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Posts posted by battleaxeman

  1. Most of the credit system in the old republic is digital and network based, so its not too far fetched to me to say that the Muun banking clan would be very angry when a bounty hunter and smuggler pair steal from them, right after the muun just finished siphoning credits from the Republic & Empire.


    People wake up to find their accounts have been brought down to a measly 1,000,000 credits. and hollo their banks, go to their banks, and find everyone is angry with the banks. The leaders of both factions have to go on the Holonet to state that economic terrorists have stuck and all efforts are under way to find them.


    we end up going to Nar Shaddaa, Illum , and find some make shift data center in a really cool place. we end up in a muun system, and find their banking capital. we have to land on the moon of their banking capital to get access to the world below, and to do so must complete some missions.


    Their banking system has that has a separate setup from the Republic and Empire, and as we progress, they start having negotiations with the empire and republic for the proprietary security systems that surround their banking infrastructure.



    it is mentioned in passing that before we landed on the planet some time ago a bounter hunter and smuggler had arrived with an entourage saying they have recently come into some new wealth, and were looking to purchase a mining planet , They were directed to Apatros.


    The Hutt cartel gets wind of this some how... and manage to get the smugglers ship with them on it. ( they traveled in separate ships as they don't quite trust each other ) so now you have a choice to make, go after the bounty hunter and their group, or go after the smuggler group.



    either way, it ends with you getting paid 1 million credits from your factions government as a thank you for helping get to the bottom of it, and no one is happy, but the players get some story content behind removing the copious amounts of credits that were introduced from the methods described in many youtube videos from moons ago.

  2. lets say you have season, like in pvp, but you have it as an event, where the race track moves around planets... but you could interleave it by every second week or once a month.


    if you don't create it as an event, you could add an aspect of it into the bounty hunter contract where u have to kidnap or murder a racer, as the organization has a bet against that racer npc winning the race. You could do one of the old school space missions on rails as an escort / delivery mission.



    there could be a hole new corporation aside from zerka / hutts,

    The introduction starts out where you get hired to find out who killed or kidnapped a racer, who is sabotaging the teams pit droids.. whose camping out on the track...

    quest: smuggle parts that are embargo to the race track

    you create your own organization, or become a racer.


    Build your own pit droids ( pit droids added to cybertech, engine flairs for the colour trail you leave behind.) and you have to get engine parts for your swoop chassis. some chassis are purchasable, some are craft-able, some are regrettably in cartel market. you have


    desert environment speeders,

    cold environment speeders

    water environment speeders

    asteroid / space environment speeders


    ... stylized parts.. a desert engine, an engine marked for cold climates, so you have to have a different speeder for different type of planet.


    obstacles get onto the track


    an under water track... like in the subscriber quest line with hk.

    hoth, tatooine, alderaan, coruscant, rishi, zakuul, manaan, a track that takes place on an asteroid

    (Hoth, race track runs through a wompa area. tauntauns run onto track. ice crystals fall onto track.. )


    race sizes could be in operation sized groups if this is event based..


    This wouldn't have to be implemented all at once either, you could do 1 track per year or something.



    just an idea. probably been through of before though.

  3. lets say you have season, like in pvp, but you have it as an event, where the race track moves around planets... but you could interleave it by every second week or once a month.


    if you don't create it as an event, you could add an aspect of it into the bounty hunter contract where u have to kidnap or murder a racer, as the organization has a bet against that racer npc winning the race.



    there could be a hole new corporation aside from zerka / hutts,

    The introduction starts out where you get hired to find out who killed or kidnapped a racer, who is sabotaging the teams pit droids.. whose camping out on the track...

    quest: smuggle parts that are embargo to the race track

    you create your own organization, or become a racer.


    Build your own pit droids ( pit droids added to cybertech, engine flairs for the colour trail you leave behind.) and you have to get engine parts for your swoop chassis. some chassis are purchasable, some are craft-able, some are regrettably in cartel market. you have


    desert environment speeders,

    cold environment speeders

    water environment speeders

    asteroid / space environment speeders


    ... stylized parts.. a desert engine, an engine marked for cold climates, so you have to have a different speeder for different type of planet.


    obstacles get onto the track


    an under water track... like in the subscriber quest line with hk.

    hoth, tatooine, alderaan, coruscant, rishi, zakuul, manaan, a track that takes place on an asteroid

    (Hoth, race track runs through a wompa area. tauntauns run onto track. ice crystals fall onto track.. )


    race sizes could be in operation sized groups if this is event based..


    This wouldn't have to be implemented all at once either, you could do 1 track per year or something.



    just an idea. probably been through of before though.

  4. Ashara was mentioned on the live stream today around the 9:13 mark into it .. I am kind of glad she will be back, and a kind of worried.


    See, we "turned" her to the dark side when we met with her, whether we manipulated her into it, or brazenly assaulted her into it, the cinematic on Taris depicts the red aura around her, with her declaring her own realization of "what Have I done, the Jedi won't take me back now" . Only in the next scene to have her standing among her masters as if nothing had occured.


    at the beginning of Taris, it is stated she is a padawan, however, while on the ship and in other dialogues, she can never seem to let go of being a Jedi, though not actually having graduated from being a padawan. It really starts to grate on the nerves of a dark sith lord when having to try and comfort a wana-be-jedi.


    If you bring her back, which you stated you were planning on doing, I would really hope her personality has changed to the point where she has had to kill jedi, no longer sees herself as one, and is no longer acting like a lost puppy looking up to you saying "I follow you" ... It would be nice, if when we stumble upon her, she's terrorizing a few people, and progressively getting in over her head surrounded.



    although I suppose I could just kill her as I only used her to gain access to the holocron.



    Otherwise,I'm hoping Darth Hexid can replace her..

    now I know some of you will say "But ! , Xalek is our real apprentice" ... however, he was picked from a hand full gone through the trials and what we essentially "ended up with"


    Anyway, that is my wishes and hopes for if you bring Ashara Zavros back.. that she is more sith than wishy washy day dreaming of jedi.


    As for this play through, all convos on my ship i'm going to try and make her hate me, but it seems as though she was not written that way.

  5. United Forces update.


    Are the 5 servers HPDL380s or equivilent?


    I don't expect C7,000 chassis, but It would be nice to know if the 5 servers will be an upgrade, and if so, by how much. will they support new features you are planning for, or is this a limitation of the engine?


    Should everyone whose stopped playing for a period of time choose to login, will the server handle it well?

  6. It would be cool to have a building, where a small portion of it is seen from above water, and it sprawles out under the water. I would really like to have one, and I would have it be my second strong hold, my first is Nar Shaddaa.



    I feel they missed s great opportunity with that planet to have under water caves and a sprawling environment. I'd like to see them add much more to that planet.. under water, or floating in the sky.


    and every so often I want to see some giant whale eat something in the ocean or a giant squid attack some big bird.

  7. It would be nice if they offered cartel coins in localized currency. I'd buy quite a bit then. Like hell I'm going to buy them in USD... specially when I'm back 1 Canadian Dollar equals 0.76 US Dollar. The exchange rate will just murder me wallet. Bad enough I'm subscribed in USD.


    Sony does localized currency.

    WoWs time cards do localized currency.

    I'd like to get time cards if they offered them up here, Walmart doesn't sell them anymore.

  8. she doesn't fear death because a Jedi doesn't fear death. she still doesn't want to go against her teachings... and she was the best duelist in her class.. but I don't care about her class and as an inquisitor, i'd kind of like to eliminate that whole class. Actually, it would be far more fun to have her eliminate all her fellow students.

    so when can I drop her off on Korriban so she can start her training as a Sith. or can we end up wiping her mind so she stops acting and saying thinks about the Jedi.


    Edit: also, while I seethe, can she channel her rage as a sith warrior would? Also, could she ha[[en to recite the sith code.


    Edit: also, when can I get Seh-run as a companion since I fed him to get his strength up. I would really like to add him to my list. I feel he and khem val may work well together. That or I just like collecting awesome monsters.


    This bothered me to no end on makeb. I told them to remove anyone who knew the plans, can't afford the enemy finding out.


    "We've got Regulator mercenaries, my lord. Buried under the rubble, but still breathing."

    I made an example of them and she lost 642 affection.. how can you call her a Sith when she doesn't like doing what must be done.. *!#$, turn her already.

  9. I don't enjoy waiting in the queue to get into a fight that lasts significant less time than the other forms of battles : hutt ball, void star. Once I get into the game I then get to wait for the load screen, adn then wait out the tiemr for the match to begin. I find these are far less enjoyable than the games of hutt ball and voidstar.


    I would also prefer to be able to black list them so as I do not have to worry about entering one of them.




    Edit: or make it go to best 3 / 5 so the duration of the match is better.

    but then I'd still get far fewer kills when searching for stealthers trying to prolong the inevitable than in a regular battle ground.

  10. I would like to see the planet kamino.

    I would like my character to have the ability to swim.

    This would also introduce water mounts.


    with regards to kamino, there could be under water caves, but it would be cool to have platforms and such and be in a water based world.


    I would like open space exploration with dynamic events and battles to be joined. once the battle is won, that faction has control of a planet, ( or moon ) that offers far greater abundance of a resource. ( this resource would be elsewhere, but in greater quantity here)

    and on that planet would be an assassination target of the opposite faction. and after you kill them, the characters name changes to signify a replacement of the predecessor.


    the planet would be held for a certain duration, think the abyss fortifications from aion.

    the ability to change the color of your ship or some of the aesthetics of your ship.


    the ability to hang lightsabers of my fallen enemies, or blasters, in a trophy room on my ship.

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