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Posts posted by IBlackwater

  1. The transfers are not an option, before this year is over do you honestly believe the old servers will still exsist? No, they will not. When the lease is over they will be gone forever.




    Would you rather have a name, or actually play with people? From launch there was much more active people then there are now. How were they to predict this? It's not BioWare's fault this time. Atleast you didn't have t make a whole new character.

  2. very inconsiderate of you to say, a character name means alot to people. That and the fact that alot of people got early access just to get their names in and now have to lose it to a transfer which is entirely biowares fault


    You're completely wrong. Well done for blaming Bioware for giving people what they wanted. The character transfers were an option. If one wanted to keep their name so bad, then they shouldn't have transfered. It's as simple as that. It's not inconsiderate, it's the truth. People need to grow up and learn to be appreciative.


  3. At first I thought this thread was going to adress REAL issues. I'm only level 14 so you can't say i'm some level 50 who just wants to beat down noobs. Before any of these "QQ OP class" issues get solved they need to adress the damn FPS issues that are STILL happenning for people in PVP
  4. All I see on these forums is mass QQ. Everyone neeeds to realise that, though bioware has been making this game for a while, It is much different when the game goes public. There are going to be issues that need to be fixed, classes that need to be debuffed or buffed, and certain internal changes. Maybe BW will get rid of these invisible walls eventually. You can also put into consideration that not everyone on a PVP server is in a race to 50 mentality and if you are then that means that you're mainly QUESTING to get to 50 not focused on WPVP for now.
  5. My speccs are not amazing, but compared to the minimum I should be playing with amazing performance at literal baare minimum graphic settings. the rest of the game runs fairly smooth, but PVP is just awful. Honestly things like this should havebeen already dealt with. Plesae Bioware fix this
  6. Who's bright idea was it to make a warzone thats all about zerging 2 spots in close proximity? I cringe whenever i get this warzone, because its a mess! There are a number of problems. The spawns are too close to the objectives, theres so much aoe going around, it takes forever to get past one point. Yes yes usually one side eventually breaks through, but its just not fun to me.



    This is all my opinion, but with the increased health pools, the endless cc, and things i listed, i just do not enjoy this warzone. These are my concerns and i hope it gets mixed up.







    Oh and i loathe the bolster system.


    Where I agree with you that I hate the Voidstar warzone I disagree about the bolster system. as you stated, everyone is entitled to their opinion though.

  7. To start off with, Open World PVP is the best there is. Open World PVP should be the main focus for future PVP content, in my opinion, and not instanced PVP. While instanced PVP can be fun, it quickly becomes stale after the upteenth time playing in the same area, doing the same thing. In Open World PVP, truly OPEN, the battles are always different, and can become massive in scale.


    Open World PVP is never balanced, but that aspect is what makes it remain exciting. Overcoming an enemy that has superior numbers is very satisfying. Crushing an enemy that has weaker numbers is almost as satisfying. There are no scripted locations that it can take place. Something as simple as a gank can provoke an hour long confrontation between multiple guilds.


    Devs, please expand upon OPEN World PVP on PVP servers. Remove the invisible exhaustion walls protecting factional medical centers. Lower the NPC guard numbers and difficulty protecting factional areas. Let there be no safe havens beyond Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. To prevent game-killing camping of medical centers, allow a medical center recall to a safe planet, such as the starter worlds.


    PVP servers should stand out from PVE servers by more than merely being constantly flagged. Why worry with being flagged if no one can attack you? There is no penalty for dying in this game, so please open up the PVP on PVP servers.





    To all who may post, leave your ganking/camping/griefing complaints to yourself. On a PVP server, those things should be allowed and encouraged, else there be no difference between PVE and PVP servers.



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