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Posts posted by Darthwolfin

  1. I play as a Operative healer. I have heard both arguments for whether guard should be on me or melee dps..I have found that it depends on the tank. In many circumstances when trash mobs show up if I am unguarded they bum rush me.. and I can pop off counter measures all I want they dont care and proceed to break my glass jaw. when I am unguarded I also find that im healing myself more then anyone else in the group. Now saying that, I have had tanks that hold aggro well, so that I haven't needed to heal myself quite as much. The mobs still concentrate a little too much on me for comfort. When guard is on me I dont have these problems and can focus on healing the tank and dps like I am suppose to. These are just my experiences... I haven't sat down and tried to figure out the numbers behind anything.
  2. OP..I agree with you the Empire should get a shot at Shane..Your scenario with BH's and Intelligence working together would make perfect sense...and as An Imperial Agent...I can say I want a crack at that smug Jedi.....


    Honestly the fact that we fight Malgus was upsetting...I loved that man. If the empire loses Malgus..then the Republic should lose Shan.

  3. Thanks for replying monty,

    As of right now I'm wearing a columi field medics suit, columi field medics gloves, a xenotechi field medics belt, a tionese field medic leggings, the rest of my stuff I have modded with different skill mods..all the mods are purple expect for one or two i think.


    My crit chance is 36.13% and my crit modifier is 69.35% my cunning at the moment with a stim is 1518. and i have a activation speed of 14.17% the points for ac is 336.


    so get my crit modifier up a bit more and continue to focus on cunning and start focusing on power now?


    Yea I was getting upset at them, first time in game that happened to me, but I just said sure and kept going.

  4. So I did EV Story Mode for the first time tonight. For the most part it went fine for some key areas( I was accused of not healing my tank..and not using aoe heals at one point, the puzzle deal..It was BS, the only time I stopped healing him was when me and the other two guys in our sub group where being zergged, but I think that was more frustration then anything). I felt that my heals are way too low, Kolto injection with out the crit would heal around 2000 hp and on crit around 5000... my nano is crappy and im not surprised no one realized i was using it it only heals between 200 -500 per second.


    off the top of my head my cunning is around 1400 now. Any suggestions for gear I should be trying to get? or if there's certain stats I should be focusing on now? Also are my heals just way too low to be doing Operations for a while?

  5. OP I was in the same boat tonight. I was pull aggro from the entire mob. The tank did not know how to Tank. I knew I was in trouble after two mobs...I then looked at his hp and discovered he had 100 hps more then me....I died twice because he couldn't hold aggro at all. Then he Dc'd and the next tank knew how to tank and we went through everything smoothly.
  6. Well I haven't done a few of the final Flashpoint or the Operations before. The lFG tool does work but there are people who do not listen..or at the very least do not understand their class roles...When Im the teams medic and im getting hit by every single member of the mob.. the tank does not understand how to tank.

    That being said I have recently run a few of the lvl 50 Flash points with other who have never done them either. Besides the group with a tank who couldn't tank properly (he dc'd and we got a new one, who knew what he was doing) they all went very well. Some issues with certain bosses, namely trying to figure out how best to take them on. But on the whole..very successful and enjoyable.

  7. Playing a healer is never faceroll, it's one of the most stressful jobs.





    I'm an operative...I have to attempt to be in the middle of the action to heal members of my team..while hoping that the opposing team does not mark me because if they get a few decent shots in, and I don't counter what they are doing within a few seconds, I am down. Operative healers have glass jaws OP. I don't know what you talking about.

  8. ok ive done a bit math,

    Yesterday the last wave seen us with July 29th being the last registered people in.


    So from my estimation Wave 1 today has went from 29th July up to August 6th (9 days)

    if it follows this trend we should see all of august in today by wave 4, if they do a 5th wave as they did yesterday we should be easily into september. Fingers crossed


    I like those numbers

    im 8/30 and hope to be in on that last wave tonight

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