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Posts posted by DarthLeeloo

  1. That's one of my favorites.



    I actually like all the different planets...


    ...what I don't like is the Bonus Series that happen directly after you finish the class and planet story missions.


    At least for me...I'm always thinking, "alright, almost finished...this planet was great, but I can't wait to move on"...then you're hit with the bonus series right after.


    They drag the time on the planet far too long...so they kind of "ruin" the planet in a way.


    I know all the others other than the class missions are optional...but I can never skip missions.


    All the bonus series should have been treated like Nar Shaddaa and Hoth...and take place later on in the storyline after you have went to others planets.

    Alderaan's like that too. I do agree with that though. I prefer those with a break in between over the ones that start immediately.

  2. I hit such walls throughout the entire game really. Could be not wanting to do a certain planet, a section of a planet, dailies, a certain daily area, gearing up myself and companion, gaining affection with companions, making sure I don't lose affection with companions, gathering, crafting, etc. I skip or postpone a lot of things when I'm not in the mood.
  3. They don't give you a distinct benefit? Now you are just kidding yourself.

    They certainly can be a great benefit when properly implemented. I also agree with his point that they can be a detriment to your play sometimes. Trying to automate too much can get you into trouble or result in mediocre output. It's making it easier on the user regarding how many buttons they have to push, but it doesn't always equate to superior performance.

  4. I'm looking forward to it. Since returning I got my previously capped at 50 shadow to 55, and 2 other classes the full 1-55. Lately I've been lacking the motivation to get going with some of my other characters though. The small break I'm currently taking + upcoming double XP to look forward to may get me back into the leveling mood.
  5. Basically try to give up the healer comp for those fights. They might save you in some situations, but here you're fighting enemies that deal some pretty severe burst damage. You want to kill the boss quickly before it kills you (dps comp), and/or have it spread damage somewhat evenly between you and your companion (tank comp). Your healer just won't have enough time to make a difference.


    For the commander you must absolutely interrupt reaping the fields, it seems to be his hardest-hitting ability and it channels for quite some time. Interrupting as many of the other abilities as you can and throwing every defensive and offensive cooldown you have is also a good idea. And yes, it's tighter than usual for a solo fight but it's definitely all doable with 66s.

    I had a much easier time running the Oricon missions with Treek tanking. Did that with my operative & shadow. Didn't even need to bother with some of my cooldowns and heroic moment on some of those fights. My 1st time through there with my merc & Mako was rough though. Died quite a few times and had to rely on some desperation tactics.

  6. Pop quiz: What's the most profitable Final Fantasy game?


    It's not the classics like 6 & 7(and others) that many would likely think of as SE's best work. It's XI. The mmo that many Final Fantasy fans couldn't care less about. One that's an acquired taste among the mmo crowd as well. However, it's still running since 2002 and had a recent expansion.


    That's another example that points to profits and longevity. And that can be reached without super WoW-like numbers. I also agree that successful can just be a game you enjoy, but it helps to have the longevity & profits too. Or you may not get to enjoy it for long.

  7. My female cyborg merc is wearing Voltaic Vandal Duster, Darth Sion's Vambrace & Shinguards, Series 505 Cybernetic Leg, and Hide Head Slot. I got tired of the usual bounty hunter look and came up with that mix. Already had some of the pieces from packs stored away in cargo bays.


    For some of that bounty hunter looking gear there's the expensive exalted legacy gear.



    Similar looking sets can be found elsewhere in game, but some of it may have higher level requirements.


  8. I don't usually care about grammar when reading people's posts, but the "your/you're" thing is pretty annoying.


    I mean If the rest of us can do it, then you guys that English is your first language, have no excuse.


    I supersize with you.

  9. My sentinel is dual-wielding blood red lightsabers. That's because the blood red hawkeye is the color crystal I had available & added to my collections. So all my DPS characters can pull 2 of them as soon as they hit level 10. I don't want all my different characters dressed the same though. So I don't set those up in collections. Ideally I'd rather each of them have unique color crystals as well, but I'm not spending the credits or CC for that. Not when they're just getting started anyway.


    That could be another reason you see some of that though. People already having some things in their collections and just using it for another character. It's convenient. Also if you're gonna bother spending the CC to unlock it you should be putting it to use.

  10. Pre-emptive strike is still unobtainable for those of us who (admittedly stupidly) abandoned the quest in a last-ditch attempt to fix the quest. So basically, the main quest series of Alderaan for some Empire players cannot be completed.


    In theory, the fix for this is simple: just make Pre-emptive Strike obtainable from an NPC. But I'm no developer. In any event, I can't advance in this game because of this bug. And it's mildly infuriating.

    You can still move on to the next quest hub in that zone and get the next missions. I did that with a character who couldn't complete Pre-emptive Strike this past week. Outpost Talarn I think. Should be a few missions available there. One that'll lead to the following quest hub and the rest of the planet missions.

  11. snip


    Despite my feelings about this topic I would have to agree with this especially since implementing day/night cycles interferes with the core snapshot in time storyline feature and at this point counterproductive against all the other things ToR needs and is currently working on.

    But, I don't agree that day/night cycles and atmospheric conditions is some meaningless feature that no one cares about especially since dead lifeless worlds are one of the criticisms about ToR.


    My guess is that at least part of the reason why people quickly get bored of the worlds that we have and continually ask for more despite having 20 already is that they have no dynamics which kind of sucks since persistent worlds are often synonymous with MMO's.

    I think roving merchants, enemies and quest givers as well as day/night cycles, improved atmospheric conditions like these would have brought a lot of immersion to ToR.

    I guess a positive take on it is that the worlds are reminiscent of the worlds in the KOTOR & Mass Effect games. Some may like that. I thought it'd be a lot cooler had they scrapped that style and gone for something different with their zone designs though. However, that's would've, could've, should've territory. It is what it is.

  12. Definitely disagree going by the title. Then you're talking all games. No mmorpg would make my top 20. Narrowing the topic to just mmorpgs, this is the only one I'm paying money for at the moment. So obviously I want to play it more than my other options. Still, like every mmorpg I've played, there are plenty of things I wish were different and/or improved.
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