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Posts posted by Ceile

  1. Recently my guild, mostly casual, has been working on getting some information as to what is the best tanking distribution and some spreadsheets so tanks can figure out how to improve their gear. I've been looking over Ino Style's Spreadsheet and KeyboardNinja's Post, and while they're stats are close, there are some major differences in some stats they suggest.


    Since then, I tried to make my own spreadsheet using Ino's spreadsheet as a base, since most of his math is easier to see. However, when I finished it, my values were different from both of theirs.


    If possible, can you check my basic understanding of damage and mitigation and the formula I use, both below.


    Melee Kinetic Damage is affected by Melee Defense Chance, Shield/Absorb Chance, and Kinetic Resist (Armor)

    Force Kinetic Damage is affected by Force Defense Chance, Shield/Absorb Chance, and Kinetic Resist (Armor)

    Force Internal Damage is affected by Force Defense Chance and Internal Resist.


    And my formula to find the Average Damage Reduction:

    Boss M/K Damage % * (1 - Melee Defense %) * (1 - Shield% * Absorb%) * (1 - Kinetic Resist %) +

    Boss F/K Damage % * (1 - Force Defense %) * (1 - Shield% * Absorb%) * (1 - Kinetic Resist %) +

    Boss F/I Damage % * (1 - Force Defense %) * (1 - Internal Resist %)


    Is this correct?

  2. I used to only use berserk with Ravage and Gore, but I do not believe this is the best way to do it.


    Currently, these are the questions I'm working on and do not have a definitive answer for:

    Should I pop it whenever I get 30 stacks, or should I wait? I think waiting is best, but I don't know how long is too long.

    Should I use it during rage building (The 10s after you use a Slaughter Gore) or wait till Gore is about to come off CD?

    If it comes up during the first Gore Window, should I use it? What about the Second?


    Currently, I starting to use anywhere from 5 to 3 seconds before Gore comes of CD to right before Slaughter procs. (Mainly for the 15s of 4% buff)

    What is your opinion on this? And do you have data/theory that backs up your own opinion?

  3. i have a question for you, why should rupture be good in carnage spec? even if the massacre buff is up, massacre is better then rupture because it ALWAYS have a ataru proc damage, i was using rupture before, and i dont now


    If you already have Execute up, the only benefit you get from Massacre is the boost to ataru procs.

    Also, Ataru form procs at that point are only useful for damage.


    (I haven't done the math myself, but there are some good spreadsheets up around the forums with the damage info)

    From everything I've heard, Rupture does more damage than Massacre and it's guaranteed ataru proc. So, if you already have Execute and have time between Gore Windows, then Rupture is the best choice.

    It is not useful during Gore Windows because Rupture doesn't benefit from armor penetration, which would increase Massacre's and Ataru's damage by 40-50%.

  4. I did math for most of Carnage's abilities to see how they all compare with given gear. LINK

    You can use it yourself to see how everything links up together.

    All the values I'm using are AVERAGES with 72s (It's my current gear)


    Rupture should be used instead of massacre only if force scream procs have proccd. there is no gore window up and the massacre buff is applied. Is this correct?


    This is what I believe is true. I haven't done the math, but I have heard many people agree with that.


    Something i have never gotten a clear answer on. Force scream should only be used obviously if its proccd however should it be held for a gore window or used on cd if proccd. Ive been holding it if a gore is within 3 seconds of coming off cd if not then using it is this a dps loss?


    To get into the hard maths, I'll use the sheet I linked above.

    In a Gore Window, Force Scream with Execute does 7.5k, Massacre does 3.8k, and Force Scream does 4.1k.

    Force Scream with Execute during Gore does about 3.5k more damage than Massacre. Using it outside the window does about 2.2k more damage (Since armor mitigation is about 35%).

    You'd lose about 1.3k damage if you use it outside a window because you can use Force Scream in every Gore Window using a version of TradeLA's rotation.


    Also, Force Scream is still useful without a proc. It does more damage than Massacre (not including the buff, but using TradeLA's rotation it does more).


    next to sustain rage while waiting for gore i alternate massacre and assault until i see BA is close to cd then i burn off some rage with a few massacres or rupture and hit BA so i ahve the rage for the gore. Is this how it should be done.


    You are correct.

    You can do some more complicated things like burning rage early on if you notice BA is going to come off CD before Gore. In my own rotation I stick to around 8-10 rage before Gore, you can go lower if you can use BA between Gores or if Execute has proced.


    Been parsing and hitting 2800-2900 in carnage and i know i should be getting another 150 or so. In full 72s full power build including augs acc at 100.44% surge 74.75% str a little over 2600 power 1850ish


    I've been parsing similarly. For me, I need to work on streamlining my rotation down since I've been getting too many Slaughters before Gore comes off CD. I haven't parsed recently and haven't done it with an adrenal, but the math agrees with you.

    Only suggestions I can make, is looking at the parses on the DPS Leaderboards and see if you can learn anything from them. (One thing I've noticed is some beef up their parses with a second BloodThirst and cut it off right after the second Gore)

  5. 3. (This one is optional as many top PVP/PVE marauders can manage the limited rage)Rage management is tight: Relative to Rage and Annihilation, rage management in Carnage is extremely tight. A slight increase to rage generation would allow Gore windows to be DPS optimized (additional resources for Massacre would yield more Force Scream critical procs). A slight increase to rage generation from Blood Frenzy, for example, would improve the rage management issues associated with carnage.


    I do not think this should be removed because, with effort, this problem can be overcome as you said yourself. In addition, any increase in rage production would increase Carnage's dps, which would require re-balancing of all abilities, which may affect other specs and the time for this could be better spent on other issues. Because of these reasons, I believe the issue with Carnage's rage production is minimal and should not take the place of other more important questions.

  6. I don't think the issue here is that people have problems with rage generation, but with the way it's achieved. I myself don't find using my basic attack (Assault) that many times in a rotation particularly fun.

    I believe that assault being slightly boring, is actually a benefit to Carnage. Almost all of my Assault usage happens outside of Gore windows, which is normally when I plan for the next window and relax slightly. If this period of time becomes more interesting/complex, then the entire rotation of Carnage would be complex instead of only the burst windows. I do not believe this should happen, since it would make all low skill or new carnage maras have difficulty in learning Carnage, and it would be stressful for all current Carnage maras to keep up with the complex rotation for 8 minute long fights.


    When compared to other classes I've played, Carnage uses its basic attack way more to maintain its resources. When I do use the basic attack with other classes/specs, it's mostly because I messed up my rotation in some way, or if I blew a big load of quick damage/CDs for burst.

    Every other class can wait about 5 GCDs and they'll have a large amount of resources to use. If a warrior stands still for a few GCDs, nothing happens to his resources. I believe that this is a very important distinction between the classes. Warriors will have to constantly attack to gain resources, and its resource generation cannot be easily compared to other clases.


    But carnage needs to push for those burst phases to stay competitive. And for that, it gets punished by forcing it to use the low damage, low accuracy, boring attack so much?

    Why is this bad? Carnage stays competitive for the top dps spot on the DPS Leaderboards. (They're in the flashpoint forums) And Carnage does this while using the low damage Assault. Carnage is a burst orientated class, that's the whole point of Gore. Everything is focused on preparing for these burst phases and the executing them.

    Yes, there is about 5 GCDs where nothing of importance is done, but this is not a down side. LIke I said above, a few seconds where you can look around, check on the battlefield, and relax a bit without having to worry about anything is a good things. Especially since the burst is 10s of near constant attention.






    suppose this would be the best place to ask, do you guys think anni should have higher sustained dmg than carnage? As it stands now, carnage tends to have the highest parses on dummy and a lot of boss fights, despite it being a more bursty spec.

    I believe they are very close in actual fights and the dummy parses, and I do not think that either should be the best pve spec, which a higher sustained dps would cause.

  7. I'm a carnage marauder since I started the game, and have done my best to become a good dps pre- and post-2.0. I haven't tried any other spec, I am full pve while dabbling in pvp, and I am currently the best dps in my guild. (A rather casual guild, but we have full cleared both TFB HM and S+V HM)




    The general complaint about carnage involves its inherent reliance on RNG. Not only does the RNG determine top end burst, but it can also lead to underwhelming dps at times. This is largely due to several factors: unintended gore/execute procs from ataru strikes, reliance on force scream auto-crits, and some rage management issues. As a primer for discussion, I would like to present some initial ideas:

    - Gore/execute procs no longer trigger from random ataru strikes, but from those triggered by massacre. Adds a measure of control to burst phases.

    Execute in my opinion, is a very easy thing to handle. A large amount of the time, I proc Execute multiple times between burst phases and normally proc Execute at least once during a burst phase. I do not believe it needs to be more controlled, since it can only be used with Force Scream, nor do I believe it needs to be easier to proc, since I almost have too many procs of Execute.

    Slaughter, on the other hand, is a more unfriendly sort, since many times it can cause problems by procing too early or too late. I do despise these problems, but they happen rarely and while aggravating, I do not think they happen enough to require a change.


    - Gore becomes a static buff until a damaging attack (or any other ability?) is performed and the 4.5s countdown begins. In other words, gore stays up until you start attacking again. This resolves operation boss knockback issues and gives better pvp viability for carnage. It also adds an additional level of skill when it comes to countering a carnage marauder, as any class with a knockback will have to selectively use cooldowns instead of spamming them upon engagement to deny a gore buff. (i.e. knocking back based on the assumption the mara has gore vs. knocking back when the mara actually has gore)

    I like this idea, but I think it needs to be taken a step further. I think making Gore function similar to Berserk would be worthwhile, where Gore would give you 3 stacks that would increase armor penetration by 100% for 10s or so and each attack would remove 1 stack.

    You would have to counter the fact that ravage would only take one stack, but you would also be unable to force a 4th action by using Berserk, which may counter that benefit. I think this would be worthwhile since it would allow Carnage to be harder to counter in pvp, and it would make Gore easier to use in pve when bosses have knockbacks. However, this would make Berserk less useful without the set bonus.


    - Allow dual saber throw to generate rage as it does with Force Vigor in rage. Resolves some rage management issues.

    I actually do not have any problems with rage management. I have heard many complaints about rage management, but I easily maintain my rage on a combat dummy and getting 2900+ dps. This issue I believe just requires more work on each individual's rotation rather than a change to the mechanics of Carnage.

  8. As a Carnage/Combat Marauder/Sentinel, the only things I can think to change is extending the CD of Slaughter to 21s and increasing the proc % of slaughter. Or making it so that Slaughter cannot proc when Gore is on CD, and maybe while the Gore buff is active, but this might be counter-productive.
  9. I am a Carnage Marauder and always have been.

    I only have two things that I don't like about marauders and since this is my opinion, it is biased.


    1) I think that Rage is far too effective in the lower skill warzones.


    I am a pve player in a pve guild, and I am only saying what I heard and think.

    I have heard many complaints from my guildies about rage, I have seen the damage that it does, and I have heard that it is easy to play. Personally, I do not think that such a low skill spec should be able to do that much damage.

    I'm not asking for a nerf because I know that in higher tier pvp it may be a different case, but at least a modification to the class to add some depth to it.


    2) I think that Fury should still build while Bloodthirst, Berserk, or Predation is active.


    This is actually from the sentinel forums talking about PvE Rage/Focus losing dps because of other marauders using Bloodthirst. I personally would like to see this change because it would help out when more than one marauder is in the group.

    However, I do see that it would increase the dps of at least Carnage enough to cause concerns, but it could be balanced out.

  10. If force scream is not up during the next gore window, that's a large dps loss, regardless of it by default doing more damage than massacre on a non crit.


    If you are following his rotation of FS at the start of the first Gore window and the end of the second Gore window, then for both Force Screams, there is no better ability to use, even if Execute is not up.

    In some rare cases, you will have VT up and that is better if Execute isn't up.

  11. You're talking about hitting a force scream without execute? I only hit it when execute is up.


    I've found that Force Scream actually does more damage than Massacre, with 75s about 300 points on average with 3 points in malice. Although you have to consider massacre's buff, which may do more in some cases. But I just use a mostly set rotation and don't really worry whether Execute is up, unless I haven't used Vicious Throw.

  12. So I'm running a carnage Marauder and am loving it! My question is though, what stats should I be focused on building up? (i.e. Crit, Power, accuracy, alacrity, surge, etc.) Which of these is more important and what "ratio", if you will, should I be trying to achieve in gear mods? Thanks guys


    No crit. Only Power, but with Strength Augments

    Accuracy to 100% melee and 110% force.

    Alacrity, however much you want. I don't know if this benefits you enough to stack any, but it's mainly for personal preference as far as I've seen.

    Put the remaining in Surge


    The only important stat is accuracy. Focus on getting your accuracy up first and the rest will fall into place after that.

  13. This information doesn't match my results at all. I'm 21 points of strength--and 1 DG power relic instead of an underworld one--short of full 72s, and with gore up, the difference between my non-crit FS and the ones that do is 2500-3500 pts vs 7500-8500, more if I have an adrenal going or a relic in-use:




    Crit FS vs non-crit FS is a huge chunk of damage.


    I made a mistake and used the incorrect values in that response, I updated the previous post and I'll try to clarify my reasoning below.

    I believe you are talking about where I said the difference between the two will be 2k.

    If It's something else, I'll update this.

    All values are based on 75s with 3 points in malice.


    While yes there is a difference between crit + non crit FS of about 4k, the main difference that I was trying to highlight the difference between the Execute buff being up and not.

    If it is not up, then it's still possible to crit, and the average damage was approx 5k.

    Which is still a strong hit, and about 300 points of damage above massacre


    All of these values are default damage, no mitigation applied and no bonuses besides the basics. So they don't correspond 100% with parser values.

    I may try to work out exactly how much mitigation is applied with and without armor and work it into the spreadsheet, but for now these are only the basic damage values (mostly based on the tooltips).

  14. Interesting results. I'm curious to know how much of an impact less than perfect execution of FS/BS is on DPS output. For example, in real world conditions when fighting something that hits back or a fight that requires a lot of movement, I will rarely achieve 100% Crit Rate with FS/BS. If, say, I only Crit 90%-95% of the time, how does that impact the numbers on the Damage_Change sheet?


    Thank you for taking the time to put this together.


    With 75s, FS with execute is about 8k, and FS without averages about 5k.

    So, if you don't pay attention to your procs, you'd only lose 3k per hit occaisonally.


    I think that as long as you use your Gore windows correctly, I don't see how you'd lose much dps not keeping track of execute. Plus, Force Scream does more damage than Massacre. MIssing a few attacks in a gore window, you'd lose a good amount of damage, not sure how much but I expect 3k+ per hit missing


    In fact, I don't believe that 100% crit rate is as good as we think it is. While FS+Execute is the best ability, FS non buffed is still a powerful hit. It only loses to Vicious Throw and Ravage.



    EDIT: I made a mistake, I used Vicious Throw's damage instead of FS's

    Still, while 3k damage is important, unless you can still use VT, there is no better ability than FS in that case.

  15. Interesting. That would probably tip the scales in favor of power, straight-up, but I'll check.


    I did the calculations and the change is actually more dramatic than you think.

    Here are the changes to each major ability:

    Ravage: -20.5

    FS: -13.2

    Mass: -11.6

    DST: -6.3

    VT: -5.9

    Ataru Procs: -1.2

    FS+E: 39.8


    There is no physical way to do enough buffed FSs to overcome the damage loss to all of the other abilities.


    EDIT: I took one of my recent logs and used it as a base. LINK

    Assault: 25
    Battering Assault: 13
    Force Charge: 1
    Massacre: 48
    Ravage: 6
    Vicious Throw: 8
    Dual Saber Throw: 2
    Ataru Form Procs: 112
    Force Scream without Execute: 1
    Force Scream with Execute: 14
    Duration: 3 min / 180 seconds


    All of the damage is based on min maxed Kell dragon gear, without alacrity

    DOESN'T include the following:

    Gore windows

    Damage from Assault, Battering Assault, Force Charge, and Gore

    Any relic abilities

    Adrenals or Bloodthirst


    Damage with Strength augments: 509,609.92 = 2831.17 DPS

    Damage with Power augments: 509,280.90 = 2829.34 DPS

    Difference: 1.83 DPS


    Including all the things I have removed, would only cause this gap to increase.

    I believe that is as clear as it is going to get. Right now, Strength augments are better than power augments.

  16. Using this, we can compute the all-important answer: strength vs power. Augments give us a stat budget of 14 * 32 = 443. I'm assuming that this stat budget was put into power in the spreadsheet.


    Actually I used strength augments. It's better to calculate the gear yourself, using either a builder like askmrrobot.com, or just doing all the math. 2492 is the default strength in non augmented kell dragon gear.

  17. I've heard that it is a dps gain to have around 250 crit rating, and I had to question this since I've heard contradicting remarks since 2.0 going live.


    I created a spreadsheet that will take a character's stats and calculate the average damage of each important ability: Massacre, Force Scream, Force Scream with Execute, Ravage, Dual Saber Throw, Vicious Throw, and Ataru Form Procs.

    I then calculated the stats for a BIS Carnage Marauder with 75s, fully buffed and stimed, and put them into this Google document: LINK

    In it, there are 4 important spread sheets:

    Stats - Has locations to put in your own stats and see the Average Damage of each ability

    Damage_Calculations - All the computations for each abilities damage

    Crit_Calculations - Computations calculate the damage change after adding crit rating

    Damage_Change - A compilation of the damage change from adding crit rating to the BIS gear


    I also created a graph which details the changes found in the "Damage_Change" sheet: LINK

    I did not include the changes to a buffed FS because they caused detail to be lost for most of the graph, since FS loses approx 1 point of damage for every point of power removed.

    The only other significant ability is Massacre, where it gains ~16 points of damage at 100 crit rating, any further past this it starts to decline.


    It would take at least 7 massacres to overcome the loss of a buffed FS, not including the fact that a buffed FS would normally be used with Gore, further increasing the number of massacres required to overcome the loss of damage.

    I would assume 10-12 massacres would overcome a buffed FS, which I do not believe is possible.


    Unless I have made a mistake or not included some factors, I cannot see any reason to use Crit rating as a Carnage Marauder.


    EDIT: Incorrect Ravage formula. Fixed it and Ravage now shows the correct damage dealt.

    It is greater than the previous. So, no changes to the above information needed to be fixed.

  18. I'm soon going to switch from juggernaut to marauder and i want to find out some things beforehand. Most of the topics i see here are about PvP.


    What skill tree does the most DPS in operations right now?


    What are the BiS relics (for the skil tree you're recommending) ?


    I see a high % of misses in mara logs. What % should i am for in terms of accuracy?




    The two PvE skill trees, Carnage and Annihilation, are very balanced, on more stable fights Annihilation will do better, but with burst fights or fights with a large amount of delay Carnage does better.

    Both trees are close enough that it is better to just pick your favorite.


    I'm not certain which relics, but I believe the Serendipitous Assault is BIS for both trees.

    For the second relic, Dark Radiance for Annihilation or Kinetic Tempest for Carnage.

    You could also use Boundless Ages, if you don't mind having to click it now and then.


    The misses are normally your offhand. Since your offhand has 67% accuracy, you'll miss a lot. Just shoot for 100% melee accuracy, or 110% force accuracy.

  19. Where do you see berserk being affected by alacrity?

    I've looked over the patch notes and haven't seen it, and I'm going to do a quick test on a combat dummy to see, but I doubt it is true.

    EDIT: YEAH!!!! It is affected. Finally.


    Assuming it isn't, here's what I've found about best rotation. This is done with math by finding which abilities do the most amount of damage for me, and working from that.

    Berserk > Gore > Ravage > FS if execute, or VT if slaughter, or Massacre

    > (repeat Assault > Massacre until slaughter) > Gore > VT > Massacre > Massacre if berserk has 2 stacks, or nothing > FS if execute and off CD, or Massacre


    The only time it may not do optimal damage is if it takes a lot of time to proc slaughter, but I proc it almost immediately. Sometimes Slaughter procs before Gore and then I just do the first line.

  20. I'm here once again back to inform our community about questionable player behavior.

    During a goofing off raid a random person asked for an invite saying he was our guild leader.

    We used the new "feature" and whisper the guild leader, expecting him to get the message if he was our guild leader.

    It was clear that he was not our guild leader as soon as we received the notification saying "Player not found."

    It was a new account that did this (he has no achievements).

    Don't believe everything people say.

  21. I am a carnage marauder and am working towards ranked pvp.

    I was wondering how to counter every class's dps or make them otherwise useless.



    For a Carnage Marauder:

    If they use Gore, stop their abilities for the next 4.5s. A stun or a knockback is best.

    There is no easy way to tell when they use gore besides checking their buff bar or when they hit high numbers on you.

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