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Posts posted by Katikai

  1. PVP Healing...


    The top issues I face are

    - lag nullifying my force speed

    - too many interrupts and stuns block me from healing at all


    The force speed issue is just unfortunate, I'm sure most US players have no probs there, I however am in NZ and I do. Would love to ask for an extra second speed added, but for those who don't have latency it might be too awesome.


    I think perhaps an improvement to Mental Alacrity would be beneficial. Being so cast reliant it guts me to get knocked back or stunned just as I get to the end of a life saving heal. Perhaps if Mental Alacrity made us immune to stuns and knock backs as well as just interrupts - just long enough for one big heal (allowing for lag!) it would make up for the lack of mobility.


    If you wanted to head in the direction of instant heals, how about changing Conveyance to trigger an instant (but perhaps expensive) Benevolence - I don't use Benevolence in PvP currently. Or let us consume the 3 charges of Resplendence for an instant Deliverance if we so choose instead of locking it down to only Salvation.

  2. My RWZ queue is failing to pop every night - and if it does finally pop (usually once a night) I am matched with players from page 1 of the leaderboards. I am waaaaaay back on page 37.


    I can only play during AUS primetime, is there a special hour where the pops are numerous?


    Please no "learn to play" or "spec dps then noob". Just wanna know how the rest of you get games?

  3. If you buy a knife and use it to stab someone, can the store be blamed?


    As for the hacking, I think a great deal can be attributed to lag. I see a lot of queer stuff happening every week but generally if you try hard enough you can figure out how to blame lag.

  4. On a slow night try picking up a PUG or PvPers who aren't as good as you and teach them something, even for just 20 min. If more top guilds did things like that everyone would benefit.


    THIS ^^^ would be brilliant.

    Excluding this past week, we (Phoenix) have put together a group most nights, and apart from maybe 3 occasions, it is just us VS So'Low/Zharina etc. And even with your crazy combos you still own us. Once you took our Scoundrel Hoarus with you and he gave us feedback we realized the big difference between how our teams play (and why you own us). So more opportunities like that, to mix groups and learn would be wicked.


    Balanced ranked would also be cool cause we could play toons we otherwise wouldn't cause they aren't as strong (I love my Sage Healer but feel guilty taking her into Arena). We used to organize 16men for 8v8 Balanced, so why not organize 8 men (or 16, whoooooo) now? Everyone /cjoin harbingerranked and shout out when you wanna play. A few of us use it already, a couple more and we'll be set.

  5. meh, it's just funny to me that we're the only guild that sits in the queue anymore. all the others get confirmation from other teams......... I miss just queueing ranked and getting pops, even if it was against vege or tauntauns.


    We are just used to needing organisation I guess, coming from APAC servers. There was never really an option to just sit in the queue and see what happens. If you did you'd be there for 3 days waiting.

  6. You can /cjoin harbingerranked in game (we have it set up on Republic side, not sure if anyone uses it Empire) and use it to find other teams or extras to top up your own team. We originally set it up to organise the upcoming player-driven (and now cancelled) Harbinger Ranked PvP League. It's a good way to find 16 men and create balanced ranked games. Nom nom nom comms.
  7. Why not give us a choice? Merge our 3 local servers, and anyone who doesn't like that idea can free transfer to NA. You went to all the hassle of setting it up for us, why piss us all off and take it away again?! I'd rather wait 20 minutes for a WZ pop and actually be able to COMPETE.
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