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Posts posted by Mugaman

  1. I think this comment outlines the problem very well. I would actually like to see this post as a sticky in its own thread because it hits the nail on the head so clearly.


    Thank you. Because I am an attention whore, here are my two previously posted arguments:


    I actually have a problem with Bioware's arrogance when it comes to forum management. Claiming that server forums are rife with negativity is just plain ignorant. Are there numerous cases of server-forum drama and player/guild callouts? Yes, but that is what builds a server's community and contributes largely to player/guild notoriety. Most server forums are actually used constructively: guild recruitment, crafting discussions and transactions, guild progress, etc. Furthermore, most of the player/guild callouts are just playful competition and are part of the reason why MMOs are fun. Bioware's insinuation that server forums are cesspools filled with hate and grief is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read.


    Server forums build community far better than in-game interactions or the current forum set-up. No community = no MMO experience = thousands of people ditching their subscriptions after they get bored of the single-player storyline.


    We should all urge Bioware to create a cash cow instead of sticking with the current model (which is essentially a more expensive KOTOR and will not net the constant cash flow that they could have).


    I think we need to emphasize Bioware's advantages in this, as clearly they haven't shown any interest in the advantages to us.


    BW Advantage: Money

    People play MMOs to kill time and to have fun. That "fun" part can be almost anything in the game: discovering pointless land exploits, ganking lowbies, crafting, flashpoints, single player quests, etc. All of those thing will get boring. It is only a matter of time. When we get bored, we cancel subscriptions. But! If we are emotionally invested in the game, we will endure the boredom and continue to play. NPCs, in a compelling storyline, do give us that emotional investment, but we realize that NPCs are just lines of script and will not care if we stop playing.


    Read this next line over and over, Bioware: We play MMOs because of the Human players and the Human connection. Without that compelling emotional connection to the other people we are playing with, there is no reason to stick around after the novelty wears off. And let me be clear, here:I don't care about the players who are on other servers, nor do I care about their guilds or their events. I care about the players that I am playing the game with.


    How pathetic is this situation? We are begging you to give us a reason to fork over hundreds of dollars, and you are continually denying us.


    Please, Bioware, make this game a cash cow and give us our communities; give us our server forums.


    -Mugaman, Jedi Sage, Ajunta Pall


    Honestly, I'm not sure what else there is to say on the matter. From the arguments that other players have presented and my own arguments, I feel like this should be case-closed.


    Bioware: I would really like to hear a response to this. One that doesn't include anything about us players creating our own unsecured server forums.

  2. I think we need to emphasize Bioware's advantages in this, as clearly they haven't shown any interest in the advantages to us.


    BW Advantage: Money

    People play MMOs to kill time and to have fun. That "fun" part can be almost anything in the game: discovering pointless land exploits, ganking lowbies, crafting, flashpoints, single player quests, etc. All of those thing will get boring. It is only a matter of time. When we get bored, we cancel subscriptions. But! If we are emotionally invested in the game, we will endure the boredom and continue to play. NPCs, in a compelling storyline, do give us that emotional investment, but we realize that NPCs are just lines of script and will not care if we stop playing.


    Read this next line over and over, Bioware: We play MMOs because of the Human players and the Human connection. Without that compelling emotional connection to the other people we are playing with, there is no reason to stick around after the novelty wears off. And let me be clear, here:I don't care about the players who are on other servers, nor do I care about their guilds or their events. I care about the players that I am playing the game with.


    How pathetic is this situation? We are begging you to give us a reason to fork over hundreds of dollars, and you are continually denying us.


    Please, Bioware, make this game a cash cow and give us our communities; give us our server forums.


    -Mugaman, Jedi Sage, Ajunta Pall

  3. I actually have a problem with Bioware's arrogance when it comes to forum management. Claiming that server forums are rife with negativity is just plain ignorant. Are there numerous cases of server-forum drama and player/guild callouts? Yes, but that is what builds a server's community and contributes largely to player/guild notoriety. Most server forums are actually used constructively: guild recruitment, crafting discussions and transactions, guild progress, etc. Furthermore, most of the player/guild callouts are just playful competition and are part of the reason why MMOs are fun. Bioware's insinuation that server forums are cesspools filled with hate and grief is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read.


    Server forums build community far better than in-game interactions or the current forum set-up. No community = no MMO experience = thousands of people ditching their subscriptions after they get bored of the single-player storyline.


    We should all urge Bioware to create a cash cow instead of sticking with the current model (which is essentially a more expensive KOTOR and will not net the constant cash flow that they could have).

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