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Posts posted by -NightFall-

  1. I agree stealth does seem to be broken or something, I get targeted/attacked in stealth an inordinate amount of times these days . The IN COMBAT thing is an issue as well because I cant stealth and it takes FOREVER to get out of combat and by then you are pretty much done unless you can hide someplace and let combat wear off.


    I have shelved my Operative for now. If you cant stealth you are pretty much dead.

  2. I am quickly losing interest. As much as I WANT this game to succeed I am just not sure anymore. Very little meaningful response from the Dev's to the community about some of glaring issues in the game has me VERY concerned, the response is a patch/update. The lack of population and population balance is a RED flag.


    They put out patches and updates without the ability to test unless you spend time leveling a character on the test server which could be wiped. Who is going to do that unless you seriously have NOTHING better to do. As a result, there are unexpected issues and consequences from their updates which results in more patches and updates. Seriously, Bioware/EA is running this game like a small company without enough resources for a real development cycle and proper private and public testing.


    They are promising many things but it is getting to the point of Too little, too late. We have seen this same cycle in other MMORPG's and once you lose the subscribers it is hard to get them back (Once bitten, twice shy).


    Let me caveat everything I wrote about by saying, I am forever the optimist but this optimist is becoming skeptical. I have dismissed most if not all criticism about this game as I really enjoy the game, even now.


    I am just VERY VERY disappointed so far. I just had to put this out there.


    Thank You for your time,



  3. Here we go...


    This game has been out about week here I am very certain will be no server transfers in the near future.


    In the interim I suggest starting a new character on the server of your preference until that day in the distant future when they open server transfers.


    It is very easy to level a character in this game, so have at it and have fun!


    Dont want to rain on anyones parade here. :p



  4. What? The man is talking about a FEATURE, not "EZ Mode." The truth is that this feature will be implemented eventually. Almost certainly. It might be paid, it might not. But asking someone to relive the exact same content in order to get away from queues or to be able to roll with friends who (dummys that they are) rolled on some west coast server and refuse to reroll themselves (stupid friends), to just reroll after 30 levels is stupid. Not wanting to re-experience the EXACT same content is not being LAZY, it isn't begging for EZ mode. YOU made this into a hostile thread. Stop. We all understand that the game is new and the feature isn't there yet, the OP was asking if anyone had heard any updates.




    Never said the game was perfect and not even close to perfect and this is like the 10th post asking for a server transfer from I WANT EZMODE PLZ players. This game is ridiculously easy to level a character in. The OP's toon is Level 29 already and it hasnt been a solid week.


    The bottom line is: The OP can sit here in the forums hoping, waiting and wishing for a server transfer that isnt going to happen anytime soon or they can get off the EZMODE train and level a new character on the server of choice.


    Have a Nice Day. :)

  5. It never ceases to amaze me when I see posts like this people looking for server transfers. REALLY??!! Log on that server and start a new character. WoW got people so spoiled with EZ Mode game play. This game is easy enough as it is to level a character.


    Get off the lazy mode and create a character on the preferred server or you can just sit here in the forums waiting for what is not going to happen any time soon. This game hasn't been live for a solid week yet.

  6. I know some feel that this a dead horse issue and has been discussed but none the less, I commence to dead horse beating...


    I think faction balance is an issue for the long term longevity of this game. Face it, Star Wars IS about faction vs Faction. I personally chose to play on a PvP server and leveled an Empire Character to level 30 and then decided to switch to republic after playing Huttball :mad: what felt like ten thousand times in a row.


    I realized that if there is no republic opponents that Empire is going to be VERY boring at higher levels. This would make open world pvp a nightmare if you are republic because you will get zerged. Whats the point of being Empire or Republic if there is no opposite faction. I think the faction population imbalance is greater than people realize. I would venture to guess it is in the 80% vs 20% range with Empire being favorable.


    Faction Balance is an issue they need to try and resolve somehow with possibly offering incentives to go republic. They should have come out the gates doing this knowing there would be balance issues because they existed in Beta as well.


    One thing that surprises me about Bioware is that they dont seem to be learning from other MMORPG's mistakes/lessons. They seem to be determined to re-invent the wheel for some reason.

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