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Posts posted by Raiders

  1. Hi,


    I just want to express my general feeling on how bioware managed the new commendations system.


    In the PTS forum several of us expressed and explained why it would be a VERY BAD IDEA to keep the weekly commendation limits as they were :

    - low of susbscriver will lose lots of commendations

    - the limit per week was way too low


    Now guess what.. after 3 week on patch 2, the patch 2.0.1 increase all limits :

    Planetary Commendations now have a maximum cap of 100 (up from 50).

    Classic Commendations now have a maximum cap of 1000 (up from 400).

    Classic Commendations no longer have a weekly cap.

    Basic Commendations now have a maximum cap of 1000 (up from 600).


    How many subscriber like me has lost "classic" commendations because you simply put hundreds of them into the bin ???

    I have 8 characters , all 50s, all were at the max on Classic Commendations and I could not even buy a full gear because 800 was not enough after 2.0 was released.


    8 characters = hundreds of classic Commendations that I could have used if you would have use your brain and listen to the community !!!!

    And don't tell me that I'm wrong, this patch just prove that I'm 200% right, I was one of the old subs who wrote that putting hundreds of "well earned" commendations into the bin will be a very bad idea + week limit would only be a invitation to play another game.

    It' s not about what I would have done with them, it's all about principles !!!


    For all people who have lost dozens and dozen commendations : SHAME OF YOU Bioware, you really managed this commendations conversion and limit the baddest possible way !!!!!!!

  2. prompt answer ???

    Well, 8 days.. that's not what I call a prompt answer.

    They had a prompt answer regarding the problemthat they tried to fixe with 2 patches on the 3 days following the 1.7 release.

    Even if they finally agree on the problem and made a nice commercial gesture, you cannot say it was a prompt answer. If you mixed all different thread which were about the "repair cost" problem , there were something like 180 / 200 pages, 1500 people who posted their opinions and 100 000 viewers...

    If EA had taken the same decision at 10% of all those figures it would have beenana prompt answer and reaction..but after 8 days sorry it's not.

  3. I would like to thanks all people who whatever the reason supported all of us who claimed that the repair cost was way too high.


    All efforts in posting and explaining why we were upset, all the details we had to write to all guys who were just giving us great advises like "just die less or go grind more dailies"...


    Thanks to all guys who decided to cancel their subs (like me) as we understand and believe that MONEY is something which can also make them hear us.


    Have fun and take care all

  4. Well.. they're looking at it.. ok but from where.. it seems they're way to far from the problem too do anything with it.


    Com'on, 1 week since they applied 1.7, we've reported the problem from day 1 !!!!

    How many hours did it take them to decide to apply all changes on the repair costs ?? only a few I'm sure.


    So instead of doing a "fall back" on those changes and rework on the formula and make tests before reapplying any changes.. they just leave the problem as it is.. people keep complaining, cancelling subs and they're looking at the problem... The worse part is that they want us to believe that !


    They do no intent to change anything and are only saving time, hoping that people will stop posting here.

    You don't need a week of work to understand a problem which only took us few hours to see !!!

    It's the only company who leave a problem in a game while they're trying to understand what they did wrong !

    Amateur is that word people would use to describe such behavior.


    I'm a true believer that everything in life has a price.. they'll certainly already see the bill with the "cancel subs".

    And if you think twice about the way they handle the problem and the lack of communication, I think it's just a suicide knowing that Neverwinter Online and The elder Scrolls Online are just at the corner...


    Anyway it's their game so they can do anything with it.. but ta the same time it's my time and my money and I can do whatever I want with them as well :p

  5. @PoliteAssasin


    Yeah yeah mate, you got it right !! damn we just revealed the truth, wee doomed !

    This guy, coming from nowhere, just came as a savior and saved us all guys !!!

    Several thread about the same "repair cost issue", hundreds of people reporting the same problem base don their own experience, hundreds of pages, dozens of subs cancelled... but we are all wrong, there is not problem at all.

    We can no all resubs and have fun again :)


    Thanks man !!! we all own you one !!!


    Now please take you mouse and go grind all daylies and leave us alone.

    If 2 or 3 guys report a problem and you don't experience it..ok they may be wrong.

    But if dozens and dozens report the same problem and you still don't experience it... well feel lucky and don't come here to claim that they're all wrong.

  6. @ HugoBendtsen

    Don't worry mate, just do as many have done already :cancel your subs and we'll see how bioware will react.


    I don't have any confidence on Bioware anymore, they may work on the issue but despite several thread (hundreds of posts and dozens of thousand of view) since they applied 1.7 , Bioware applied 2 patches and never made any fall back regarding the repair cost.


    Others have already the same problem with all consequences on the community :


  7. Man I feel for you.. several of us highlighted the fact that the actual repair cost will hurt the community beyond what they've expected.


    Why ?

    Simply because, except the fan boys or "no life" who think that it's ok to do every day daylies to cover repair cost :

    - nobody think it's fun to do repeatedly the same dailies every time you want to make FP or OPS, thus only to cover any wipe repair cost

    - it's a game = fun. once you need to do something boring for hours in order to do something fun..then something is wrong

    - less people will do FP or OPS in order to avoid wipes with unknown people (group finder)

    - more repair cost = people will save money = GTN people will make less money :)

    Several others reason.. read the Thred which has already 100 pages...



    Just do as several has done.. Cancel your subs. Money is the only thing EA understand, believe me !

  8. To all those who think that people with 63 pieces should have a higher repair cost : sorry but you're WRONG !


    Why ? As simple as that :

    Daylies in section X, Black Hole or Ilum don't give you more money if you're in 61 or 63's compare to tionese or rakata.


    So why on earth do you think that it's fair to have bigger repair bills just because you have 63's ?

    it'll lead to the same problem that we're against... you 'll have to grind more than others just to cover your repair cost.

    Just make the thing simple : put a fix repair cost based on your level and that's it.


    More seriously... the only way to have it fair is if Bioware make all 61 and 63 pieces durability higher than any lower level pieces : so the higher your armor pieces the higher your durability.. and repair bill.


    But right now they don't make any difference, or if they do it's broken, on whatever armor pieces you have and all repair bills are way too high.

  9. Windows 7 32bit and yeah SWTOR is crashing every 2/3 hours, most of the time during a loading process...

    Started just after 1.4.

    I crashed even faster if I switch to all my alt to check mails etc... once I stay on one in particular..usually on the first loading process FP, OPS, ship etc. the client crash.


    this game has way TOO MUCH USELESS LOADING process !!


    You cannot go to any planet without 3 or 4 loading prcoess.

  10. Every day Bio refuses to say anything or do anything more gamers are leaving game A and headed to game B. This silence and lack of action makes no sense.


    So true !!! They applied 2 patches since the release of 1.7 and none of them changed anything.


    People highlighted the issue on the same night they released 1.7, 2 big thread was talking about the same problem.;they closed one Friday night when he reached +600 post and 25k views.. and the forum moderator asked to resume the debate here.

    People complaining and explaining in details why they're upset, several of us cancelled their subs as we understand that Bioware and EA will only understand 1 language : MONEY.


    How many time they had hundreds of post and thousand on views (and God knows how many subs cancellation) on a problem which is due to their last patch ?


    A professional way to handle it would have been to include a "emergency fall back patch" on whatever parameters they changed which created the repair cost problem. Once done, check what's went wrong on the formula or whatever and later on apply it again after having double check that everything is fine again.


    Instead we had a message Saturday saying that they're investigating the problem and... well... have a good week end guys.. we're off after a good and nice week at the office. Don't care if what's we applied impact your fun since Tuesday and for the entire week end. Be sure that we're looking at the problem during the week end ... what a joke.. Sorry to say it but you're just AMATEUR !

  11. @Rata,

    Devs are only "actively investigating" the matter.. they have not agreed on any new bug nor that repair cost is too high.


    I for one only explained that whatever their conclusion, if the repair cost stay too high, they'll simply lose my subs fee.

    We all understood that you're a great guys, nice little fanboy and while we're all lazy.


    So don't stay here and go grind more money or go duo LI HM or whatever... com'on move now, don't stay here with lazy people.

  12. I never DC due to my ISP.. of if I do it doesn't represent more than 5% of all my DC.


    95% of the time it's due to the game !!!


    During a loading process the game would crash to the desktop...or sometime when I'm simply moving my alt.

    Few time the client, without any reasons, will log me off to the server selection screen.


    So YES 95% of the time it's due to the client so Bioware fault.


    It started after 1.4 if I remember well.. never had that before.

    And before you ask question, yes all my drivers are up to date !

  13. Oh, look, another emergency maintenance that fixes bugs that make life easier for players yet ignores a problem that makes things a lot more tedious and time-consuming and less fun. GG EA. :rolleyes:


    yeah I saw that... they have not done anything regarding the repair cost.

    Anyway I was not expecting anything else from them... Neverwinter Online will be around in few weeks.. and then The Elder Scroll Online.

    I was ready to keep playing swtor..but the last patch and the repair cost problem definitely hit my patient and commitment on this game.

  14. I can't agree. It's actually good idea to prevent guilds from raiding bosses all the time. :)


    Hey mate, there are other solution than just put a 2 hours respawn timer... let me suggest one :

    - each time a character kill a WB, he has debuf which will increase at 500% any damages taken by the same WB (set the timer of this debuff as needed)


    I tell you, they won't farm the boss...

  15. @ elvinlordryan

    Thanks for calling all people who agree on the stupid repair cost "stupid".

    Sorry if we're not as smart as you... your IQ is so high that of course you understood everything in 10sec.

    We're all QQ, F2P players or really poor subs player (like me I'm playing swtor since beta).


    But hey, see the positive side of it, all QQ and poor players are cancelling their subs !!

    What a wonderfull world you'll be living in few weeks... only great players like you, smart with great IQ !


    I hope that you'll be smart enough to compensate all the money that EA will be missing due to all cancellation subs.. otherwise you'll have a "QQ and poor Financial Manager" who will ask to shut down the servers.


    Have fun

  16. Good luck !


    You may not find anything special on the repair cost.. but you'll certainly be impacted by the problem anyway.

    Lot of people stopped doing FP, OPS with pug group because doing them with people who doesn't know the tactic may lead to wipes and therefore high repair cost.

    And if you find a group, some may imply vote to kick you if you make too many mistakes..


    Good luck and thanks bioware

  17. Believe me, bioware is not reconsidering anything.


    In their mind they fixed something which was broken... not even understanding that maybe the fact that it was broken saved them. Indeed, I (and certainly many others) would have cancelled my subs way before today if they had applied such ridiculous repair price in 1.2.


    Anyway.. the only factor which matter for such company is real money.

    Devs do not listen players.. but they listen to their Manager who at some point are listening to the financial director.

    Hence, any subscription cancellation does count.. and will be analysed end of the month.


    If after 1.7, they record a pick of cancellation and read the reason you attach to it ( swtor not fun , ridiculous repair price etc.), I tell you that the Dev will be asked to change that ASAP.


    At the end it's just a matter of who you are :

    - a hardcore player who can play hours, grind all dailies several time a week and can afford repair cost.

    - a different type of player, who doesn't want to grind dailies just to afford any repair cost in OPS/FP etc. (whatever your reason)


    I guess that the second type of players will cancel their subs at some point anytime soon..

    To all people who are calling people like me "crying b / QQ" because I'm complaining about the sudden high repair cost, all consequences on the community etc.. I hope that you all have enough real money to give to EA... othewise believe me they'll not think twice to shut down all servers.


    Don't forget, F2P and member with subs are suppose to save this game.. but if too many members start to cancel subs..oh welL..

  18. Believe me, bioware is not reconsidering anything.


    In their mind they fixed something which was broken... not even understanding that maybe the fact that it was broken saved them. Indeed, I (and certainly many others) would have cancelled my subs way before today if they had applied such ridiculous repair price in 1.2.


    Anyway.. the only factor which matter for such company is real money.

    Devs do not listen players.. but they listen to their Manager who at some point are listening to the financial director.

    Hence, any subscription cancellation does count.. and will be analysed end of the month.


    If after 1.7, they record a pick of cancellation and read the reason you attach to it ( swtor not fun , ridiculous repair price etc.), I tell you that the Dev will be asked to change that ASAP.


    At the end it's just a matter of who you are :

    - a hardcore player who can play hours, grind all dailies several time a week and can afford repair cost.

    - a different type of player, who doesn't want to grind dailies just to afford any repair cost in OPS/FP etc. (whatever your reason)


    I guess that the second type of players will cancel their subs at some point anytime soon..and then EA will have to see if the remaining players bring enough money on the table to keep the servers up.

  19. @ Kallie really !!!??? you definitly gave us a nice picture of the kind of guy you are.

    You're what we call in my country a "no life" person.

    I don' t mind to be honest, it's your life and you can do whatever you want with it.


    But that being said, all you're free time if about playing and grinding...so indeed you may not find any problem with the new repair cost.


    But hey , look at your windows and see all things moving around outside ? it's called the "others", the ones who have other things to do that just sit in front of their computer after they finish their jobs.

    Some of them were explaining that they don' t have time to grind for hours to afford the repair cost..they just don't find that fun if that's what they need to do to afford higher contents.


    But I'm sure that in few weeks and months, after the release of other F2P or MMO, the game will only have

    guys like you... hope you'll spend enough real money in cartel crap etc . to please EA otherwise...

  20. @ I never played Wow... and even if I never played this game I respect the guys who did.

    Just by looking at the figure.. wow had over 10 Millions subs, still alive and still have more subs than SWTOR.

    Even if I love SWTOR, let's be honest.. the only record they broke is to move to F2P in less than 6 months, lost 75% of their subs in the same period of time..and sadly bad decision and bugs may non stop such thing.


    Go back to gring like a robot section x, Bh and ilum little fanboy.

  21. @ Kallie

    I think it's you who didn't understand !

    They reduced the repair cost in 1.2.. do you really believe that it took them 5 patch to notice the"bug" and repair it ?

    Anyway, bug or not, I wish they fixed this "so called bug" since 1.2 and therefore many months ago, it would have allowed me to cancel my subs way before and save money.


    Now have fun with you hundreds thousands credit repair cost... don't worry, new ops is coming, you'll need to be 63 and you'll have the learning curve and wipes price to pay for it. Have fun grinding

  22. Regarding tomorrow patch, you better not hope mate, they'll certainly only fixe the travel issue...


    This game is really getting on my nerve since 1.7 and this high repair cost.. As some here, I decided to stop doing any FP or OPS PUG with GF or not.

    I'll certainly cancel my subscription as well because I don't see the point to level up my gear to full 61 or 63 as it will just increase even more the repair cost.

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