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Posts posted by Brakoo

  1. The Daily used to be either a Champion Bag or Battlemaster Box, and the weekly was 2 Champion Bags and a Choice of a third champion bag or a Battlemaster Box.


    The weekly, to keep the same ratio, should be 198 Warzone comms and 99 Ranked Warzone comms

  2. Do you think WoW, EQII, SWG, etc, were pvp perfect when they first came out? Nope. Why should this game be any different?


    For a game like Star Wars Galaxies there were Significantly more things to do than Queue for a Warzone. Like Build a Town, or use a complex and intricate Crafting System. This game doesn't have either of these things.

  3. I would prefer updates on the progress/issues they are having developing these features. Devblogs about what is actually happening in the development have always helped me feel more interested in whatever MMO I am currently part of, and less of a spectator along for the ride.


    We can't even mess around with them in their broken state on the test server, or help the devs by playing with them and finding bugs!


    Not having the test server active is a HUGE Red flag in my mind about Bioware's commitment to excellence in its Product.

  4. The changes are only good if your faction has enough people to enable you to queue for PVP. PCU feels like it is lower than ever.
  5. Directly from the patch notes:


    "Daily Warzone missions now require the completion of 6 Warzone matches. Losing a match counts as 1 completion towards this goal, while winning a match counts as 2 completions."






    The only things in the patch notes that I saw today was some miscellaneous stuff, a new buff for nightmare KP and EV concerning the Titles being applied, and a fix adjustment for a Sith Inquisitor quest.


    I checked specifically for the change and didn't see it before posting that reply. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a ninja edit which many people have seen Bioware do on the forums often.

  6. I understand how people could complain.


    There is no documentation in the Patch Notes of this change, and there is no indication of this in game unless you play and win a warzone.


    Even then I simply logged into the game to do some crafting etc. I did pick up the quest and immediately was annoyed at the perceived increase in time.


    Changes like this should be documented in Patch Notes. Why they aren't for the life of me I can't understand.


    Every patch I am more concerned with the lack of communication from Bioware, the arguably shoddy Patch Notes, and the lack of testing.

  7. Bad thread Resolve sucks...


    Better Thread


    Amounts of Resolve generated by Sentinel/Marauder Controlling abilities and possible imbalances caused by them.


    Now that Sentinels can come to me and stun lock me from 100% to kill There Resolve generated needs to be increased. Operatives experienced a similar nerf, Should not Sentinels be in the same boat?

  8. Straight Forward idea/question.


    Damage absorbed by Force Armor/Static Barriers should apply to protection numbers in a Warzone. Good Sages have saved me many times by having the awareness to pop a bubble onto me when I am being focused. This is just as important to the concept of protection as guard and taunt are which both redirect and reduce damage.


    This doesn't involve anything balance altering to gameplay, while rewarding good sages and sorcs who can play their class well and use all of their tools.


    Note to posters, I don't and probably won't ever seriously play a sage/sorc. The Style doesn't appeal to me. I main a Shadow while and have a combat medic for healing. This isn't a ploy to get myself more medals in a warzone. Rather a way of helping to encourage better play, and awareness.

  9. Pretty sure this isn't correct.

    Crit is a different animal. Likely up to 1000 is viable without hitting the DR terribly bad. But it's definitely for Infiltration spec. Balance will want to use a power based build. Crit / Surge are also more for PvP if you are looking for high, instantaneous damage output. Which is the what Infiltration specs does best :)


    Balance benefits more from crit than infiltration does. Infiltration relies on near autocrit from Force Potency combined with power stacking in order to put up the big numbers with Force Breach and Project. Balance on the other hand will do far more damage, and indirectly gains more longevity with dot crit self healing from Focused Insight.


    That is not to say that Power is an important stat to stack. Pre 1.2 Myelf and the other Shadow in our guild ran with Champion Sabers despite being fully Battlemaster Geared due to the power gained from it over the Battlemaster Weapon despite the loss in stats and weapon rating.(an interesting Side Note, if you looked on the stats screen you would see the weapon dmg range actually drop when equipping the BM saber despite it the Higher Weapon Rating. This was due to Power/Bonus Damage being factored into that Value.)

  10. Personally I feel like Shadow right now is very similar to the current state of Sentinel/Maurader.


    A good Shadow, and a good Sentinel are borderline Overpowered. Sentinel more so in its current state with full immunity from Force Camouflage(Most annoy thing ever when finishing a marauder is to have my Upheavaled Project chilling in the air after they pop this.)


    We will see how everything is when 1.2 is live though. Personally Infiltration and Balance feel just right. Kinetic though may need to be adjusted, I feel like I shouldn't be able to do over 300k in a Civil War While Kinetic in Full Stalker BM/Champ gear.


    EDIT:To the above poster, getting 3 stacks of harnessed shadows does make TK throw/Force Lightning immune to Pushback/Interrupts, but we are still able to be Controlled/Knocked backed during the channel which will cost a FP/Recklessness Charge, as well as 3 the Stacks of harnessed Shadows/Sin equivalent. In addition to whatever Relics/Andrenals That were Popped.


    I have seen mine tick over 2k(usually around 1.3-1.5 range with all my CD's popped) before for over 8k in 2 GCDs. Not bad for a Tank spec.

  11. Most people are saying there is no point in Expertise past 600 points, and little point in getting higher than 500 expertise. So WHY are they putting 100+ expertise on all these items if it will not increase anything significant?


    The DR and effectiveness of stat points is all being rebalanced. Expertise will become relevant again.

  12. its like trying to get a direct answer out of a politician without them trying to answer everything nobody ever asked instead.


    I just couldn't resist


    A point you bring up, and many others do, about PVP being unfair/imbalanced. This is my take on it, if I am playing well I win most of the time, if I am playing badly I lose most of the time. There are some things that will work well and some that don't. The things that work well can be countered, and that is where skill comes into play.


    Could they fix some stuff? Of course they could! I however am quite the fan of the balance they have found, while I am playing what a lot of baddies whine about being a terrible class.


    Also while I am not big into the SGRA, its not a bioware game until that is implemented. Even if I am not going to personally ever use it/them, I hope it is in before the summer is over.

  13. The Only Crit/Power Enhancement I know of is the Reflective Enhancement which is one of the few enhancements that has 4 stats.


    Off the top of my head it stacks in this order


    1. Absorbtion Rating
    2. Crit AND Power
    3. Endurance



    It may be the perfect Enhancement for Kinetic Shadows, however your friendly local artifice has probably overlooked REing this until recently(today) because of the Benefits of Stacking Surge.


    The best rating that you can get is only 50 however, so a mix of higher rated enhancements is still probably a better option.

  14. 100 vs 100 pfft try EVE has playable, nearly lag free, PVP up to 800 vs 800 and I have even been in the server crashing 2400+ person fights.


    Different Games, Different Engines. You can compare stuff all you want, but for being brand new in the MMO space Bioware has imo done a good job of fixing the bugs and issues since launch. They still have a long way to go, but what game doesn't?

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