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Posts posted by Fanelz

  1. annihilation is the only marauder spec for anything its the best leveling spec the best pvp spec and the best raiding spec


    Not true, if you see the operations HM/NiM , as a meele dps you have to keep moving all the times, if u fail in a dot of anni tree you mess you'r all dps.. In Rage you have instant burst... I'm hitting smash with the 4 stacks in 5.2 to 6.2k depeding if it crits our not..

  2. I would say Power first, but I heard that Alacrity does something for DoTs. However, I am unsure what, wish there was info about it.


    In essence, though, with power your DoTs will hit harder I think.


    I thought that surge would enhance the crits rating from the dots, and accuracy obove 100% would tend not to miss the target and diminish is armor also stacking.

  3. Do any of your skills in your skill tree directly benefit from crit? If not, then you want to stack power. Do any of your skills obtain 100% crit chance through any means? If so, then you want surge. See where I'm going with this? You can tell from your skills in the skill tree what the appropriate secondary stats are. Do most of your abilities utilize your weapon damage? Then you want accuracy so you don't miss.


    This is my current build and it's the one i want to take to End game PVE -> http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_warrior/marauder/#::efefe4fe4fe6f3ef8efef24:


    But i will be watching the forums for the best PVE build, i was told that Rage would be the best dps build in end game, but now some folks are balacing that opinion in to annihilation because of the bleeds that tend to do some heavy damage and with Annihilate skill.

  4. What are the main stats for maurader DPS Annihalition, besides Str+ and Endurance.

    Power , Critical Rating, Surge, Accuracy ?

    I'm 49 and i'm starting to take a glance and the heroic flaspoints gear tokens, and don't no wich are better secondary stats for me.

    If anyone could help i would appreciate.

  5. Dear Bioware, Lucasarts, Moderators and so on..

    As you may have seen the queue this server is on of the biggest so far in europe.. When other servers have 20,30,45min , Bloodworth as 1h40min..

    Is there going to be free transfers from this server, our increase in server cap ?

    Couse this is a bit strange, since there was a guild launch and the guilds were scattered thro the servers...

    But since day 1 of the early acess that i see that Bloodworthy was an enormous queue.

    So if you could say something about this issue i would appreciate, as fan of the series and was a player.


    Best Regards.

  6. Played for 5 years and 6 months. My first char was a Orc Warrior till TBC, after that Lock Kåzuyå till a few months back.

    Stopped playing couse it was just extremely routine now...

    The difficulty of the game decreased in such a fast way that it wasn't fun anymore..

    Just remember Nax 40 men, the time that took for a decent guild to take down 1 our 2 boss's.. It was a big demand for players, high skill and high concentracion..

    Nowadays u can do puggs in Firelands hc till Raggy..


    So since i'am a big fan of star wars since the age of 12, this was a must for me.

    And i'll be playing till the end of it.

  7. A quick update on today's invites, and a little preview of tomorrow.


    Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow.


    You'll see more servers coming online tomorrow, and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we'll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable.


    We'll check back in tomorrow with another update.

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