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Posts posted by nophere

  1. That site shows nothing about subs.


    At best it shows slightly fewer people being logged in.


    You are right it doesnt show whats happened in weeks before. I have been paying attention to that site since launch to see where this game has been going and its declined around 4-5% on a weekly basis.

  2. The excuses already begin ..... lol


    Excuses? Really? How can a company make a statement they have 1.7m subs 10 days after release when they FORCE you to put in credit card information? You do know a sub is something that comes AFTER you have to pay AGAIN for something right? Please tell me you know this........

  3. Proof? Citation? anything?


    MMO forums are stocked to the brim with narcissistic doomsayers.


    There is no proof in this thread. Hell even the OP's post is 100% WRONG in the fact that he/she shows 4 screen shots of server populations for 1 day and says they are growing? How exactly are you comparing to say its growing? I can take a picture of my toe nail and tell you its growing too but if you didnt have a pic of it a month before that then you'd have nothing to compare it.


    And the OP continues to use the word falsify ITT. Yup thats exactly what you have done right through it.

  4. Your predication is duly noted.


    My prediction is around 3 million world wide in 6 months.


    Both are speculation and easily discredited.


    This game will be lucky to have 600k after 6 months. This game is losing a lot more subs than gaining. http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats shows this game has lost at least 30% subs in the last 5 weeks alone and will lose a lot more in the next few days when people have to shell out another $15.

  5. Thanks for providing evidence together with your wild statement, otherwise we would have all thought you were talking $hit.


    Oh wait...


    Like you do when you defend with no evidence? You take a number given on DEC 31 and think there are 1.7m people playing this game now? ROFL You fanboys are hilarious.




    That link shows that week after week this game is falling harder than any other game.

  6. 1.7 million players isn't MASSIVE enough for you?


    Try something new, like...i don't know...being social?




    That sum up your opinion?


    Chromiie, I normally don't like to feed your kind but this is an exception.


    The sky is falling!


    LOL this game is lucky to have 500k players right now. 1.7m ROFL

  7. Jedi are clearly imbalanced in huttball. Go read one of the QQ threads and its very clear. Especially Operatives suck terrible in huttball.


    I am ops and I don't mind huttball, but its is clearly an imbalanced map.


    If I read every QQ thread Id not even be level 2.

  8. Huttball is retardedly imba for every jedi class. So how about no?


    Civil war is probably the most balanced map, but has some problems too. I don't know about everyone else, but I definitely do not want to play Civil War every game.


    Fix the maps, then make rated, THEN GIVE REAL RESULTS TO THE PLAYERS, and nerf as needed from there.


    Funny Im a Jedi and find zero problems with hutball. What are these problems you speak of?

  9. If you find yourself in pvp against a premade, bail. Since BW isn't going to fix the premade issue boycotting by bailing will lengthen their queue times and discourage 'em. There's no penalty for bailing


    Saturday and Sunday after noon seems to be when the premades come out most often. I also notice it during mid-week evenings.


    Since PvP queues don't seem to cross servers this could have a decently discouraging effect on premades.


    So what if they win by default... they're going to win anyway! Save yourself the time and aggravation!!!


    Communicate in PvP chat if you think you're up against a premade and encourage others to bail too.


    I think most already do. There is 1 imp guild on my server (named PVP) where if I see them I know its a win every time. I make sure I play them bads.

  10. People saying "Scrap this PVP map or Scrap that PVP map," please put a sock in it. If we removed the broken maps from the game there would be nothing left.


    Hutball and Civil War are fine. Its ballstar thats broke and no fixes in site.

  11. Totally agree.


    And while they're at it, they should really rid of the cutscene at the beginning too, and I can't tell you how many times I've accepted the queue and sat at the loading screen where you have to hit spacebar for a good 10-15 seconds before I remember I have to hit spacebar... what's the point of that?


    Everyone has multiple times Im sure.

  12. anyone know a balance server faction ? how about swifsure and fatman ?


    Fatman is VERY imp heavy. prolly 3-4:1

    Swiftsure is a little better but imps still prolly 2:1 <--good server for repubs though


    I have high levels on both servers.

  13. Arena is a bad idea because it then has to be balanced around arena and balancing around Arena is too time consuming and way too much effort where they can be spending more time making other things better.


    Not to mention adding something else when they can not even fix what they already have on their plate is a straight up NO.

  14. LOLOLOLOL.... plz l2p a powertech before talking... its their main ability to fight a logical mass pvp else they die due to 123232 ranged dps targeting you because you are melee and melee is a weakness, plus as dps our armor sucks....


    So you think you should be able to survive with "123232" attacking you? Who made you God?

  15. You are downgrading the level of play, not the premade pvper. What you want is for us not to be able to premade with a full ops, and take the whole game down a level, while what should be happening is the reverse, you ppl that pug realising its not such a fuss to play premade, its the SAME thing only better for everyone because you dont get facerolled and I dont get bored having no opposition.


    So then you agree that you should only be facing other premades and pugs should only face other pugs.

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