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Posts posted by Tajiloh

  1. Long time lurker here...


    Let me just say how great it is to FINALLY have a response. I've been waiting in limbo for the longest time trying to decide if I should level my would-be main character (who would be gay) or work on another character until SGRA's are introduced. Now I can at least play and enjoy the game knowing for certain that they won't be coming for a while. At least not in the form that I desire.


    That said, I'm still a little ticked off that they decided to wait until the year was over to inform us about this. Would it have really been so hard to say last year, "Hey, remember how we said SGRA's were coming this year? Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we're going to finish this content before that deadline." Overall, while I am happy that we do have an answer, this has to be an example of how NOT to communicate with your community. I sincerely hope that Bioware will learn from this and not make the same mistakes again. And not just with same-gendered romance but with any issue. Communication is key!

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