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Posts posted by GreyGoomba

  1. I still find player housing to be relatively unimportant. I honestly do not see how it would really add anything to the game for most players. There are some roleplayers who would get a kick out of having control over settings, and there are some hardcore players who want houses for a means of showing off stuff they've earned or just an excuse to receive additional perks, but objectively speaking I don't see this as a high priority to most players.
  2. No, actually I'm pretty sure everyone that plays this game regularly is pretty content with the amount of races and wishes that Bioware would slow down the new content to give us all a chance to enjoy it all :)
  3. So if I buy some premium items on Cartel Market and sell it on Galactic Market then would I be able to earn big number of credits?


    It's really not as simple as buying a cartel pack and then making a "big number of credits" since different items kind of go for different values. Do a little research into what the more common crafting materials are as well as what rare drops you can get in the packs and look at how much they go for on the GTN. It's still a lottery scenario, but in all likelihood you'll at least get some credits out of the ordeal. It's just a matter of how much you are expecting and if it's worth it to you to try.

  4. If you can't make up your mind on whether or not something is worth a dollar value, I feel like maybe you have bigger problems than people on a website ignoring you.


    Just read the FAQ on the differences between a subscriber and a F2P member and decide if it's worth the money. I think it would also be nice to just try F2P yourself (since you don't risk anything by not paying money) and give the credit card back to your parents before you make any more stupid mistakes.

  5. The entire game is DLC.

    You put in the disc, and it downloads at least 90% of it.


    I don't know what you mean by "DLC" and I don't see what the difference between "Addon Content" and "Expansion" and "More levels to do, and also more items and enemies and a new planet".


    It was $10. They made it clear it was a level cap of 55. I honestly don't know who's buying this and thinking they're getting more or are entitled more for the price. It was all put out there ahead of time.

  6. I haven't found a way to turn off the achievement notifications, but I haven't looked terribly hard.


    The thing is, before long you won't be getting them every ten steps and they'll become less annoying, so try to bear with it for now, I guess.

  7. I believe one of the KoTOR games had a speaking Cathar in it, who used a kind of Russian accent (according some wiki) and I enjoy when the different races have different modes of speech, but part of this game is accepting that every Sith Marauder will sound the same, annoying as it is.


    They'll fit in fine. It's a nice nod to the KOTOR vets and since chicks dig 'em hopefully we'll all meet a lot of girls online and fall in love and do operations as married couples.

  8. Yeah, we'll see.


    Cathar are not really a favorite race for what I want to assume is the majority of players, but at the same time there is an audience for them. I know my girlfriend is excited about them, and she has friends who think the race looks cool and most importantly different.


    When World of Warcraft comes out with a new race, all you see is that race. Friggin' pandas left, right, and three ways to Sunday. The biggest positive I see with the Cathar is that we'll get some added into the world, but as long as it's not given out for free, we'll not upset the race balance so much that it becomes Rise of the Cathar Cathar Cathar Cartel. If we can avoid a RotCCCCC situation, I'll be fine with it. As long as more races come, and hopefully don't take as long (if they can streamline the process or just avoid clipping because I don't care, I want a Togruta), I think it'll be fun enough to see a new race come into game.

  9. Go to:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor\retailclient\LoadingScreens


    Replace the LoadingScreen file with one of your own.


    Here is the one I use, always.


    Substitute your own, and have fun!


    Thank you so much, you are a life saver. I'm probably gonna have a different load screen every month.


    And I took your advice and decided to have fun, as evidenced by my newest loadscreen, which I share with everyone in this thread. http://i46.tinypic.com/2s5y2z6.png

  10. It looks so "meh" that I'm groaning to myself knowing I'm going to look at this all the time until the next expansion. At least get the resolution right.


    In the perfect world, you could swap out that picture with something yourself. In the realistic world, couldn't they set up a random rotation of images so I don't have to look at the same damn ad that's been on the site and the launcher for the last month? Cripes.

  11. I play on Jung Ma I'm afraid, but if you want a better answer concerning an RP guild, visit your server's forums on the site and ask there.


    There's also a website called SWTOR-RP.com that has server forums to help you find people recruiting or looking for an RP sesh.



    Good luck in your hunt!

  12. I still haven't heard a real legitimate reason for not doing early access.


    I mean, it's 5 days. It's five damn days. I know people who saw the preorder in January included 5 days early access and said, "Fudge that, that's the point even? It's just 5 days, I don't care."


    It's not even a whole damn week. Let's ignore the way they paste the APRIL 14th date stamp all over everywhere, I don't understand the horrible pain people are experiencing by not playing on a specific planet, and having to wait 5 days.


    Are you the same guys that complain if a game comes out in *** or EUR a week early? It's just a hobby, it's just a form of entertainment, it's not your life, it doesn't effect your life, gain some perspective.

  13. The one you enjoy and are most best at.



    With PvP, what really matters is that you fully understand your class and make good decisions on when to use certain moves. It's not like PvE where there is a great rotation, or something. I recommend you use the one you like most, and then head over to Noxxic.com/swtor and take a gander at their talent build recommendations.

  14. If I log into the game and the servers are still running with heavy traffic, I think it's safe to say that this problem is effecting a minority.


    Regardless of what numbers are being thrown around, they have a big content patch literally around the corner that demands their attention. I understand everyone's frustration with not being able to play, since it was roughly a year ago I stopped playing for the very same issue. It hit right when they were doing the event on Tattooine where you can get the Green-Black color crystal which I want more than anything, and it pissed me off I couldn't get in and try for it. I get your frustration.



    It just doesn't change the fact that while someone is likely working on the issue, they only have so much manpower and because a small number of players are effected by a bug doesn't mean they should postpone Makeb. If you are looking for help on the issue, go to the tech support forum. If you're not prepared to hear someone say you're wrong, don't post no this forum. Just make sure you keep submitting your ticket(s) and keep on Bioware's case about this issue, and understand it's sometimes a very difficult task to sort out what may even be causing the problem in the first place.

  15. I love Huttball, but it plays completely differently from the other objective-based maps because those typically end up being node-defense.


    I think a Huttball queue (maybe with more maps and settings) and a Warzone queue would be a great idea.



    Heck, if you do the Huttball queue enough, you can get a special title, maybe. I could totally see this working out.

  16. If you aren't comfortable with the lore at hand or if you get the feeling they're doing some sort of guild event, it might be polite to avoid them. But, if someone is playing in a public place, you are certainly allowed to interact with them. If it was important no one interupt what's going on, they would normally try to get into an instanced area, like the ship hangar or just someplace no one goes to.


    If you want some advice on how to approach such a group, it's best to be in character. You don't need to have a whole backstory and it's okay to be casual. Just don't use abreviations like "LOL" and if you want to say something out of character, whisper or use something like ((hey, I just wanna say I think your armor set looks great)).


    If you want to try casual roleplay when you bump into a little group like that, it's easy to "overhear" what they're saying. If someone mentions how on the deserts of Tattooine they narrowly escaped a sith attack, you can comment with something like, "The Empire is really fighting over a ball of dirt? Why would they even be on Tattooine?"


    Just try to think about being in character. You aren't walking up to a player who is trying to tell a story; you're walking up to a Jedi, and you should ask yourself why your smuggler or soldier would approach a strange Jedi. Or whatever. You get it.

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