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Posts posted by sinfulheart

  1. Like most of you I had high hopes for this game but their are way to many bugs. The servers are dead most of the time. The gear looks so bad I cant even bring my self to grind for it. Their are very few war zones and you are forced to play what they choose not what you want and might I add are paying for. The poor bh cant even hunt real players for bounty's the trooper looks good but tbh should be packing alot more fire power hints the big guns. The Jedi don't even have a set of good looking Jedi robes. As soon as they fix one bug it seems like 10 more pop right up. For example they fixed the invisible bridge so you can get the hidden holocron even tho their was another way to get to it,instead of fixing things like being dismounted or your companion not showing up upon dismount. Their all over the place. Oh and btw the legacy system is lame is a joke. They gave us a bunch of junk in the last patch and didn't even bother to add things like I don't know maybe a group finder for flash points. The jedi knight gear looks so bad lol you look like a a dude with a fish bowl for a helm. I mean heck you cant hardly even find anyone to play with the servers are so bad. While This is all my personal thoughts I know alot of you are getting sick of the same things as well. SO I ask you this is this game realy worth playing anymore? I dont think it is so I canceled my account like the 1000's of others.
  2. To put it simple SWTOR is nothing more than a 1 player mmo. Once you get threw your story you can do a little pvp and maybe a raid if you can find the people.So really once you have played a class to 50 you may as well roll a new toon.Also once you have leveled the classes you liked to 50 and none of the other story's interest you its time to move on to a new game.Look at the new patch coming out. Basically your going to get some new raids that you can try if you can find a group to go with and you get some new war zones.....hmm they are adding stuff like guild banks,legacy roll playing stuff basically junk that has no point. I mean wow I get a buff woo-pie doo or i can level a republic toon that's sith big deal I can make a sith on the imp side join a bg and leave and have all kinds of buffs. Its easy to see this game is lacking just by the way they do things. I mean no guild banks when game comes out.The gear looks like crap and the new sets look just as bad.Theirs nothing for a player who doesn't want to raid or pvp to do I mean theirs nothing hard for you to get or earn. For example if you wanted like say a rare light saber crystal you could farm fragments for it and that could take a long time to get. so it would be a rare reward to be proud of and it should have the stats to match. Then when your bored and cant find a raid and don't wanna pvp theirs some cool stuff to do.No where in this game Sept for the fleet do you really see other players.When this game was shown on TV i thought it was going to put me right in the middle of the war between the sith and Jedi lol what a joke.Their customer service had better start listing to you guys on the forms or this game is doomed.
  3. Well all I can say is this.I canceled my account because I couldn't find anyone to lvl with even after I posted many times on the forms looking.This is a great game but when you have to solo everything when lvling its not fun at all.I couldn't get any heroic 4 mans done and I couldn't get into any of the instances.TBH even the guilds i would join didnt do anything to help each other out.I hope that maybe after a few patches the games populations will improve. Maybe in a year or so I would come back after it is setteld and biowear has time to relase a good amount of patchs and such.
  4. Well on that note I guess you are right from a money making point of view you have to please the masses i guess.So on that note theirs never going to be anything realy hard to get because at some point they will just give it away for next to nothing.So just play the raid to see the content and then pvp a little and thats all this game has to offer lol.Well thats why they call it a game i suppose.Kinda pointless relay.
  5. Crystal vendors take away from the players who have worked hard to get their purple crystal or other crystal ect ect. If you dont have anything that is realy hard to get whats the point in playing the game? I will say this in starwars galaxies their were items that you would have to solo farm for for months to get but they worth it when you got them hughe stats and everyone wanted them. How aboout a jet pack bh can farm for that hey can fly with? Rare crystals? Hard hitting guns that look great? give people something to work toward instead of upping the valor and handing them anything they cry about? What do you guys think?
  6. Yes the gear in this game is some of the worst end game gear i have ever seen. I cant even bring myself to lvl a toon because I have nothing to look forward to at the end but getting some relay awful looking gear. And to be honest as far as the next big patch goes i am not impressed with that at all that should have been in the game when we first bought it Guild banks are you kidding me? I dont know about you guys but I on my server it seems like their is less and less people playing. I realy like starwars and i hope they can give us some good gear and raids to do.
  7. I relay wish we could have some classic Jedi robes Like a padwan robe and Jedi master robe with a classic look I don't look anything like a Jedi. Also on that note what kind of bounty hunter cant use his jet pack? I mean in every move they have one and use it and the only thing you can do is go up and shoot rockets for a aoe attack? I think the Bh relay got the short end of the stick here not to mention they cant even hunt players for bounty's? And im not playing as a bounty hunter i am just saying some key things are missing here. And wouldn't it be nice to have a city of fleet for both republic and sith with areas to duel etc ect.

    Does anyone else notice some things they totally have left out of forgot ?

  8. I am hopeing they will put in a pvp arena.I would like to be abel to pvp 1 on 1 with toher players or 2v2.Does anyone else hope this will Happen? Anyone know if they will add this?
  9. As much as i like this game my toon feels more like im playing a fruit ninja than playing a force using wrecking ball. It feels like the toons in this game have no power. Also is it just me or is the gear in this game lame looking? I cant hardly bring myself to grind for gear cause it looks worse then the lame gear i have.What do you guys think? I like the story's but if i have nothing cool to work towards then whats the point do you guys mind grinding for gear that is for the most part relay poor looking?And do you feel like your class is overly weak?
  10. Is it just me or does the gear in this game relay look bad. I like playing this game but when it comes to the end game gear I feel like they just stoped trying. I mean I cant even bring myself to grind for the pvp gear because it looks so lame. I haven't seen much better from ops in the game either. What do you guys think?
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