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Posts posted by FrOzZy

  1. Honestly, i don't wanted to comment, but ok:


    1. PVP. That's simple - more WZ, more game modes. Take a look at rift. It isn't shines, but released before SWTOR and still not F2P. Persnoally I, nd few friends, that leaved ToR alrdy agree with me - why not to do something with wz? use RIFT expirience - for weekend change one wz's rules, allow users playin it achieve more points, that's rly simple, and won't take as much resourses as makin new one.

    Also, u could use GW2 expirience - all of their pvp maps are domination (like Alderaan or denova) but all with different rules. And Developers said before release - they experimented a lot with other game modes, but found domination most exiciting. Keep on working in that way. And all my friends (not me, while playing gunslinger) enjoyed Huttball a lot, founding it ost exciting warone#scenary#battleground ever.


    2.PVE. Ok, pandas here - so it's time to steal something )) Challenging mode (with gear and time restriction and rankings) will be nice. And still - u have a lot low lvl FPs, why making new ones when u have old ones? Make heroic modes! I liked hammerstation a lot since beta. And 1 more thing, i enjoyed a lot since beta and low lvl FPs... crew skill challenges - it was awesome idea, where it is now? =(


    And for things in general... I have quit the game in may and returned few weeks ago. And only now, i see most (not all) promises from betafound it's way. Finally i can pick any orange gear i like, and wear it, making it BiS item by adding augumented slot, and that's wasn't possilbe since release, but u promised something about it. But still, i can't wear gear i like. I like a lot how some lowlvl green gear looks, but wearing it on 50 lvl char? No way. Ye, let's look at GW2 again - color unify? Screw it, u can apply any colour u have found#bought to any part of piece of equipment.


    That's all. Sry for my english :p

  2. thanks for very detailed comment.


    1. As i mentioned, i'm full rakata, so i don't need to match any EV\KP dps. My interests is EC HM and TFB HM, so i'm trying to match their DPS reqs with present gear :S


    2.As for rotation. Long time ago (before i left game for long) - i find out few things:

    a) if u do rotation like - flourist shot - vital shot - hemmo - sharp bomb, u will be fine with energy (10 - 20 - 0 - 20), this 0 hemmo cost help u to reg some energy during GCD. Also, sharp bomb have initial tick, with will use hemmo charge, which is good too.

    b) as far as i remember, wounding shot ticks hits not as hard as DoTs. So may be it's better to utilise hemmo, that's it will be hitted by Dots as much as possible, instead of wounding shot ticks?

  3. Could use some help too. I left the game mb 6 month ago, and now im back. Back in time, we started to trying out EC HM with my guild, before most part leaved. So we hadn't make it through 1st EC HM boss.


    Now, i'm here - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/ee2f499d-3ea3-4f89-9da4-0c381887a78b


    My gear is full rakata + ear, 1 impl, legs - back hole, 2 BM relics. Not all augmented.


    i'm using DF spec - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/Gunslinger#c-fc-8idk2e7cck (2/7/31)


    And for operation dummy i pull 1450 DPS with this rotation:


    0. Flourish Shot (use at start or every 3rd rotation)

    1. Vital Shot

    2. Shrap Bomb

    3. Hemorrhaging Blast

    4. Illegal Mods (if off CD)

    5. Wounding Shots

    6. Speed Shot

    7. Aimed Shot (XS Freighter Flyby if off CD)

    8. Wounding Shots

    9a. Flurry of Bolts (if energy below 90% otherswide do 9b)

    9b. Sabotage Charge (if off CD) (Quickdraw when below 30% HP)

    10. Flurry of Bolts (as required until energy is +95%)


    (posted somewehre here)


    And i can't do more that may be 1300 DPS with SS spec.


    And, i've been told, that a good gunslinger has to be able pool around 1500-1650 (!) DPS with full rakata gear. What am i doing wrong?

  4. i'm not a fresh sniper (gunslinger tbh). I left the game mb 6 month ago, and now im back. Back in time, we started to trying out EC HM with my guild, before most part leaved. So we hadn't make it through 1st EC HM boss.


    Now, i'm here - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/ee2f499d-3ea3-4f89-9da4-0c381887a78b


    My gear is full rakata + ear, 1 impl, legs - back hole, 2 BM relics. Not all augmented.


    i'm using lethality (DF) spec - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/Gunslinger#c-fc-8idk2e7cck (2/7/31)


    And for operation dummy i pull 1450 DPS with this rotation:


    0. Flourish Shot (use at start or every 3rd rotation)

    1. Vital Shot

    2. Shrap Bomb

    3. Hemorrhaging Blast

    4. Illegal Mods (if off CD)

    5. Wounding Shots

    6. Speed Shot

    7. Aimed Shot (XS Freighter Flyby if off CD)

    8. Wounding Shots

    9a. Flurry of Bolts (if energy below 90% otherswide do 9b)

    9b. Sabotage Charge (if off CD) (Quickdraw when below 30% HP)

    10. Flurry of Bolts (as required until energy is +95%)


    (from GS forums)


    And i can't do more that may be 1300 DPS with MM(SS) spec.


    And, i've been told, that a good sniper/gunslinger has to be able pool around 1500-1650 (!) DPS with full rakata gear. What am i doing wrong?

  5. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700bZbIZhrbkrrhdhR.1


    Personally, i tried most builds. I lvled as SS and partly (35-45 lvl) as Sab. I liked 31 sab for it survivability but meh, dmg totaly sucks. Full SS is fine, but it's so freakin' boring =(

    DF\Sab hybrids is bit slow. It's like - pop 3 dots, jump in cover, throw sab charge (may be flourist shot then) and only after that u start rolling some (ok, OMGWTF-) damage with speed\wounding shot. So i sticked in true-DF 2/8/31.

    What i like about it? It's unbelievable energy efficient! My standart, full hp enemy rotation:


    Hemmoraging blast

    Vital Shot

    Sharp Bomb

    Sabotage Charge

    Flourist shot

    Speed Shot

    (around this step target is >30% hp)

    Wounding shot


    Few times i saw a 1k (995 actually :p) crits of bleeding. It was awesome!


    But you may ask - ***, this rotation isn't rly changes for DF\Sab spec. True, but it's full rotation. Hemmo - Vital - SB can easily melt down 50% hp target and i enjoy it.


    Basicaly there is no best PVP build coz we don't have combat log and WZ always random. I mean it could easily happen that u won 9\10 wz in a row and in 10th u sucked with ur build pretty much, but if u have, let's say 31-sab u could shine. But that's don't mean that u could lost previous 9 WZs with 31-sab build. That's the matter. You can't win every single WZ (for now, in full, 8 ppl premade may be) thx to different situation etc. So that's what i trying to say:


    "There is now best PVP build of all times, there is only one PVP build that suits you best and let you to have most fun in this game"


    So, roll your build, win wz, have fun and be happy )


    p.s. Sry for my bad english )

  6. What about appereance transfer option? Why can't i (as a smuggler) buy (with imperial char) from imperial GTN some imperial agent cool gear (head slot mainly), sell it on HTN, buy it on HTN and have proffit?


    Also why can't i o this to sith appereance stuff? I bet on high prices for sith robes and headgears on republic GTN. Isn't this a real smuggling?

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