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Posts posted by Ravenger

  1. i'll just leave this handy quote here from stephen reed



    Unfortunately, not every part of a game's development is an equal sized task, and we must prioritize fixes as best we can.


    To speak to your example, while you may have never seen someone ask for emoting from a mount, it may still have been asked for (either in threads you've not seen, or in bug reports, for example). It's also possible this was a fix that was being worked on before launch, and has only just now made it into the game, or that fixing this bug clears the way for other bugs to be fixed, or that adding it allows other features to be implemented. And sometimes, it's just something we wanted to fix.


    While we cannot acknowledge every single post and every single request made on these Forums, we're reading and passing on the desires to the development team. Every major request that's been made by players since launch is being discussed and prioritized. That doesn't mean every feature requested will make it into the game - we'd end up developing a very schizophrenic game if we did that. However many requested features will ultimately end up in the game.


    While I'd suggest everyone does check the Dev Tracker from time to time, you should also keep an eye on our new Community Blog, which has already hosted a post from James Ohlen about some future features, and will have more insights as we go forward into additions to the game.


    The team is hard at work on improving and where required fixing the game. Not every fix is easy and not every feature can be added overnight, but we'll continue to work to make the game even better.

  2. fixed


    If there was a test, fix, pass QA stage, the game wouldn't have been released.


    your QA standards are not the same as industry QA standards...

    if customers could determine the level of QA then no product would ever be released.

  3. its not designed to be a sandbox. stop trying to make it one.


    besides there are plenty of ways they can expand the current planets with new area's if they wanted to. to tatooine they can just add more desert. coruscant or nar shaddaa could get entire new districts by adding new taxi routes.


    also limiting it to just 3 planets would become rather dull after a while, tatooine, just endless desert it wasent fun in SWG it wont be fun here.


    bitesize chucks is what i want. and thats what i got. just leave some room for extra flavor to be added later.

  4. Agreed. I had my mustafar underground bunker where i stored my trophys from hunting banthas and such. The star ship imo is good but it needs improvement its big but the isnt alot to do in it and the removal of free flight while in space is a big dissapointment for me. =/


    they have already said that they are going to improve on what you can do in your ship in the future.

    also Free flight was never removed... since it was never part of this game.

  5. SWG was a sandbox SWTOR is a theme park.


    let me ask you one simple question now that you've spent some time in this game.

    where would you put your house? and still have room for 10k more houses for all the other people playing on your server alone.

  6. according to George lucas, imperials were all british people and the rebels were all americans. they even went so far as to re-dub the british rebel actors in empire strikes back to achieve this. the fact that all imperials in this game use british accents is most likely a rule enforced by lucasarts. I.E. not something bioware can change.
  7. Fact, is it hard to remove the hoods from hooded clothing pieces? No. they already have this in the game in some form or another. (twi-lek versions of the clothing, or if you wear a helmet the hood dissapears) if you look closely at the hood you'll see that they are infact 2 seperate models. the hood and the robe (and technicaly the cloth sim part is also seperate)


    Fact, is it a time consuming feature to implement while making it look good? yes. for every piece of hooded armor in the game they would have to put in a hood down model on it.

    for the majority of armor pieces that will mean taking the existing "hood down model" and either creating new UV's for it, or re-texturing that model to match every chest piece. the latter is more likely and is also the most time consuming. and for the more exotic armor pieces that will mean entirely new hood down models.


    they could just leave the hood down model out all together. like with twi-leks and helmet wearers. but then people would complain about that aswel. my guess is that if they are going to change something they will want to do it properly. i agree they should have done it properly from the get go but often that is simply not how it works when there are higher priority thing to do.


    bottom line. yes they can add a quick fix for the hoods. but they will likely want to make it look good aswel. and that takes time to do.

  8. I'm glad I'm not in your guild. You rushed to 50, rushed through normal mode content, and skip dialogue and cut scenes. Sounds like you're playing the wrong game.


    this arguement has become somewhat invalid now.

    I have a level 42 sith warrior, a level 10 bounty hunter, and a lvl 31 trooper. and i have yet to skip a single dialogue line. i am taking my time with all my characters and switch between them regularly. but i might have more time on my hands right now since here in europe its the christmas vacation.


    so just because he's 50 right now doesnt mean he rushed...

  9. if you think cut scenes and voice acting make the quest anything but "pick up 10x item" or "kill 10x boars" youre fooling yourself.


    if you skip the cutscene then yes the quest becomes a generic kill quest. and tbh if thats your thing then go for it.


    but i want the game to fool me into thinking it is more, by use of a cutscene. it inmensly increases my enjoyment of that mundane quest. context is everything in this game. and it is also the reason why i cant go back to WoW.

  10. I want a functional shower in game so my character can shower daily. I can't start my questing before all the blood stain are clean up :p


    I am pretty sure taking a shower is part of the SW universe too


    /sarcasm off


    in the SW universe they dont show. they take a sana steam.

  11. I hope it comes later on.

    Its easy to do, and yes Id prefer having 40(ingame timecyc)hours of night on hoth and... 6 or whatever day(ingame timecyc)



    And to those saying its "hard" go open up an editor of your choice, try set your own TOD cycles. Its easy as hell. Why? Cause you can set exactly how you want the "mood" to be at each and every hour. Unless heroengine is ****.


    in a game that has been designed from the ground up without day and night cycles in mind. why would the developers program a function into the editor for day and night cycles.


    also the developers are using a modified version of the hero engine. wether an editor has time of day function is not a measure that makes a game engine good or bad.

  12. the game world is not designed with force jump in mind. so i say do not implement it.


    besides you can use force charge as sort of a force jump. as long as you have a direct line of sight to an enemy that is a floor above you. you can force charge to it.

  13. personaly i have no problem with the music itself. but what i am missing is the amount of music. its just too quiet in the game. give us a loop music option like in WoW (yes i went there)


    the majority of the time when i am exploring the game there is no music. and it kind of destroys the atmosphere.

  14. Eve online has a bounty system. but the thing about that game is. players with the highest bounty's often have the toughest ships and are often very hard to kill.

    this game is too linear in its progression to get players that are a step above the rest in terms of difficulty to kill. so a bounty system would probably be pretty useless.


    but if the developers can find a way to implement it and make it fun then i say go for it.

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