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Posts posted by Lavath

  1. I have become quite a fan of Huttball, though I am getting a little tired of entertaining the same Hutt in the same place every time. Any plans for "world(s) circuit" Huttball? I can just imagine a different Huttball court on Tatooine with randomly opening platforms that could drop you into a Sarlacc pit or iced over ramps and freezing winds on a Hoth court just to name a couple of ideas. This could work well with the rated warzones and tournament play. So, how about it?
  2. Thanks for adding stuff like this. Overall, I really enjoyed the event. Here's a breakdown of my thoughts of the event (though I'm sure I'm missing something)...


    Things I liked:

    • I especially liked how there was suddenly an alert announcement, and various "news" terminals around to talk more about the event's happenings.
    • Dailies didn't take too much effort to get through. Sometimes dailies can end up getting to the point that they are a second job, and quickly become time consuming and no longer enjoyable. The event's dailies, while were not done in five minutes, didn't really take too much effort to complete. This meant I would still have time to go back to PvP, or other aspects of the game that I enjoy.
    • Immersion into the environment. I liked how the plague was able to be spread from player to player, just like an actual outbreak. I know that the community has mixed feelings on this, but I personally thought it was a nice touch. I like events that tie everything together and affect the world(s) around the players a lot.
    • I liked the addition of world boss kills into the event. A lot of times, world bosses only get attention from "higher end" or "motivated" guilds and the causal player has a harder time taking part in world boss kills. With events like this, even casual people are more likely to be welcomed to take part in such things.
    • The rewards were pretty good. I won't say dazzling, but I think they were worth taking part in the event for.



    Things I did not like:


    • I think that there could have been a little bit more direction into where to go to start the dailies for the event. Sure there is a blanket statement of "Don't go to Tatooine" but that place is kinda big. For the duration of the event, general chat would almost always have someone asking where to go to start the dailies. While I don't think we need an X,Y exact location, I think that it might have been helpful to give out a little bit more information. Example, In addition to the Fleet warning messages, when people actually get to Tatooine, have a message that warns people to stay away from the Northern Dune Sea as containment officers are currently trying to control the situation." That small addition would have helped a lot of people out.
    • While I was not directly affected, I know others were not happy about the daily unlock of quests that would offer the orange gear as rewards, particularly those who didn't start the event until the weekend. The idea that they were unlocked from the day you started a particular part came a couple days too late for a few people. This didn't really bother me, as I personally wasn't interested in the social gear, but had this been items that I was interested in, I would have been upset.
    • The companion customization reward really needed to be based on the faction of the person making the purchase. I seriously don't know what I'm going to do with a Kira customization when I am Sith and have no plans to make a Jedi anytime soon. I somewhat understand the random part, but I think it should have been random for your faction, at the least. Random based on current character (or characters that you have in your legacy) would have been much better.


    Overall, I really enjoyed the event. I hope to see more stuff like this in the future! /Salute

  3. So, if five people get AoE murdered in huttball, are you suggesting that you have five timers running (for each individual) or that those five people are now waiting in a lowered queue (effectively the same wait for gate time, but now 10s instead of 20s)?


    If you are suggesting they keep track of a bunch of individual timers, I can see how that will be bad on warzone performance, as well lower possibility that the team behaves as a team. Most of the time, people die because they funnel into the enemy one by one and just get picked off again. I don't see how individual timers would help.


    Lowering the gate time. Sure, maybe that would help have more constant action going.

  4. I kinda think that this should follow what the Imperial News Network is saying and that anyone that doesn't obey the quarantine is committing treason... and should be flagged for pvp by any faction :cool:


    Kill them all!


    It's an event. It will pass. If you don't like it, think of it as a cool PvE plot twist and you just need to take a vaccine and camp out on your ship for a week.


    I hated how a very similar event took place in "another game" and within a day the forums were lit up with "omg griefers!" and "how dare you! revert the change now!"


    ..and that company reverted the change.


    I seriously hope that Bioware doesn't limit awesome events, like this one, just because some people don't like them.




    That said, if there is a way to "abuse the system" of the event, then maybe there should be a little more testing to help limit the number of ways people will use it to harass others. Just keep in mind that they can't proof everything.


    TLDR; I like the event the way it is. There are ways around this so called 'griefing'.

  5. This problem is mostly due to people joining, seeing who is in the group, and leaving when they feel like they already lost.


    As for penalties for leaving, it has been stated that this will be in an upcoming patch. You can probably find this info via the dev tracker.

  6. I actually had pitched a psuedo-similar idea to some friends. This is not to take away from the well thought out plan that you have, only to say that I support it.


    One of the additions that I had, would be to incorporate infiltrating enemy bases or moons. This could tie in to a persistent change in the galaxy. Perhaps this could give introduction to space PvP/Ops. There is a whole world --no pub intended-- of possibilities with this. Example: Ground troops secure an enemy moon base for buff/boss loot (incentive to get pvp'ers and pve'ers to work together maybe?)/ valor/ etc... Now, you need someone to help defend the base from an orbital standpoint. Dunno, just a thought.


    At any rate, I would love to see a change to open world pvp and have some really epic battles.



  7. The grind does get a bit more intensive, and the return seems to slow down, at/after 50. I typically don't care about the dailies as much since I really don't need a seventh chest piece or a tenth relic. I might do it for the money, if I feel like it, though.


    Ilum doesn't really seem like a great return, either. Well, if you are one of those valor traders that just gets in an ops group and lets the other faction murder you, then switch roles... i suppose you get valor that way, but this is really cheap and I hope that you don't do this. This isn't earning valor.


    I would stick to Warzones, or try to see if there are any PvP world events going on besides the typical ghost town that is Ilum. On my server, we have an inter-guild website setup to get guilds notified for world events and such. I think we had a PvP event at a particular time recently.


    Otherwise, good luck.

  8. Honestly, I didn't really do any of the flashpoints as I leveled up. I was always ahead of the rest of my guild, so I was solo most of the time. Now that I'm 50, I do enjoy going back into the flashpoints I've missed, to see the story and at least have experienced the FP if/when I go back for hard modes.


    In a slightly different light, it is fun to go back through some of these and completely *destroy* the mobs there. I really don't care if they are grey and any drop is useless to me. There is just something cathartic about being able to blow through an entire area alone (or with my companion) like we are some sort of Sith assassination squad. The carnage is epic on the scale of what the movies used to be. It's a good way to kick back and vent after a long day at work =)

  9. Yeah u should have two sets of gear: one PvE and one PvP.


    Because u know Luke Skywalker also had two sets of gear. At first he went in his PvE blue lightsaber againts Darth Vader and lose the match.


    However when he grinded approx. half a year on warzones he find his new green PvP lightsaber in a Champion bag - and actually he could defeat Darth Vader.


    Technically, he didn't beat him. He got his *** handed to him by a Sith Sorc until the Sith Warrior felt bad for the little republic that he was dueling and threw the Sorc off a ledge. After that, the republic ninja'd the weakened warrior and went back to his friends and talked about how he was all Jedi Master now after torching the warrior.


    It's your classic pvp story of 1v1. Overgeared "OP" class steps in to "help". The guy who would have lost ends up taking advantage of the newcomer and goes back to talk big to his friends.

  10. Here's my problem. I played SWG, and I spent more time in that game wandering around with a group of guildmates from enemy city to enemy city just looking for people to fight. If we found somebody, we killed them. Then, they sent out a call to their guildmates for support, and next thing you know, we had a good solid fight on our hands. And it was fun, dammit. There was no carrot. The only reward was the thrill of fighting other players.


    The problem with TOR: I enjoy Warzones, but because of the impact gear has at level 50, in order to be able to compete, I basically need expertise gear.


    I wandered around Ilum by myself for a little over an hour yesterday. In that hour, I found and killed four other solo players. Other than that, I ran into one group of three at central assault, and they killed me. I mentioned in general chat that they were there, but by the time I got back (and more Imps showed up), they'd moved on.


    That is not fun. Wandering around for an hour and finding five fights is not fun. It's not fun because I'm doing more wandering than PvPing. If this was a game like SWG, I would just leave and come back another time, hoping more people were there. But, since I need 30 kills to complete the daily to get a champion bag, and I need champion bags to get expertise gear, and I need expertise gear to be competitive in warzones, I'm faced with either wandering around for eternity hoping I come across enough people for kills, waiting on the horribly long spawn time for armaments and hoping I can get to them before someone else does, or finding a willing Republic player and trading deaths for a few minutes so both of us can get on with our lives. And it's not the kind of thing I would even bother doing if not for the Champion bags.


    I think 30 kills a day is too many. I think 10-15 would be more reasonable. At least it would save me from wandering. Also, shrinking Ilum so it doesn't take 5-15 minutes to get from one point to another when I hear or see Republic at one of them, so thhat maybe I can actually get there before they move somewhere else.


    TL;DR: I agree that PvP rewards facilitate stuff like this.


    Appropriately worded. This completely explains the situation in a calm and logical tone. I wish I could make sure the devs got this memo because it would give them something to think about. Unfortunately, it is well thought out, logical, explanations like this that are lost to the see of "fixit noa!" whining.


    I'm considering going to the new "server forums" and trying to start up a thread to have interested republic and empire groups meet up in ilum/Tatooine for the purpose of pvp. Not for farming valor or for a champion bag (which will only have my 14th helm or relic in it). Simply because large scale pvp is fun when both sides have the same chance.

  11. Also keep in mind that there is a limited distance which you can throw the ball. What I have done before is target someone I want to throw the ball to --this gets me the distance to that player under their portrait-- then I can see if I'm within range or not. If not, hope and pray that I don't get shredded before I can throw the ball.


    Also, you can see a blue area effect of where the ball is going to be passed for a brief moment before the ball is thrown. This is something to look for if the enemy team is trying to pass the ball and that graphic is somewhat close to you. With any luck, you'll get to intercept the ball.

  12. Pre 1.1 Ilum on my server consisted of a large amount of empire finding one or two republic at a given objective point and traded caping the area because that was the easiest way to get the daily done (which required no PvP). In fact, people got angry if you killed a republic player as they were so hard to find.


    Post 1.1 Ilum: In a word, stupid. Now, people (read Empire) spend most of their time driving in circles --like kids who just got their permit-- around the center objective hoping to find one of the armament cases. If a republic player has the brass to step into that mess, they are swarmed like sea gulls to a piece of bread.


    With the addition of the "invisible line of death" that acts as a doormat to each base, people have taken to having tug-o-war matches across the line. Pull someone in and watch them die. Pull someone out and have them swarmed.


    Either way, I miss having group vs group PvP out in the open. One thing I liked about Aion (go ahead, get it out of your system) was that they forced population balance. This meant that each faction had just as much presence in an area as the other. You didn't get to a point where one side dominated simply because of subscriptions. Sure, you need faction leaders to keep what you take (or take back what you lose) but that's part of the fun.

  13. Should probably reset all levels gained, XP awarded, crew skill points, affection points, and credits earned just so that it is fair for the people who start the game after the patch drops.




  14. The mod/plugin/tool/whatever that is linked basically just makes some settings in the registry without you having to mess with it. I believe it basically does the following:



    1. Open the registry editor by going Start->Run and typing "regedit" then pressing enter


    2. Nagivate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\"


    3. Look in each of the keys inside that one (they look like: {random numbers and letters]) and determine which one is your network connection. You can tell this since it will have your computers local ip address stored in it.


    4. Add a new key called "TcpAckFrequency" of type REG_DWORD and set the value to 1.


    5. Restart your computer.

    (Disclaimer: Always take caution when changing the registry =P )


    This is something that I did a few years back to help with latency issues, in other games, and found that it did actually help. I also found that using OpenDNS.org's DNS servers also helped. It's free and pretty simple to use. No, you don't need to sign up for the service to use their DNS servers as opposed to your own ISP's DNS servers.


    Both of these things helped improve my latency times for other games. If it doesn't seem like it's helping you, you can always revert the fix.

  15. I was in an mmo that you clicked one button in game and it showed every guild. You then could click and get short description written by the guild leader and the officers who were currently online would be highlighted. How nice is that?


    Was that game EVE? I loved how they did the corp (guild) info and made it available to players. You could even see the "hours of operation" for the guild and what their focus was.


    It would be interesting to see something like that in SWTOR, even if it was done by going to a special console on the fleet (near where you set up a guild would be fine).

  16. At pre-release, anything higher than standard had the VIP access. When I looked at the link someone above posted, it didn't seem to include the VIP access. At this point, you aren't missing anything by not having it. If you really want it, you can purchase the VIP wristband for 1.5M credits.


    Again, it's not worth it right now. I believe they (Bioware) has talked about added more things to the deluxe, CE, and security vendors. I'd wait until that happens.

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