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Posts posted by plaktow

  1. To me, patch 1.2 seems to be "the content that was supposed to be in the first release, but wasn't finished in time". I personally look forward to the update. I think it brings good and interesting stuff to the game, but not sure whether it does anything to the two main problems: tons of bugs and lack of interesting end-game content. Maybe I'm afraid the coders focus on the nice-to-have list, while the list of actual bugs and must-haves is still a long one.
  2. Killed the boss on third attempt after I stopped being so f***ing supid. Khem was dead but I still had 80% life left.


    Took your advice, let Khem tank and called him away for the duration of the lightning storm. No probs whatsoever with the fight, tho I failed several times before reading your post.


    Control Khem. Don't just let him do all the work for you, inquisitors.


    Edit: What really annoyed me about this series was that it's a) bugged and b) forces you to travel all around the world, and then some. Several bugs in Black Temple alone. I don't remember Warrior's legacy quest line being this broken...just sayin...

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