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Posts posted by Evanir

  1. Hmm just reading the patch notes, it says "Magenta Crystal Shards are now found on one planet in the game. They can be refined into Pristine Magenta Crystals used in the creation of mid-level magenta color crystals through obscure means."


    So maybe it's true, the Alderaan crystals only make mid-level crystals. If so, that's a bit BS.

  2. Im confused:



    1. magenta crystal on alderean is mid level color (not +41 stat)

    2. the magenta crystal on ilum is still there

    3. a guild mate got the +41 schematic during a corellia daily

    4. the schematic required the ilum crystal to craft



    so bioware made a +41 stat magenta crystal schematic, which is better than the +32 schematic from the belsavis/hoth world bosses and they added lower grade schematics +25 and less that require the magenta crystal from alderean to craft.


    so for bis alderean magenta crystal is a waste of time.


    Would be interesting to see the material list for the schematic that your guild mate had drop?


    From what I understand: current Magenta schematic (+33) that dropped from the Belsavis world boss requires the Ilum Magenta Adegan crystal. The new schematics (+41) ALSO require the Alderaan crystal which you need to refine into a "Pristine Adegan Crystal", though I could be wrong about that as I haven't seen the mat list for the new Magenta schematics.

  3. Todays(estimated) pre-acess invites gone out: 250k


    Largest beta-weekend population: Around 2 milion

    Largest beta-weekend population online at once: 750k


    Again, this is guesswork.


    These numbers would mean they currently have 1.75 million less invites gone out than during the last beta-weekend. Assuming every one who have pre-access is online this would still mean they are 500k under their highest proven server limit.


    This is the my reason for being upset combined with lack of communication and a none automated invite system.


    Firstly, the launch isn't meant to be a stress test, the beta weekends were. It makes sense that they're inviting less people than in the beta weekends, as they're not trying to blow the servers up for launch!


    Secondly, there's been plenty of communication from Bioware about the Early Access and how it's working. The stickies say it all; be patient, your time will come.


    As much as there are some valid concerns, it's still not going to change squat. I pre-ordered and like many others, am still waiting to get in. It will take some time, and as disappointing as it is, there's no need for all these people to nerd rage all over the forums about it.


    I think over the next few days, we'll see alot more people get in the game. With day 1 they were just treading carefully, and now they've seen how it's going to be they'll start letting many more people in.

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