my suggestion. I apologized and quit the group as it was very apparent it was not going to be able to be completed.


    I quickly learned two things... :

    1) Always check the "tanks" gear


    2) There are some arrogant, angry people in the random GF.

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