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Posts posted by Ledden

  1. I've tried every spec at level 21, seems like every spec sucks balls.



    When you reroll a Vanguard or Shadow tank. :D


    No seriously, Guardian can be good but it'd just be more of a function to how good a player is. If you give that same player a Vanguard/Shadow, they'd easily do way better. The ONLY thing I can imagine Guardian being good at is as a Huttball carrier because they can leap to friends and enemies and score. Even then, Vanguard/Shadow is awesome for D on Huttball with the Pull ability.

  2. Games most of the time doesn't get to 6 points. It's rare that a game ended 6 points without one side being just utterly dominated. Most competitive games ends until time rounds out after 2-3 points.


    Huttball gets overly drawn out because of the 6 point end condition. We don't need to play the same Huttball game that long. Please shorten it so it's more in line with the other two warzone length wise.

  3. Yes lets Nerf them because they landed a 7k hit on a lowbie with no damage mitigation...


    Force sweep would only hit 5k if they received the damage buff to sweep from AFTER using force stasis (mid tier talent) which is on a long cooldown. In other words force sweep only hits hard once every minute or so...

  4. I'm on Dark Reaper, and EVERY NIGHT I'm on the republic fleet there is no more than 150 people. When I jump on my alt on the Empire Fleet, there are 250 on the 1st instance of the Fleet and a SECOND instance of people.


    Every time I queue warzone as an Empire I get Huttball because of this imbalance. It's a ghost zone on Ilum because there's so little Republic compare to Empire that they just get rolled and give up.


    Think of a solution already BioWare!

  5. At high/max level what are the differences between the two classes? Snipers seem to dish out very heavy damage and has great burst if they need it too, and gets to do that at a comfort of 35m range. Also has plenty of CC.


    I was curious from your guy's experience what advantages Marauder has over the sniper in the role of DPS for PVE and PVP.

  6. Your job is not to chase down people and try to win some epic 1 on 1. Please roll one of the many classes that excel at that.


    Your job is to find teammates and support the HELL out of them. Meaning you are EXCEL at doing these things:


    1) Putting Guard on people being attacked and taunt their attackers, so THEY can keep on killing the enemy. Force people to attack YOU (your specialty is defense) so your DPS teammates can kill the enemies (their specialty).

    2) Slowing the enemy from getting to objectives with your spammable AOES, stuns, push so you can buy time for your team

    3) Defending objectives for as long as humanly possible until your team can come back you up


    NO CLASS does those 3 things better. However, there are other classes that kill dudes better.


    Know your roles and realize what your class excel at, and I think you'll create a more enjoyable experience for yourself AND your team.


    Playing a Guardian always puts a smile on my face. Many times I'd see a teammate being attacked by people. I force leap into action, put a shield on him, taunt his attackers, and start CCing/Stun/interrupting his enemies. In many battles that are starting to look grim for my teammate, jumping in and supporting them correctly turns the tides. It's very satisfying. If I was playing a DPS class at those moments, I can't really help them other than try to kill off the enemies faster than they're killing him. Usually my teammate will die, and I would have taken out one of two enemies afterwards. Boring...... but as a guardian, there are many more times where my teammate LIVES because of my intervention and we finish off the attackers.


    Anyway for all you Guardians that complain about PVP being sucky for you because you are chasing after dudes trying to kill them... you'll enjoy a different class much better.


    For the rest of us that chase after teammates to support them, and hold out objectives for our team, this class is the most fun. :D




    Playing healer is another fun way to support your team, but it's a bit too passive and boring for my taste. Sitting there a healing is a lot more passive compare to throwing up a guard on your team and start mixing it up face to face with the enemy. ;)

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