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Posts posted by Maruchani

  1. Caught a bad streak of losses there, happens on the imp side as well. Aside from the animations, some worse than others (Trooper's version of "Death From Above" is terrible) and they *really* need to be adressed..classes are a mirror between both factions. When I play Republic I tend to have a 50/50 win/loss ratio, some days all goes in favor...some everything goes wrong. It's just the way it goes.
  2. It had a rushed launch due to monetary/greedy reasons and it shows. That's all there is to it.


    Sadly in this day and age people don't wait till it gets better because there's plenty other options out there even without paying a premium AAA subscription. Maybe 10 years ago it would have been a long lasting game.


    Still, it was worth the money I gave for it. Been doing storylines and the odd pvp for the last month, I now have money again in my gaming budget to move on to something else when I feel the time comes.

  3. Nice troll, bro. You got some bites already. 6/10.


    Edit: On a more serious note, it's the *only* thing they have going for them. It's crap/buggy enough as it is without more tampering with it. Besides, it's not like they're not being constantly pulled out of cover and thus rendered useless if using the 1st spec tree with all the knockbacks every time Entrench/Hunker Down is on a cooldown.


    2nd Edit: Oh, and Entrench/Hunker Down has *very* noticeable effects. LoS them and /wave till it wears off. Been done to my 30ish sniper alt and I do it all the time on other chars.

  4. I'll have to go with Pyro PT/Vanguard on this one. Having Flame Burst talented to cause a slow is a must have though.


    EDIT: Sorry, that's a slow effect on combustible gas cylinder that can be talented to be applied every time you use flame burst.

  5. That and getting kicked because the deserter timer ended in Voidstar and Civil War before the gate opens will generate excelent threads in this forum when the "debuff" everyone seems so eager to have in the game comes in.
  6. WoW had NO battlegrounds at max level for like 6 months after its release if im right.

    Just making a comparison, dont kill me!


    Warzones aint that easy to make.


    Because comparing a new game to a 10 year old one makes perfect sense.


    I suppose people will be comparing it to Pong and Tetris next?

  7. A lone dotter, dotting 4 people to defend a node after his/her death node is not strategy. It's a broken mechanic.


    And besides, I am not asking for a nerf to dots. **** DOT away for all I care but don't let it interrupt capping for the full duration.


    A lone dotter will be stunned to death before he manages to target that many players.


    Also, a broken mechanic is having more than 8 players in a warzone or people using the door glitch on Voidstar. I suppose people will be complaining Vanguards/Powertech pulling people into the fire is a broken mechanic too :rolleyes:

  8. Yeah, no.


    I just joined a 11vs10 Voidstar with people abusing the door glitch. I left. Should I stay locked out of warzones for X minutes now for leaving a game where people are openly exploiting with no consequence?


    A debuff like that will make sense when these blatant exploits reported for quite some time now have been fixed, till then I'll just keep on leaving.

  9. This issue arises mostly for the Sith side in the civil war warzone because from the Sith spawn East is Left and West is Right. I started using east and west when playing Sith, less confusion that way.
  10. Nope, not while people are openly exploiting with no consequences. No point in staying in a warzone where people are exploiting.


    I also just joined a Huttball midway through trying to do the daily quest after 4 losses only to be kicked from the game because the "deserter" timer finished before I could get through the gate. I guess I'd be stuck for 30 mins now, huh?




    Edit: Cherry on top of the cake? My team was winning 4-0 on that game, I'd complete the daily if it didn't bug like usual.

  11. One thing you'll miss leveling purely with pvp is the light/dark choices that will affect your alignment as well as companion affection gains, you can always do the pve part later on for those though.
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