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Posts posted by Ecrulis

  1. Sorry, I've been away from the game for a while, is the "classic sets" the first tier from when the game dropped? Cause if so, I think I remember laughing so hard I cried when I saw the bull helmet, honestly that set looks like some drug-induced failed Disney mascot
  2. It's actually quite hard for me to choose between SI and SW I tend to give them both a 9.


    While the SW has the sheer ******ery factor, I feel like my SI actually grew across the story.


    in the beginning, I actually felt no better than a common lackey (a messy one at that). As the story went along I felt that my Assassin got more and more effective and powerful and the ending was far more satisfying than the SWs IMO. I also really like the "apprentice" we get. I tend to play my sin as full steam ahead dark-side in the beginning then by the end he's far more neutral than anything, deciding that only focusing on fear and anger is only limiting himself. To him there are more passions to exploit for power than just hatred.

  3. My Marauder has a rather nice orange set picked out for 1.2


    Marauder's Vest (I think thats what its called, Red with the hood down and the greyish stripe down the back)


    Blademaster's Pants (Plain black pants with a grey stripe around the thigh)


    The gloves from Voss that go up to the mid forearm and have elbow pads (black)


    And pair of black boots from commendations (I forget which one though)


    I like how simple the set looks no shoulder pads at all, I dont look like a damned cyborg -_-

  4. As has been stated before Marauders are not an easy class to play and do have a bell curve as the other poster said, personally I overleveled almost every planet I was on, didnt hit Taris till 36, hoth till 41 etc. etc. also aside from your own gear being kept up to date make sure whatever companion you use is also kept up gear wise.


    Finally make sure to use a marauder guide for whatever spec you use, I believe there is a pretty good one stickied at the top of this forum.

  5. I am one of those folks who will be leaving after my free 30 days is up. That being said I do not blame BioWare for this. In fact I do not blame anyone. I bought the game, tried it and simply feel it is not something I want to spend $15 a month on at this time. I will probably revisit it later on down the line.


    All that being said I am not one of those folks who wishes doom and gloom on a game or on those who do enjoy it. I had enough of that in SWG. It seems to be the norm now to bash a game and try to kill it instead of simply leaving it to play something else it it turns out to not be your cup of tea.


    So for those who are enjoying the game and staying I hope you have a good time and I will probably see you a few months down the line.


    To those who are leaving or who have left good luck in your future gaming.


    To those who spend their time trying to destroy a game or community, please get a life!


    Thank you! someone with some sense, I wish you luck in your future gaming :) now if only it were 5pm, there are some republic scum that are asking to be annihilated >=)

  6. The OP's entire premise is false.


    I have pretty much bathed in violent media since I was a very young child. Violent films, tv, music, games. I'd seen every Friday the 13th by the time I was like 9.


    I am a productive member of society with no criminal record who pays my taxes, goes to work and is generally happy.


    Well, you know, as happy as can be in this **** hole of a planet, but the planet being a ball of **** has little to do with my upbringing.


    If I turned out fine, the violence isn't the problem.


    Also this, I grew up on every violent slasher movie, hell my favorite movie at 2 was Night of the Living Dead, I have gratuated college, now have a full time job, will hopefully have an apartment within the next few months, and need to start planning on how I will propose to my Girlfriend in June. You know why I can look at, and could at 13, games with choices like this and not try to emulate it in public? Because I was raised well and If I ever behaved violently towards other kids in school I was severely punished. I swear its as if parents these days want the government to raise their kids for them.


    EDIT: apparently I suck at typing XD

  7. I play a fully DS Sith Marauder If you get in this guys way you are dead plain and simple however If you help him and remain loyal to him you will enjoy power and the security of a Sith watching your back. I forget where the quote came from but "If your ally's fear you they will fight for you, If they love you they will die for you" that I feel is more along the lines of my Sith's thinking. So in terms of Vette specifically I removed her shock collar I'm respectfull to her and treat her as a loyal friend rather than a slave.


    My point in all this is yes there are options to be a genocidal misogynistic racist psycopath but those options make the more level headed evil much more meaning full


    Think of it in D&D terms, the option to make Chaotic Evil choices make the selection of Lawful Evil choices that much more fun.


    Now if only more of the DS options were more along the Lawful Evil lines >.<

  8. I cant really pinpoint what exactly has me so enthralled with SWTOR that i havent logged back to WoW since the 14th, please note I am not saying WoW is bad its a great game and will continue to be.


    I was never even a huge Star Wars Fan but I've loved every BioWare game I have played, yes that includes DA2 get over it; I absolutely love the whole feel of the game I can see this release as a brilliant foundation for a game with tons of possibilities for the future and I can't wait to see where BioWare takes it.


    Yes it has bugs but so does every other MMO release ever. I personally have yet to encounter bugs that qualify as game breaking, hell Ive seen WoW patch launches worse than this games release.


    Bottom line is I find that this games overall feel just suits me better.

  9. He's immune to Choke. You can stand there and deal damage but meanwhile he will mercilessly pummel you and that's not a good tradeoff.


    Oh yea thats right I completely forgot about that one XD its Baras that Force Choke saved me on, but yea I stayed out of His Red lightning and did fine

  10. I beat him as a 50 Carnage Marauder using Jaesa, best advice I can give is stay the heck out of that red lightning he puts on the ground, use your defensive cooldowns sparingly and spread out, Force choke was a Life saver on this guy, and definitely have med pacs available, a str stimpack may help a tad as well.
  11. ah thats why I dont remember this quest, I just forced choked her lover to force her to give me the info. In general with marauders though you should be able to get by with any companion as long as the gear is up to date and you use defensive cooldowns properly. Its definitely not an easy class to play especially in the higher levels but I find that to mean its judt that much more rewarding in the end.
  12. Ive gotten my self a decent sized guild, plus while leveling, Im a 42 Marauder, My friends list grows by a few people everyday Ive been more social with random people in this game in the month its been out than I have been in WoW in the past 2 years.


    In the end In my opinion this game is as social as you decide to make it.

  13. If it isn't fun for you yet I don't think this is the class for you. I remember I had a lot of fun during the early levels rolling mobs with my Annihilation spec, the HP gained from Berserk really made me go running and raging into mobs. I remember running into my death and giggling because it was so much fun.


    lmao ive done this so many times on my guy, though in carnage spec, every time i tell myself I should watch my health more carefully and it just happens again XD

  14. Id have to agree that if you're truly struggling to find the class fun than it may not be for you try it out for a few more levels and check out the guide stickied at the top of the Marauder forums this class has a steep learning curve, Ive just hit 40 on my marauder and have been carnage the whole way and Loved every second of it, once you find a nice flow to whatever spec you enjoy the class becomes so much fun.


    also, I LOVE massacre that animation is awesome.

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