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Posts posted by SisterPsion

  1. I doubt I will still be here once 12X is over. With 12X I can get into the story line! I re-subbed just for 12X.


    I am a founder, but only played 2 of my 3 month subscription back in the day. The grind was horrible and boring since I had many alts and kept playing the same missions over and over and over and ugh!


    I only have one character on this server, a level 22 dark sider (I play another character on a different server with a friend). I want to play only these 2 characters to see the story progression. I prefer the dark side as it is much more fun to me when a NPC is talking about something and I can respond with "and I'm supposed to care about that because...." or my favorite - "Yawn" . LoL


    I would like to participate in any guild activity except pvp. I don't have the highest level weapons or armour . If I get a new/upgraded weapon or something as a drop, great! I'll use it , but chasing weapon stats does not interest me.


    I am in the Pacific Time Zone and will be playing mostly weekends.

  2. This week's Item Mall Special*


    Portable Holodancer Entertainment System / Flaregun COMBOPACK!


    Yes, for only 19,500 TORrents you can purchase this popular COMBOPACK! You will be the envy of your friends with this sexy little holo dancer at your beck-and-call! And with the trusty flaregun at your side you can... um... signal a passing star destroyer that you are LFG!


    Only 19,500 TORrents! That's less than $29.99 if you purchase the Mega-super TORrent 60K Uber Pack for only $89.99!



    *Guaranteed minutes of fun! TORrent purchase non-refundable, non-transferable across servers. Mega-super TORrent 60K Uber Pack not valid with discounted items, item mall specials, and cannot be purchased using gamecards.

  3. I cancelled my subscription yesterday and got a 'Tell us about your experience' survey today in my email. I looked at it as a good sign, my thought was sorta like they want me to come back so they want to address why I am leaving. Le sigh.


    In my opinion, the survey is not meant to address reasons why I am leaving at all. In my opinion the survey is to rationalize why they should go to a FTP model. I felt really disappointed. I WANT to play SWTOR and love it... but I don't. I have 39 more days left on my subscription but am bored when I log on.


    I wish there had been more questions about why I am quitting on the survey and fewer asking me to list all the FTP and subscription games I am currently or ever have played and fewer questions with the answer 'I cannot afford the monthly subscription'. I can afford the monthly subscription and would willingly pay it if I were having fun.

  4. Nope. I just unsubbed and wrote a thurough description of the reasons so at least I did my part to be constructive. I still have 40 days before my sub runs out, but since I have played less than a couple hours in the past 3 weeks, I can see it's not worth my money at this time to resub. I have no doubts I will be back in the future when there are more of the customizations that make the game mroe fun for me. :)
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