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Posts posted by MackumDog

  1. I'm still failing to grasp the point of this thread. Why should I care if someone chose a particular look or not? I can't understand the OP's obsession on this. Whether you are "original" or not makes no real difference. Create your character the way you want it and let others do the same. There's no reason to attach so much analysis into why someone chose a particular look. It's nobody's business but theirs.


    This is starting to sound like an ad for an Apple product. Buy it because... it's different!


    asking a question on a forum is hardly an obsession, i think the OP made a good comment, and the amount of replies upholds that.


    To attack the OP rather than comment is a tad immature isnt it?

  2. A full combat log would make it very clear what each player was doing. And if someone wanted to make the superficial claim that player 2's dps (funny how you guys only ever mention dps) was lower and that therefore he should be removed/not get loot/some other arbitrary thing, then with, and only with, full combat logs could player 2 add any weight to his argument that he was in fact doing his job and helping the group succeed.


    The reason I target DPS is because it is usually DPS that is in competition, I actually play a medic in all the MMOs I have played, and as a healer sit there at the bottom of the DPS list ;)

    From a healer Pov the aim is to get the tema through it, some healers may spam out massive heals others may thow out DoTs and keep people topped up, it never really matters how you heal as long as the team lives :)

  3. While yes I understand direct comparisons do happen, this is not generally the case in actual higher end raids. Damage meters/combat logs are diagnostic tools and anyone actually intelligent enough to look at a diagnostic tool correctly also takes things like that into consideration.


    Under the above premise-- Guild has a fully geared gunslinger that does stupidly high DPS. Guild recruits new sage in starter level 50 gear. Sage gets assigned to random function duty because everybody knows he won't pull his weight in DPS yet. They don't say "Oh.. well since our gunslinger, who is the top geared GS on the server btw, totally stomped your face you are bad and should feel bad"


    The problem is not within guilds, I would say that any decent guild would notice an low equiped memeber and work as one to build them up, or accept their style of play and use it as part of their 'plan' .. the problem is with the general community and although I hate PUG groups there are times we all have to do them.

  4. They lack creativity because the character customization options are so limited in this game. There aren't many good looking combinations to pick from, so naturally you are going to have a lot of near identical looking characters. There should be sliders for everything including colors. There should be a lot more hair tattoo and accessory options. If these devs want to see a proper modern character creation process and gear customization they should check out Aion. You literally never see two identical avatars in that game.


    I was just about to say this, the character creation system is so dull and there is very little difference I just accept what I got

  5. Lets put two scenarios on the page.


    1. We have a player who has got a gun with a massive hit, hes been lucky and had a good drop, he has boosted his aim and all his tallent tree to support this gun. He spends allt he raid hitting the F1 key and blasting away, getting a massive DPS


    2. We have another player who has spec'ed for crowd control, an stuns, he has not had the luckto get a good gun on a drop. but he spends the raid stunning and calming the adds, puttting in a lot of effort but getting a low DPS.


    with these metres, player 1 is often seen as the best, even though we know hes not. the 2nd is more of a team player.

  6. That's fine and I sympathize. I have never been one to really bash underperformers as they're likely people like my dad who just can't be bothered and just want to swing a big axe at things.


    The problem is when you impose that in a team environment. I find it weird that in all other walks of life it's considered rude to not play to the standards of the team, except in present day MMOs. Truth is, it is rude. But that's all aside from the point.


    Modern day MMOs have multiple difficulty settings in raids. I am all for letting people just swing their axes in normal mode content. I just don't understand why the casual crowd can't give us the same right of way when it comes to the more challenging content.


    The compromise of disabling combat logs outside of HM/NM content is a win/win for everyone. If you want to just goof around you aren't going to be hurting anyone because normals are easy enough to just plow through. But for those that actually want a challenge.. we can't give them the tools to do it correctly? How is that fair?


    Im not sure if you are American or British, but here in Britain we do actually have amature teams and we are inclusive, I help run a Rugby club, and everyone gets to play regardless of their standard. I accept that 'Slackers' are bad, and we encourage players to work better, but there is a difference between putting in no effort and being a low scorer and those that try and just cannot make it.


    I understand the Goofing around, and we in sport would substitute a player who does not try, but these logs do not show if someone is trying or not, it just shows a score in comparison with other peoples on the same team.

  7. First, I'm not demanding, I'm asking for a combat log that tells me what happened...in real time. Why? So I can quickly assess what went wrong. I'm not sure this is crazy or too much to ask.


    I'm really just curious. I'm curious to see where I measure up. Is it about competitiveness? Of course, but it's also about not spending 4 hours in an instance wiping and wondering why.


    I personally have no issue about you knowing what damage/heal etc you did, I too would like that, but what I dont want is for you to see mine and make decisions about my playn style because of that.

  8. Clearly you haven't seen me play Huttball




    I am so good, women become pregnant just by watching me play, thats how much testosterone is excreted.


    I was close to teabagging by keyboard last night as the 50th kill was awarded to me, following my nonchalent flick of someones helpless near dead self into the acid pools.... or I suppose you would call that keybagging..... >_>


    Chuck Norris gave up Huttball after seeing me play

  9. I hate these sports analogies. You aren't a professional sportsman and this is not what you're doing for a living, it's what you're doing for a hobby. If you want a real sports analogy, you're just part of a pub football team playing in a Sunday league with a bunch of mates in your spare time.


    Do you know what would be good, if you had a Range. in your spaceship where you could bring up a combat droid, that does a set amount of damage etc. and you can then get your stats in private after.


    That way you could tune your character against a set standard. Since the game and mobs include a lot of randoms, then this method would be more accurate than a DPS meter as that cannot take into account the randomness.

  10. Yet completely arbitrary. Where's the proof that WoW started to decline when add-ons came of age? As a hardcore raider before and after...give me after.


    I am not having a go at you, and maybe your one of the better hardcore players, infact most real hardcore players are usually quite acceptable and understand the game and like to try different options out.


    it is the wannabe hardcores, those that brag about getting 10,000 DPS and yelling that you only got 9,999 DPS and you must be slacking. Those are the people most of us fear,

  11. Well said, very well said.


    I agree whole heartedly. I remember that as soon as we had to play to damage meters etc, we as players were told what Talent tree to focus on, what equipment to have, what buttons to press and when.


    It was anoying to be talked down to, and it became the reason I quit, I pay, I play my style and it may not be 100% efficient, but suits me.

  12. A story driven MMO is going to be linear and themepark by definition, there are only so many threads in a story the GMs can program in, it would be wondeful if AI was being used and NPCs would react to real text, but thats not been perfected yet.


    The problem is, if we dont have a story what is left? If it were a sandbox a lot would be happy, but a lot more will be lost and not understand what to do, so sadly theme park is going to be the majorities choice.


    having said that, this game is not mature yet, and was released late, but still not finished, so I feel the corporate pressure to release before christmas has meant we have not got a finished product, the hope is that as time goes by we will get the final product.

  13. I was expecting some kind of condolences, and a goodbye (patch notes), but I was surprised :) Thanks.

    Unfortunately you won't see us this often after 1.2, not Commandos, that's for sure.


    My healer is a commando, I am not reading the patch notes in case of depression :(

  14. One of my characters is a healer, but the other is a DPS, and it really is appriciated when a healer throws some good heals in warzones.


    I think everyone should roll a healer just to see how it works, and understand that healers are often trying to survive attacks on themselves as well as keep you alive.

    But I must also say that I have not seen as much healer abuse in this game as I have in others, so its good all round :)

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