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Posts posted by ElectricMethod

  1. The problem EA/Dice EA/Bioware have in regards to their respective Star Wars properties is this; Pattern of behavior/pattern of problems. This is more pronounced with Dice than with Bioware. Dice had major issues with the launch of Battlefield 3 (it was mostly unplayable for 6 months or so in the MP space) and now again with Battlefield 4 with all the platforms it runs on being riddled with bugs and glitches, rendering it almost unplayable.


    Now, with Dice being pulled off all other projects to fix Battlefield that means they are not actively working on SW: Battlefront. If this continues for a lengthy period of time well then Disney has a real good case for malfeasance and breach of contract. With Bioware, Disney can easily point to the pre-alpha Hero engine and the problems it has caused for SW:TOR (and continues to cause) and trash can the whole game. No matter what side your on here, it's fairly obvious SW:TOR uses a wretched game engine and has under-performed for almost it's entire lifespan.


    Now do I think Disney will do this sooner rather than later? No. But, it's a fairly safe bet if EA, Dice and Bioware don't get it together they are probably going to lose their SW games. This is especially true seeing as Disney shelled out a lot of money for one of the most expensive (and profitable) franchises in entertainment history.

  2. In all honesty I tend to stay out of posting in the forums here because they are so toxic. It's almost assured that one will get flamed by someone over ideas ranging from the petty to large scale issues. Heck, I've been around since the closed beta tests, to early access and launch and this has remained a consistent issue with these forums. Toxicity.


    Moreover, I'd just rather play the game than come in some forum and rant and rave about how A.) Either I like the game or B.) Dump a laundry list of issues in a non-constructive fashion. When I get bored I unsub. When I have tech issues I go to support, if it doesn't get resolved I unsub and leave comments in the unsub box.

  3. Heh. Lots of game forums are like this; two sided affairs with the critics and defenders. The reality is if criticism (of the good stripe) doesn't happen the game stagnates and dies off. If criticism of the bad stripe happens, then one ends up with toxic forums due to the Us vs. Them mentality.


    Personally, as can be seen from my post count, I don't tend to post very much in the forums. When I have problems or tech issues I just go to the support forum; or, more likely contact EA/BW Support directly. Customer Support for this game though is a whole different kettle of fish and would rapidly devolve the thread into a flame war.


    That said, after a few months of playing I just unsub. Wait a few months, monitor the site and forums to see if changes have occurred and if enough improvements have happened I resub for a month or so. To each their own though.

  4. I wouldn't say SW:TOR is a failure so much as a comedy of errors. From the outset it's been one of those things where it makes people go 'Are you serious?". For e.g. Mythic; everyone remembers what they did before working on TOR right? Right? Here's a hint... a failed Warhammer MMO. Also, said Warhammer MMO also used the Hero engine, ooops.


    TOR's engine, a heavily modified Hero engine, can't easily be upgraded or fixed. So we have a game where the devs have a hard time just implementing minor fixes and tweaks. Also, this very same engine, doesn't utilize system resources properly.


    Now, since the launch of f2p the game does seem to be gaining some strength, but the underlying design problems are STILL there. The removal or fixing of the Hero engine and game performance will be the ultimate decider of if SW:TOR lives or dies.

  5. Actually, they need to take this game offline for much, much more than one week. More like 6 months. They absolutely need to do 2 things. 1.) replace the hero engine and 2.) optimize this game properly. Heck, I'd have to dig for it, or if someone else has the link..., one of their own devs said that the Hero engine for this game NEEDS to be replaced in a public interview.
  6. I received that exact same email. Honestly I don't mind getting them early at all. It was nice of BioWare/EA to shoot out emails to all this happened to and let them know what occured. I am much more concerned about the missing Cartel Coins from my account.


    I mean, BW/EA has had some pretty bad, hideous actually, customer service when it comes to this game, but sending out emails notifying people of a mistake made is actually decent customer service. They could have just not bothered and let us figure it out on our own next month.

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