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Posts posted by KitsuneWard

  1. Its been a long time since I began playing SWTOR.


    My original characters did their story quests years ago.


    I would like to re-watch these cutscenes. With my character. It does not matter if he is wearing his current armor. In fact, with the cartel market that is preferable.


    May I have a diary in my player housing, or on my ship where I can review my previous story?


    Thank You.

  2. So its been so long since I've seen most of the cutscene's I went through that I barely remember a lot of the stories.


    Is there any chance they are developing a feature to re-watch the cutscenes you were in?


    Final Fantasy XIV has this. Even if it was always in your current armor it would be nice to go back through the story.

  3. EA also got voted Worst Company Ever since then. Launched Mass Effect 3 and had massive consumer backlash.


    EA is reaping the rewards of their unfriendly policy towards customers. It isn't a business model that works. Hopefully SWTOR doesn't get dragged down in the cross fire. Free transfers and dungeon finder will help tremendously.

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