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Posts posted by Huez

  1. WOW

    I was not part of exploit BUT WOW


    if people start getting banned I am going to quit the game.

    Not because exploiters are getting punished

    but because Devs are going to pin players who found loophole and used it.

    If it was anybodies fault it was the Devs for over looking this and let it live for so long.

    I mean what kind of Sith is not plotting an exploit?

    What would the Republic do without its corrupt exploiters?

    Seriously though 2 1/2 years playing swtor and if I see people getting banned for the Devs fault im outie~

  2. Can you stop posting this crap and give us an ETA on Ravagers Bulo boss fight *********** Barrel throw that does 25K and TOS Underlurker cross mechanic glitch fixes its *********** impossible right now.


    We have to have some real *********** geared healers for these fights or its impossible

  3. Has a yellow confirmed the JO-1Y is a Cartel Market item? I logged in today to see if it was available, and I can find it on none of the vendors (not Cartel Market, not Life Day, not any of the Bazaar vendors). Can we get a response or ETA on availability?


    Its a Cartel Market item. You should be able to find it under collection> mounts. It's not out yet.

  4. I'm stunned.

    I was really looking forward to life event and spam yellow snow balls to everyone so I could try and get the Jo1y mount and I realize its a cartel market item. I mean I got the cyan mount but altogether the awards for parcels isn't that great in my opinion. They are the same as last years and I think I lost my xmas spirit in this game. Just an empty event promoting your CM items.

    I understand Swtor needs income so they put micro-transactions and most players dont have time to play because of work. In the end this half-a**ed event with sub par awards is meaningless.

    This was supposed to be a grand event to celebrate the holidays and ragk, gree, BBA events are way more spectacular than this.

    I mean granted the snow ball thing was a great idea, its fun, but the rewards for an event that is supposed to be grand are completely bland. Compare it to the stuff you guys give on the other events.

    People play more when they are happy when they achieve and earn rewards. This is a swtor holiday I wont remember, and most likely wont play a part in lol

    #notreallyhappywiththis :jawa_frown:

  5. Hey folks,


    As many of you know, we will be streaming around each individual Advanced Class and the changes coming to their Disciplines in 3.0. We will be starting those streams this week and do one set of base Class mirrors each week for the three weeks thereafter. Here is our currently planned schedule. As always this could change, but here is our plan as of right now!


    • Friday, November 7th - Bounty Hunter and Trooper
    • Thursday, November 13th - Inquisitor and Consular
    • Friday, November 21st - Warrior and Knight
    • Wednesday, November 26th - Agent and Smuggler

    Thanks everyone! We'll see you on stream to talk about all of the changes coming to in 3.0.




    Mercs <3

    I hope we get a better chance against smart pvpers that know how to use stuns and interrupts :]


  6. We are not going to get an escape for merc on next patch.....

    which is really disappointing since we are the only class with the crappiest cd's


    Why cant they figure out that Energy Shield and Kolto Overload can be out dpsed easy and even used at the same time we can be outdpsed

    oh and how about a super obvious Hydrolic Overrides which compared to a sorcs speed boost we are slow as hell and easy to predict and compared to a snipers and even the infamous Operative double roll with its defense bonus make us look like a fatty trying to catch a twinkee.


    CANT WE GET A DEV TO UNDERSTAND THIS? I dont care if this message gets deleted but I want a dev to try and dps in a ranked pvp as a merc. I want them to suffer the slow Hydrolics, panic as they see their shield probe not protecting their heath as they thought it would and pray as they see their life pike up and down closer to death than before with Kolto overload on full blast


    BUT! Not to fret! we will get a raid buff ability that gives 10% alacrity to you and your friends <3

    and some other abilities depending on which tree you go that will make you insta cast or make you immune to interrupt in certain circumstances. Yeah with these we will be unstoppable. (sarcasm but im giggling on the inside)

  7. The Only One We need is


    Jet Escape/Grappling Gun

    Mercenary overcharges his jetpack and blast away 23m. Any hostile within 6m gets blinded by the blast making them 30% slower.


    Commando throws a smoke bomb at his feet and grapples 23m away. Any hostile within 6m of smoke lose visibility making them 30% slower



  8. This is important, it's too easy for griefers to play ranked, a valor and gear requirement would mitigate the troll plague. It should also be possible for people to get banned from ranked, or at least get locked-out for a period of time and have their rating reset if they are boosting.



    My rank went from 1150 to the pitiful 900's in ONE day due to these trolls/ afk's/ undergeared and to add to the insult I am being called a bad by baddies who can't focus target while I am being 3v1. PT class has a good burst but cd's arent as impressive as a juggs.

  9. Wow **** your ********. Drop rate of specific items are hay-wired and the prices for the emotes are jacked.

    5$ to unlock uno, 'one' in Spanish, virtual emote to legacy.

    I was fine with 240cc but with current pricing I have no interest in cartel stuff anymore, and sadly it was one of the few things that kept me going.

  10. Galaxy conquest. Its a big idea but it would be fun to pvp for conquest of each planet, each planet have its own wz map, whichever faction wins will have a small logo next to the planet signifying that its leaning towards favor of imperial/republic faction and maybe put the guild or name of person with highest score as hero of the battle underneath the imperial logo. Sounds pretty big and this style probably suits best in teams bigger than 8
  11. PVP:

    Really? You guys are looking under the wrong hood. WE ARE FINE in DPS (arsenal). WE need better DEFENSIVE abilites. Dont touch things that are not broken. I really thought we were getting better evasive/defensive abilities. We do good dps in pvp but our heavy armor is useless and even popping shield and Kolto Overload does not help to survive the endless stuns, mauls, smash, and lightning. Seems I just wasted my time even waiting.



    We are fine how we are.

  12. I agree, I rather queue as pyro but arsenal atm is more versatile.

    Every time I get queued on my merc usually I get spammed with

    "dont queue." "You're a baddie" "i'll pay you 1mil to stop queueing" "omg we lost"

    that is really brings morale down, but I dont want to give up on my merc, and it is not because I suck I know my rotations on both arsenal and pyro, but everytime I queue the other team gets the grand idea to focus target the merc. and with the awesome cooldowns we have is practically useless and pvpers cut through it easy.


    I say we need and escape I mean we do have jet packs, and operatives do inhuman rolls. I mean I am sure Bh's can use jetpacks thier to escpae breifly.


    Either way we only have hydraulics which isnt very effective against ranged or stuns, and determination which has a 2 min cooldown once we lose those two we pop shield and kolto overload because come one I mean shield can only do so much without kolto keeping you alive at bear minimum. Other than that we are sitting ducks, in which every class has a stun, leap, roots, and pull, and our only hope is hydraulics which can only be used once or twice if team hasn't lost yet and if you are still alive...

  13. I agree,

    Bioware should make GS legacy bound to toons according to faction.

    Like if I have 3 imp toons they all share the same hangar and I have 2 rep toon they share the same hangar.

    I totally agree with this post and main reason people dont want to do GS is because they get on another toon with an undergeared Hangar it really demotivates reason to play GS.


    I mean who wants to get a new Hangar and start all over again, when your other toon has already unlocked a certain ships features only to do it again for the new toon.


    Please make it legacy bind according to faction Bioware. :csw_fett:

  14. LOL! You know Pyro is the best for PVE atm right?


    I currently parse about 400 dps higher as pyro and i was mainspec Arsenal until very recently, Trust me, do yourself a favour, get the ship dummy, get the Armour Debuff and the 1 mill HP module and spec pyro, just spend a few hours getting used to the "Rotation" and heat management and you will never look back.


    Arsenal is the lazy stoner spec; you can still get good numbers, but pyro is on top by FAR.


    Aim Augments

    Stack crit to 240-270 rating

    Alacrity should only be on 2% from skill tree, no more

    Power all the way after that


    i have a range of 69-78 gear so FAR from BiS and i parse on average 3.1k dps that about 5:20 min for a 1mill TTK


    Hope this helps, pyro takes some getting used to, but its far superior and much more mobile.


    Can I have the rotation and what your stat are?

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